If I may be so bold, I think it's time for a new winter season thread. Please allow me to elaborate a little more.
The drive to the mountain. She was shrouded in mystery. Not wanting to give away all her secrets.
The obligatory parking lot photo.
Coverage was, shall we say, a bit thin in places. A bit of PTEX will be required after this excursion. But it's late October and the first snow of the season.
My faithful companion for the journey, Bodie enjoying the up more than me.
Soon the chairs will be spinning, but for now, it's early season cardio.
The obligatory skin track shot. Bonus points for getting the dog in the pic.
Okay, time for the really fun part!
Scrapped a few rocks on the way down, but nothing to bad.
The Cinder Cone has officially had its cherry popped for the 2022/2023 season.
Let the winter fun begin!!!
See you all out there this winter Mags!