I do not know what it is with Blister and Salomon. I remember when Jonathan reacted like Cody said something profound when he made the point that more suspension - aka what elasticity is - gives better grip and traction than less. Like, don't Blister publish bike reviews as well? Is it surprising that something that inhances once ability to stay in controll and maximize downward pressure facilitating grip actually does what it is intended to do?
I was kind of hoping for some actual debate on the pros and cons of different designs across multiple scenarios ( like, a discussion of this
guide that is actually very informative), what binding delta was better in what scenarios and so on, but was left kinda dissapoined in the knowledge that a spring rated and adjusted to say din 10 is a 10 regardless of the range the spring can accomodate (again, duh).
Still, nice that they post free content of what is still a fairly new format / event.
I have nothing to add wrt Strive vs Shift vs STH though.