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Thread: Fucked up shoulder

  1. #251
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    14 weeks out. Saw my surgeon Tuesday and my progress has greatly exceeded his expectations given the magnitude of damage I had ("It was like a bomb went off in there"). He said he'd cut most people loose for unrestricted activity at this point, but knowing how I roll and how much damage I had he'd prefer I keep it dialed back a bit until around New Year's. Got cleared to ride the road bike now, and ski by mid-Dec if I keep it on the ground.

    No dips or benching until January, wanted pushups to be limited, well controlled, and elbows tight. No restrictions on pulling as long as the progression is deliberate. Been doing full weigh static hangs and may have done two pullups yesterday.

  2. #252
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    New shoulder installed today. Everything seems to have gone smoothly. New type of nerve block is more advanced, I have had limited use of hand and fingers, so that’s cool.
    I will update my recovery as I go…
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  3. #253
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by rideit View Post
    New shoulder installed today. Everything seems to have gone smoothly. New type of nerve block is more advanced, I have had limited use of hand and fingers, so that’s cool.
    I will update my recovery as I go…
    Replacement? What kind?

    My 72 hour nerve block wore off at 24 hours, and then came back everytime i did my pendulum swings for the next week. Weird.

  4. #254
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    Standard (not reverse).
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  5. #255
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    SLC, Utah
    Oh man. Caught an edge today on some icy bumps and I think I subluxed my left shoulder, which I previously repaired after a blown labrum. I was able to get the humerus back in the socket with no issues, but now (a few hours post injury) I have some pretty severe weakness. Got my shoulder looked at in the clinic and it sounds like I didn't tear my rotator cuff or any of the big ones, I'm just worried about the weakness. Is that normal or is it an indication of more serious damage?

    Plan right now is to take things easy for a few days and then start looking at PT exercises, mostly just looking for reassurance that weakness is normal after a subluxation.

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  6. #256
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Montrose, CO
    Sorry Tgapp, that sucks!

    Weakness has been normal for me after a subluxation or dislocation. It typically resolves in <one week. But I've never had an MRI so who knows what is going on with my shoulder at this point haha. I've actually been dealing with some weird occasional soreness after a nasty MTB fall a few months ago, I might have to resolve to finally having it looked at in 2025.

  7. #257
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Weakness seems pretty normal, at least acutely. Tingling or loss of sensation would make me concerned, or if the weakness persists.

    So it stayed out and you had to reduce it?

  8. #258
    Join Date
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    SLC, Utah
    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    Weakness seems pretty normal, at least acutely. Tingling or loss of sensation would make me concerned, or if the weakness persists.

    So it stayed out and you had to reduce it?
    I can't tell, I might have had to help it get back in or it could have done so itself.

    Acute = a week or more in this case, right? It sounds like even for a minor subluxation, weeks+ is the norm

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  9. #259
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tgapp View Post
    I can't tell, I might have had to help it get back in or it could have done so itself.

    Acute = a week or more in this case, right? It sounds like even for a minor subluxation, weeks+ is the norm

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
    I never had weakness from subluxations. MY shoulder would get varying levels of sore and stiff that would last days or weeks. The only weakness would be kind where a movement would be so instantly painful your body collapses the joint to protect it. N=1... every injury and reaction to the injury is a little different.

    My $0.02: Give it a couple weeks for symptoms to improve or resolve. If little or no improvement by end of week 2 AND your symptoms are bad enough that it prevents you from doing activities its probably time to see an ortho to have it looked at. In the meantime keep the shoulder mobile with pendulum swings, passive ROM then active ROM stuff as tolerated. Reassess in 2 weeks whether you think you need to go into an ortho and get it scanned.

  10. #260
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by tgapp View Post
    I can't tell, I might have had to help it get back in or it could have done so itself.

    Acute = a week or more in this case, right? It sounds like even for a minor subluxation, weeks+ is the norm

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
    Definitely sounds like a bad sublux trending towards a dislocation.

    Quote Originally Posted by californiagrown View Post
    The only weakness would be kind where a movement would be so instantly painful your body collapses the joint to protect it. N=1... every injury and reaction to the injury is a little different.
    This is what I was getting at. Agreed with your rx.

  11. #261
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    Hey kids, I get my staples out tomorrow from my TSR.
    Fucking amazing so far, damn, we should have done this three years ago.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2631.jpg 
Views:	64 
Size:	555.4 KB 
ID:	507656

    To convey how awesome the shoulder replacement is so far, get this. I had the shoulder done on the 6th. I also had a sinus surgery 6 days later (do not recommend) I had to put on the dumb surgical gown on the 12th. Without giving it a moment’s thought, I tied the knot on the gown behind my back, perfectly. It took me a second to realize how ridiculous that was. My shoulder doc happened to be right there, coincidentally, it was pretty impressive.
    No pain, no strain.
    I can basically do everything I was scared of not being able to do. Cook, slice, play guitar, wipe ass, fap. I even went out and tried out using the electric leaf blower on the low-density snow to clear the deck.
    Do recommend.
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  12. #262
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    That’s some amazing news, stoked for you bigtime. I can tell you are too.

  13. #263
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    That's incredible rideit. I would have thought that would be a WAY longer and more tedious recovery. May it continue!

  14. #264
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I am 10 weeks out now. I am about 90% functional with everyday life, but still easy to overdo it with too much and end up with a throbbing sore shoulder at the end of the day like yesterday where i raked leaves, built up my toddlers first real bike, did my 45mins of PT, picked up dogshit, washed and put away dishes, etc, etc.

    I am still quite a bit ahead of where i should be at this point, but im at the stage where progress is slow and painful and not always linear. Its amazing how much smoother and better the PT exercises feel at the PT's office compared to how painful and grindy/pinchy they feel in my coldass garage at 530am despite doing everything i can to keep my body temp up by supersetting assault bike intervals with abs and PT exercises.

    Wrapped up my last peptide injections earlier this week, and will just continue on with MK667 for the next couple months. I think i did a lot of things right, but the 1 BIG thing i struggled with, and still struggle with is getting good sleep. I wake up sore multiple times per night still, apparently groan in pain alot during the night (per the wife), and apparently sleeping on my back (compared sleeping my whole life on my stomach) puts pressure on my bladder so ive been having to pee in the middle of the night every night for the first time in my life. I had a handful of leftover 5mg vicodin and would take 1 on nights i was particularly sore, and it was noticeable how much better i slept (both in how i felt, as well as looking back at my fitbit's sleep log)... I have dialed in my sleep hygeine as much as possible but its still not good (hot shower, no screens 1hr before bed, warm sleepytime tea, ZMA, consistent sleep schedule, etc).

    Every time i go back into the PT, he is always much happier with my progress than i am, which is a nice boost. But slow, painful, 1.5 steps forward/1 step back type of progress is rough. Just gotta trust the process and keep working at it head down.

  15. #265
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    Sep 2008
    Grade II/III AC separation two nights ago playing soccer. I’m supposed to be going to Telluride next week. F$&@!

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  16. #266
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    SF & the Ho
    You don’t need a shoulder to ski

  17. #267
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Yep, just don't fall down.

  18. #268
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mcski;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
    [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji637][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]][emoji637][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]]]You don’t need a shoulder to ski
    True, but I need to be able to get there. Not sure I could get through the airport with all my shit right now. I have a week for things to improve, though.

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  19. #269
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by californiagrown View Post
    I am 10 weeks out now. I am about 90% functional with everyday life, but still easy to overdo it with too much and end up with a throbbing sore shoulder at the end of the day like yesterday where i raked leaves, built up my toddlers first real bike, did my 45mins of PT, picked up dogshit, washed and put away dishes, etc, etc. I am still quite a bit ahead of where i should be at this point, but im at the stage where progress is slow and painful and not always linear. Its amazing how much smoother and better the PT exercises feel at the PT&#39;s office compared to how painful and grindy/pinchy they feel in my coldass garage at 530am despite doing everything i can to keep my body temp up by supersetting assault bike intervals with abs and PT exercises. Wrapped up my last peptide injections earlier this week, and will just continue on with MK667 for the next couple months. I think i did a lot of things right, but the 1 BIG thing i struggled with, and still struggle with is getting good sleep. I wake up sore multiple times per night still, apparently groan in pain alot during the night (per the wife), and apparently sleeping on my back (compared sleeping my whole life on my stomach) puts pressure on my bladder so ive been having to pee in the middle of the night every night for the first time in my life. I had a handful of leftover 5mg vicodin and would take 1 on nights i was particularly sore, and it was noticeable how much better i slept (both in how i felt, as well as looking back at my fitbit&#39;s sleep log)... I have dialed in my sleep hygeine as much as possible but its still not good (hot shower, no screens 1hr before bed, warm sleepytime tea, ZMA, consistent sleep schedule, etc). Every time i go back into the PT, he is always much happier with my progress than i am, which is a nice boost. But slow, painful, 1.5 steps forward/1 step back type of progress is rough. Just gotta trust the process and keep working at it head down.
    Was cleared last week to start training exercises beyond just the little small muscles so i went out for my first ski day on Saturday and it went better than expected. Conditions were stormy, 6&quot; of new lighter density (for the PNW) overtop frozen bumps...First lap was the right side entrance to international which involved a little 3&#39; pop over rocks for the entrance (so right into the deepend lol). Shoulder felt super solid- never felt it even when jarring around from piles of soft to rock hard mogul faces, chuckled to myself a few times in the moment when i got bucked backseat in a turn and instinctively threw my arm up and over to get back over the front and had no ill effects. Only time i felt it was when i managed to cross my tips on a slowspeed turn above a cliff and instinctively tried to self arrest with the reparied arm... which immediatly barked at me. I skied 6 top-bottom laps full gas and called it. Shoulder is sore from use, but not any more sore than my legs or my back... so im pretty damn happy about the result.
    Still have a ways to go till i can start a throwing program, but am VERY happy where i am at now.

  20. #270
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    time to roll the windows down

  21. #271
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Anyone dealt with bicep tendonosis post surgery or otherwise that wouldn’t go away and how they dealt with it?

  22. #272
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Squaw valley
    For any linge of tendonitis, wave shock therapy is best. Totally cured in 5 weekly sessions

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  23. #273
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    Update: Two months out. ROM is increasing slowly. I am still hampered by a bit of pain with motions above my neck, but that’s expected. I’m back to my workout group, but with lots and lots subs. Building back strength is coming along. I will actually try a little e-fat biking this week. They say the real danger zone is three months, as most pain has subsided, but your strength is a fraction of what it should be.
    I’ll keep you guys updated. I will not try snowboarding, just due to the fall factor, and dealing with just getting up on that side. You use your leading arm a shit ton to maintain balance, I’m not gonna risk it!
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

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