Never good when you receive a box containing used bindings and see openings in the box from brake arms punching through, tape torn, etc., and wonder where the screws fell out along the way...
Never good when you receive a box containing used bindings and see openings in the box from brake arms punching through, tape torn, etc., and wonder where the screws fell out along the way...
And tape the bag to the bindings. Had an entire bag fall out on a purchase where the package was Swiss cheese.
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"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story." Warren M
Where do these screws end up?
Have they reunited with my lost socks?
I’ve been on the receiving end. It sucks to search for a binding screw. Ace hardware doesn’t have any.
I do wish manufactures would make it easier to get said missing binding screw replacements.
a positive attitude will not solve all of your problems, but it may annoy enough people to make it worth the effort
Formerly Rludes025
Yep, that stinks. It’s taken me a bit of guesswork to figure out which screws to order, but in the past has been able to talk through it with me.
Bag the screws, do not leave them in the bindings. Stuff the box with paper separating the binding so they don’t slop around. Easy stuff, people. Lazy people shouldn’t ship things.
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If someone can't figure out which screw goes in which hole, they probably shouldn't be mounting their own skis.
^ Zactly. Plus never had an issue with the screws coming out super easily from any binder. Rather just bag them, tape to binding. That way even when they do fall out on their own, they will, they don’t get lost in the packing material and tossed away. God I hate pealing tape off all the screws in each binding.
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I’ve taped the bag of screws to the side of the box, and I also remove the brakes from the bindings when shipping so there’s no weight behind the brake arms to ounch holes
I used to put them in a bag but lately put them in the bindings and bag each binding piece in its own bag in case a screw work’s it’s way out.
Since this is a psa I’ll add for those who got bindings shipped with missing screws, almost every ski shop/rental place/wherever they actually work on skis has a box/bucket/tin of old screws and I’ve never been charged a cent for a couple screws.
ETA - this hold true also for boot-buckle bails and brakes. You may not find multiples that color match but likely you’ll make it work. Don’t go to the cashier, head straight to the shop guys.
This right here. You won't find a matching set of 8 if they're all gone, but you can almost always find one or two. Make sure to tip the guys who found them for you.
Binding boxes aren't meant to be shipping boxes anyway. Nothing with one layer of thin cardboard is a shipping box: it's a storage box for stacking on a shelf and keeping the dust off. Put it inside another box. And spend the extra cents to get the 3M brand packing tape that actually sticks to boxes, instead of the cheap kinds that fall off, you cheapskate![]()
Sure, the person that mounts them should be able to figure out what screws go where, but wrapping with blue tape works well enough. I usually bag/ziplock them, but the tape works well for some situations.
But don't freeking just slap them in the binding, and use a crappy box without padding etc. I too have gotten bindings with missing screws, or just screws floating around in the box. Bad bad bad.