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Thread: Binding remount needed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Binding remount needed?

    Bought some new boots (26.5) that are a bit longer than the ones used to mount my bindings (25.5). I had to move the binding all the way to the back of the heel track (literally - can't move it a single click further) to be able to pop the boot into the binding. Will I be fine or do I need to remount the binding?

    Marker Kingpin and Marker Griffin bindings


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hell Track
    Search for instructions on setting forward pressure for your bindings. Go from there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Where the climate suits my clothes.
    With the boot in the binding you want the adjustment screw to be flush with the housing for forward pressure to be correct. If it's sunken in or protruding you're probably going to die.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    northern BC
    " In the photo above you can see the screw is flush with the black binding housing while the boot is clicked in, indicating that the foward pressure is set properly. If it's too loose, meaning the heel piece is too far back that screw will be sticking out as seen in the image below indicating that the forward pressure is too low. "

    pretty much all ski bindings do something along these lines ^^ with the screw flush with the binding frame or line up with some hash marks or somefucking thing

    not sure about the Kingpin but you will probably die anyway when the blow up in normal use
    Last edited by XXX-er; 02-23-2023 at 03:15 PM.
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Somewhere else
    I personally would not ski a binding where I can't set the forward pressure to within spec.

    This actually came up for me just last night... I can't fit my 295bsl boots on an existing mount unless I set the forward pressure too low. So I'm electing to ski these skis with my old boots that are 300mm and I get proper forward pressure.

    Sent from my SM-A536W using Tapatalk
    Goal: ski in the 2018/19 season

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