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Thread: Go-to fly patterns for trout?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by I've seen black diamonds! View Post
    That's a turkey biot, not a quill, but they pose similar challenges and have a similar solution:

    Soak them in water before you tie them in. Quills and biots you get at a fly shop are dried out and brittle, especially if they're dyed. If you soak them for a bit they become more flexible and crack less (they still crack. It also helps to put super glue on your thread base before you wrap them.

    Here is a split wing quill body:
    Attachment 488942

    I also use Canada goose biots from feathers I find around. These aren't nearly as brittle, but they don't have the same dark edge as a turkey biot and they only come in grey.

    This little parachute is hard to tie, but you can see it:
    Attachment 488943
    Thx for the soak tip — that will help me
    And nice tie

  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Picked up a flea market half saddle
    Is 24hrs in the freezer enough to kill off any possible hidden critters?

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Big Sky/Moonlight Basin
    Quote Originally Posted by ::: ::: View Post
    Picked up a flea market half saddle
    Is 24hrs in the freezer enough to kill off any possible hidden critters?
    Google says it takes 4 days in a freezer to kill bedbugs.

    Sent from my island using TGR Forums
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