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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky

    Any Shoulder Surgeons In The House?

    So, had an MRI done this morning. Long story short, I had an extensive shoulder surgery done 12/02/2021, but it never, ever felt like it got better. My suspicions were correct, still a bunch of damage, either new, or just never healed, or a botched surgery, I’ll never know.
    Thought from those who stayed at a holiday Inn Express last night?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9A03805B-2F64-4E5A-A0C8-AF5BBCA59372.png 
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ID:	451878

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	675C1908-E034-4B48-AF78-E1F156C0B47F.png 
Views:	111 
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ID:	451879

    Schedule an amputation?
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rideit View Post

    Schedule an amputation?
    Go for the fusion first? How does all that damage stack up with your first go round? I'm certainly not a doctor but I'm kind of baffled how you could have that damage post surgery. Good luck dude.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Verdi NV
    Interesting My MRI for my left shoulder is Next Sunday at the VA
    My doc suggested I'm going to end up in surgery.
    Own your fail. ~Jer~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I’d need to know more about the original surgery before commenting on the current state of your shoulder and what may or may not have worked from the original procedure. Regardless, you shoulder has advanced arthritis now. The rest is all secondary.

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    here and there
    You do not need any arms or legs to ski.

    Package deal?
    watch out for snakes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SB View Post
    You do not need any arms or legs to ski.

    Package deal?
    Yea but when you’re arms are swinging around and bouncing up and down. It hurts like a bitch
    Too Old To Die Young (TOTDY)
    Expect nothing, don’t be disappointed.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    here and there
    You dun ripped yor arms out ridin that buffalo.
    watch out for snakes

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    That is remarkably similar to the report on my shoulder MRI. Substitute in only a partial bicepts tendon tear and add in some more labral tearing and nailed it.

    I got told by two different unrelated orthos that they wouldnt reccomend further surgery as fixing the soft tissue (biceps tendon, labrum, etc) would tighten the shoulder joint up making it more stable, but also worsening the already advanced arthritis situation which was the REAL problem. FWIW over the past 4 months i have seen good (not great) results from light weight high rep weighlifting with the goal being to keep the joint moving through its full ROM and keeping all supporting musculature strong and firing.

    I played baseball and football (QB) and plan to have my 18month old play throwing sports as well. The plan is to switch to lefty throwing and learn to throw at the same speed he learns. My left shoulder and elbow have zero miles on them, so they should be good to go for quite a while. When i had a 6month shoulder surgery recovery a few years back i did learn to throw a 30yard spiral lefty, so im pretty confident ill be throwing fine with a few years of practice and strengthening. the bigger problem is i have to cut way back on MTB and my shoulder gets real sore after a long day of skiing from all the jarring and arm flailing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    Leaving the house in 10 minutes for Rotator Cuff surgery. Here goes nothing.
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    beaverhead county
    God speed, bunion.

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
    swing your fucking sword.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rideit View Post
    So, had an MRI done this morning. Long story short, I had an extensive shoulder surgery done 12/02/2021, but it never, ever felt like it got better. My suspicions were correct, still a bunch of damage, either new, or just never healed, or a botched surgery, I’ll never know.
    Thought from those who stayed at a holiday Inn Express last night?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	9A03805B-2F64-4E5A-A0C8-AF5BBCA59372.png 
Views:	122 
Size:	274.4 KB 
ID:	451878

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	675C1908-E034-4B48-AF78-E1F156C0B47F.png 
Views:	111 
Size:	352.1 KB 
ID:	451879

    Schedule an amputation?
    What was your original surgery? Those findings aren’t terrible for an active person that’s used their shoulders a lot. Doesn’t sound like you’re ready for a total shoulder replacement. Posterior labral repair is tricky. Long head of the biceps is no big deal if you’ve still got your strength, it often heals to other tissue after it ruptures and retracts. The chondromalacia and arthritic changes to the GH and AC joint don’t sound that bad.

    I’m not a orthopedic surgeon but I’ve assisted on thousands of total shoulder and shoulder reconstruction surgeries over the past 35 years. The shoulder is a complex joint and I would avoid surgery unless you can’t gain function with PT. I’ve got a similarly(worse) right shoulder that I will avoid surgery if I can. Strengthen those rotator cuff muscles

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    Just home from post op. Ortho said no surprises found but a big tear was confirmed. Recliner time in the future.
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I'm a righty and had surgery on that shoulder for a torn Super Spinnatus and Labrum.
    It took almost a year before I could lift anything remotely heavy above my head and longer than that before I could throw a ball around and had to play 1B & C for another year on my softball team because I didn't have enough arm to play the OF. And I used to have a hell of an arm!
    What finally got me back to as close to full strength as I'll ever get was ArpWave Therapy.
    I rented one of their units for a couple months and had Skype calls a couple times a week where I was instructed & supervised to make sure I was doing the exercises correctly.
    I got the unit for my hip & back issues and it definitely helped with those, but what it did for my shoulder was amazing!
    "The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    What a rotten night of little sleep even with narcotics. The reviews were right, rotator cuff post op sucks.
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    northern BC
    IME shoulder injuries are a 2 year recovery
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ice machine, weed for pain, narcotics for sleep, and all the digital entertainment (along with chargers) available within your good arm's reach are essential.

    If you have someone with you, have them help you to/from the bathroom as the headrushes from the current drugs, leftover general anasthesia and the fact you havent moved from the recliner in hours can hit you hard and the LAST thing you want to do is faint or fall down in your condition.

    Shoulder surgery sucks. settle in.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by powpig View Post
    What finally got me back to as close to full strength as I'll ever get was ArpWave Therapy.
    So, it's a TENS unit?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    So, it's a TENS unit?
    TENS are mellow, the ArpWave is heavy duty and intense, definitely not for the faint of heart.
    "The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2022
    Reno, NV
    Quote Originally Posted by MTT View Post
    Interesting My MRI for my left shoulder is Next Sunday at the VA
    My doc suggested I'm going to end up in surgery.

    Who is the Ortho you are seeing at the VA?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunion 2020 View Post
    What a rotten night of little sleep even with narcotics. The reviews were right, rotator cuff post op sucks.
    How you doing Bunion?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Where the sheets have no stains
    14 days post op. Sutchures were removed yesterday and I took a shower and then changed into a clean t-shirt. Amazing.

    5th day of PT this morning, 2x per week, the 2 PTs are good and gentle. Sleeping at night now with the aid of muscle relaxants and a bit of tincture. The road ahead looks a lot better.

    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    This is encouraging.
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    That’s great to hear you’re over the initial hump and getting more comfortable finally.

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