Has anyone experienced any shell cracking on these? It seems to be more common across the Internet than what I'm comfortable with.
Has anyone experienced any shell cracking on these? It seems to be more common across the Internet than what I'm comfortable with.
Not sure if this helps anyone but I just measured the shell weights on the Nordica Unlimited 130 LT and Tecnica Cochise 130 DYN, both in 26.5
Tecnica 1403g (Consistent with Blister's review)
Nordica 1290g
had a 1-2 break, but not many really.
and nordica replaced then ASAP, including a pair that where used for patrol for 150+ days.
This input of yours was very helpful since I've both a Pro and a Speed machine 130 and looking at the LT. How would you say the flex compared to the Speed and Pro is? IMHO there's a noticeable difference between the two where my feeling has always been that Speed has a tad softer flex than the pro. I also always had the feeling that I've a more upright position in the Pro even though the specs says that the Pro has 1 degree more forward lean than the Speed. But that might come from that the flex of the Speed actually is softer than the Pro?
I sell all 3, but have not skied any of them, so not sure on the intimate details. Odds are pro felt stiffer due to stiff/better liner?
Yes that could very well be so but I've also the feeling that the shell plastic isn't 100% same. I maninly use Speedmachine when it's really cold cause the shell/liner is a bit roomier so I use a beefier sock and then it's fine but in spring-like conditions then it's really a noticeable difference in stiffness/flex I reckon.
Anyway this thread is about the Unlimited so trying to get a feeling of the estimated LT stiffness/flex. I could live with if the LT is close to or similar to any of the two alpine versions but not if it is experienced as a lot softer than the Speedmachine. Allthough since it's a top of the line AT boot I would expect there's not much difference over a change in temperarure like the Speedmachine. Any of your customers who ski any of the three in combination? Any feedback re. the flex/stiffness in comparasion?