They compared the 186 114, so you’re probably right. I really like the idea of a looser Rustler 11, so I went with the 186.
SVS - you’re on the 192’s, right?
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In constant pursuit of the perfect slarve...
Thanks for the feedback guys. The backops has always intrigued me, I liked the og bibby when I had it and am considering a heavier wide ski that isn’t too demanding. I’m hearing that the optic 114 isn’t that ski?
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Got the 104s mounted. Should get out on them a few times before the lifts close. They feel heavy for a 104. Looking forward to getting on these and will report back.
Mounted on rec (-6.8cm). Pics of tip/tail splay below:
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Last edited by kc_7777; 12-20-2023 at 09:19 AM.
I love big dumps.
In constant pursuit of the perfect slarve...
Current quiver……8 of 10 are on the line….and the other 2 are only at +1cm.
What is going on!
I too like the looks and weight of these Optics.
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Last edited by kc_7777; 04-12-2023 at 08:44 PM.
I love big dumps.
I really want some 104 insights. I have my 184 K108 for days when it's variable and 192 MFree for the uber soft and deep days when I'll be off trail 90% of the time. But I need something a little more easygoing then those two that doesn't completely fall apart. The 186 Unleashed I picked up this winter is close, but I would prefer a looser ski with some backbone. My use case is skiing off trail with my 15-yo who's getting into freeriding but he's not a hard charger. My Enforcer 104 feels a bit too on piste oriented and not really loose despite the ample tail rocker.
I know...first world gear geek problems...
In constant pursuit of the perfect slarve...
I’ll compare to E104 and UL108 this weekend for ya.
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I love big dumps.
I’ve come very close to buying 183 cm Hotshots many times…..
Just got to Whistler. Having a few frosty IPAs to get me ready to test the Optic 104s tomorrow…..
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I love big dumps.
Mini review of the 2023 Line Blade Optic 104 after 1 day. Will add more later after a few more days.
Me: 5’7” (170 cm), 170 lbs, ski Whistler and Pow Highway 50+ days a year.
Conditions: mixed bag at Whistler. Some new snow from a few days ago, packed pow, sketchy visibility, ice and soft slush. Spent the day lapping Harmony and Red Chair. Peak was a white out.
Mount: I’m right on the Optic’s rec (-6.8cm). The rec mount feels like it’s on the perfect spot on this ski. Far enough back to fly over stuff. But it’s not -11cm. It’s f’ing perfect.
Length: the 178cm Optic measures exact same when side by side with a 179cm Nordica Enforcer 104 Free. It’s a 179cm.
My take…after 1 day.
It’s like Line went and made a ski just for me. It’s got pretty significant tip and tail rocker, so it skis easy in tight spots and in bumps. But it’s damp feeling and very solid at speed. Motors over and through soft chop/crud. And it holds an decent edge when you lay it over and carve on groomers. But you can also slarve the tails, which is so useful. Floated me fine in 6” of fresh.
Note the Optic 104 weight feels pretty similar to the Enforcer 104. Feels solid on your feet. The gas pedal metal construction is very damp. With the Optic you get good edge grip when on groomers but with a pretty loose ride off trail and in softer snow. I didn’t really find anything that the Optic 104 does not do…and I think it’s a better overall ski than the both the E104 and the UL108. The Optic is looser (better) in the tails than the UL108.
Not sure what more to say here other than it is a very very useful ski. Capable. Fun. Forgiving. Burly. Comfortable and easy from the first turn. Never once did it feel out of place whatever the snow conditions, whatever the terrain or your speed (does well at slow speeds and at mach speeds).
Some rocker pics of the Optic 104:
Here is a family Optic pic…a bonus is that the 104 graphic is different but is close enough to the 114 graphic that my skier wife didn’t even realize I was on new skis today.
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Last edited by kc_7777; 04-15-2023 at 09:51 PM.
I love big dumps.
Tricking the wife is a super bonus. I was really hoping my skis from Corbetts would show up when the lady is at work. But looks like it’ll be the opposite. Show up when I’m at work and she’s at home. Your review sounds positive.
Some great info there, KC! I especially appreciate the comparisons to the UL108 and E104.
I only skied my E104’s once this season and opted for the less damp but more agile UL108 for those in between storm cycles but not relegated to the groomers days. Something that is a tad more damp than the UL108 with better suspension and a looser tail (when needed) is what I’m honing in on. Sounds like the Blade Optic 104 is getting really close.
Now to figure out length. My UL108 is a 186 and feels perfect. My E104 is a 191. I like the larger radius you get on that ski when moving from the 186 to 191, but it’s not as fun/easy off trail.
I’m thinking the 185 Optic 104 should be plenty but I’m 200-lbs and I don’t want to over power it. Maybe I just drop 10-15-lbs this summer like my wife nags name about and I solve the problem! [emoji6]
Thanks again for the mini-review.
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Last edited by Bandit Man; 04-16-2023 at 01:36 PM.
In constant pursuit of the perfect slarve...
Sleeper April pow day at Whistler yesterday!
The Optic 104s slashed and carved the pow so well that I didn’t ski down to my truck for my Hojis. That’s saying something.
Bonus was how well they skied the slushy mank down to Creekside at the end of the day.
Very very happy with the 104s. Like a funner Enforcer 104.
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Last edited by kc_7777; 11-23-2023 at 11:05 PM.
I love big dumps.
The 178cm Optic measures just a tad longer than a 179cm E104.
I was -6.30 (+2.5cm) cm on the 179 E104 and was -6.0cm on the 180 Unleashed 108.
The “179” Optic (at its rec of -6.8cm) feels/skis a bit longer than my 179cm E104 and feels a bit shorter than the 180 UL108. I think the Optic tail shape is perfect. The tail rocker works, as the tails release when you want them too...…whereas the tails of the 180cm Unleashed could be a bit more loose IMO?
I’d go 185cm Optic 104. Blister says the 185 straight pulls at 184.4. It’ll measure/feel like a 186cm I bet.
This ski is so good in tight sketch. So you don’t want to over length. I haven’t once felt mine are too short.
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Last edited by kc_7777; 11-23-2023 at 11:09 PM.
I love big dumps.
Man this ski sounds so good, i would love to try it!
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Pretty much by accident I bought Blade Optic 96 in 184. Very responsive in the morning refrozen groomers and tons of fun once things warm up. Great carver but I could fairly easily overpower those short soft tips, they don't like to be stepped on. Great in bumps and generally I hate bumps. Very balanced in the air. I see them as the perfect dad's pair when skiing with kids and family. They reward active style with small to medium turns. It definitely got my interest that I'll be ordering 104 in 190.
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Keep hearing about softer tips and tails ,stiffer underfoot w these skis. For those of us 200lbs ish, would the tips be overpowered or is there enough heft to make this work. Not looking for a firm crud charger , but could the tips here hold up at speed for bigger people?
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Haven't personally tried 104 or 114, but based on Blisters comparison and some feedback here, Blade Optic adds stiffness as the waist width and length increase. So out of 3 metal laminated, 96 in short length will be the softest where 114 in 192cm will be the heaviest and stiffest .
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The 190s I ordered arrive tomorrow. I did go to evo slc and flexed a pair they had there. They didn’t feel soft to me at all, had a very nice round flex. Sometimes I really disagree with blister on their flex ratings. I also have some mindbender 108ti, that blister says have a very soft tip. I don’t find them to be very soft at all but rather a bit stiffer than middle of the road. Only thing I’m worried about with the optic is will it be damp enough. People say the mindbender is damp and I couldn’t disagree more and I’m pretty sure they’re made in the same factory. I plan to mount them tomorrow night and ski them Thursday, as long as my golf game after skiing tomorrow doesn’t devolve into a boys night of drinking. Based on hand flexing and eye balling I have very high expectations for these skis. The flex of the 114s seemed very similar and I’d be interested in those if I didn’t have 10 pairs of pow skis. The shape of both seem really nice smooth lines and nothing too abrupt.
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