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Thread: It's Not a Bike Accident When a Car Hits a Rider

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    It's Not a Bike Accident When a Car Hits a Rider

    Get it straight - when a car hits and kills/injures a cyclist, it's a fucking car accident involving a bike, not a bike accident. Cyclists (or bike riders if that's too "lycra" for you) crash plenty on their own - those are bike accidents.


    NFL Coach Greg Knapp killed

    Shaun Bradley paralyzed


    Gwen Inglis killed by DUI driver

    2 Cyclists Killed in Separate Incidents Near San Diego

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hell, most of the time it's not even a car accident when a car crashes, it's "avoidable collision". Avoidable if the driver had their eyes on the road instead of on their phone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Thanks for the clarification.
    "We don't beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully." - Randy Pausch

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I drive a lot on logging roads. My option as the middle dude between a giant oncoming logging truck and a tiny bicycle riding five feet left of the shoulder is.... my own life.

    Vibes to the commuters. and get fucked to all the recreational bikers creating dangerous situations on mountain roads.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Why do asshole road bikers ride on the fog line of the Seward Highway in heavy traffic when there's a goddamn paved TRAAK path 25' off the same edge of the road with signs saying BIKE PATH?

    Why would I see these these same assholes 58 miles north 10 hours later on the side of the same road administering Pedialyte to their infant in the child trailer?

    Because they thought nothing of loading their infant in a bike trailer and bouncing it behind for 230 miles down and back up the fog line of the fucking Seward Highway from Anchorage to Seward while they crushed their little 4th of July bike ride. That's why.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Lone Star View Post
    I drive a lot on logging roads. My option as the middle dude between a giant oncoming logging truck and a tiny bicycle riding five feet left of the shoulder is.... my own life.

    Vibes to the commuters. and get fucked to all the recreational bikers creating dangerous situations on mountain roads.
    Your option is to wait behind the cyclist until you can pass safely after the logging truck passes, because most likely the reason the cyclist is 5 ft left of the shoulder is that there isn't enough room for you to pass him safely if he was on the edge of the road. And that cyclist has just as much right to use the road as you do.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    in a freezer in Italy
    Quote Originally Posted by highangle View Post
    Why do asshole road bikers ride on the fog line of the Seward Highway in heavy traffic when there's a goddamn paved TRAAK path 25' off the same edge of the road with signs saying BIKE PATH?

    Why would I see these these same assholes 58 miles north 10 hours later on the side of the same road administering Pedialyte to their infant in the child trailer?

    Because they thought nothing of loading their infant in a bike trailer and bouncing it behind for 230 miles down and back up the fog line of the fucking Seward Highway from Anchorage to Seward while they crushed their little 4th of July bike ride. That's why.
    Is there a lot of those?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    90% of road bikers near me deserve to get hit. Fuck them and their entitled clueless attitude. Yeh, riding on a mountain pass road with no shoulder during commute time taking up the middle of the lane or 2-3 abreast on blind corners. Go fuck yourself and die.
    Is it radix panax notoginseng? - splat
    This is like hanging yourself but the rope breaks. - DTM
    Dude Listen to mtm. He's a marriage counselor at burning man. - subtle plague

  9. #9
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    Mar 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by old goat View Post
    Your option is to wait behind the cyclist until you can pass safely after the logging truck passes, because most likely the reason the cyclist is 5 ft left of the shoulder is that there isn't enough room for you to pass him safely if he was on the edge of the road. And that cyclist has just as much right to use the road as you do.
    I don't buy this argument. They are also supposed to follow traffic laws but we have all seen these pricks ride between cars stopped at a red light and then ride right through the light if it is clear. These idiot road bikers block traffic and make drivers have to dodge their stupid asses when they swerve across traffic. Either keep up with the flow of traffic or get the fuck off the road.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by old goat View Post
    Your option is to wait behind the cyclist until you can pass safely after the logging truck passes, because most likely the reason the cyclist is 5 ft left of the shoulder is that there isn't enough room for you to pass him safely if he was on the edge of the road. And that cyclist has just as much right to use the road as you do.
    They taught this in driver's ed BITD: separate the hazards. Lot of flunkies behind the wheel, apparently.

    This morning I got to watch an anus with out-of-state plates pull out to pass me as we came down a blind hill somewhere above the speed limit, only to find a car coming up. It almost seemed natural that she gunned that Prius to a full half throttle and only forced the uphill driver down into second gear before getting back over.

    I'll be taking the lane more aggressively from now on. Seeing over the hills before the morons with no projectile at hand is just frustration.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2021
    My only beefs with cyclists is when they do not behave predictably, like, if they are riding on the sidewalk, they need to act like a pedestrian. If riding on the road, act like a vehicle. If switching modes, use caution and yield to vehicles that aren't expecting you to decide to change form.

    Also, super annoying when they dont pull off when they have a tail of 10+ cars and its unsafe to pass.

    The worst "cyclists", though are your crackhead/methhead homeless dudes. They are usually going thr wrong way in the bike lane on a stolen bmx or a huffy "mountain bike".

  12. #12
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    Looking down
    It's not a cyclist when it's a homeless crackhead going the wrong way in the bike lane on a stolen bike.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Benny Profane View Post
    It's not a cyclist when it's a homeless crackhead going the wrong way in the bike lane on a stolen bike.
    WTF is it then?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by cspringsposer View Post
    WTF is it then?
    Bike thief. Duh.

  15. #15
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cspringsposer View Post
    WTF is it then?
    Then it's a homeless crackhead going the wrong way in the bike lane on a stolen mountain bike.

  16. #16
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    Impossible to knowl--I use an iPhone
    What about when you're driving and you get hit by a cyclist? Has happened twice to me (once not a big deal, the other had the cyclist flat out on the pavement behind me after he slammed into the back of my car--I had to stop abruptly because of a car in front of me and the cyclist hadn't been paying attention to what was in front of him, which was my car).

    When I see cyclists on the ground following an incident with a car I tend to assume they were doing some of the crazy shit they do all the time--running lights without even looking for oncoming traffic (they just assume the cars will give way), riding against traffic, weaving between cars and getting ahead of them at traffic lights. It's too bad cyclists are so exposed, but I usually can't go two minutes in the street without seeing at least one (and usually a few) doing something dumb. But it's just accepted that that's how they operate (probably 50% or more are delivery guys and using e-bikes, but they're still on bicycles).

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MakersTeleMark View Post
    90% of road bikers near me deserve to get hit. Fuck them and their entitled clueless attitude. Yeh, riding on a mountain pass road with no shoulder during commute time taking up the middle of the lane or 2-3 abreast on blind corners. Go fuck yourself and die.
    You are a fucking cunt.

  18. #18
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ötzi View Post
    Is there a lot of those?
    Not that many giving their dehydrated kids CTE so they can celebrate their athleticism, but every sunny spell brings a whole new crew of spandex physics deniers wobbling down the fog lines with the diesel pushers and super B-train doubles, too totally into themselves, their tattoos, and their caloric burn rate to ride their road bikes on the fucking paved bike paths.

    Makes a person want a train horn...

  19. #19
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    Impossible to knowl--I use an iPhone
    BTW, think we took a wrong turn on the way to this thread:*king-Cyclists

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jono View Post
    Then it's a homeless crackhead going the wrong way in the bike lane on a stolen mountain bike.
    Fkn Rockhoppers!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    valley of the heart's delight
    Quote Originally Posted by MakersTeleMark View Post
    90% of road bikers near me deserve to get hit. Fuck them and their entitled clueless attitude. Yeh, riding on a mountain pass road with no shoulder during commute time taking up the middle of the lane or 2-3 abreast on blind corners. Go fuck yourself and die.
    There oughta be a jail cell for drivers like this. Parole hearing in 25.
    10/01/2012 Site was upgraded to 300 baud.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Bunch of fucking babies. The people on bikes are…people, and they getting killed because of idiots and assholes like some of you this thread.

    If you get hit carrying your skis in the ski hill parking lot by some idiot turning on their phone, is it a skiing accident?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Magically whisked away to...Delaware
    WHOA WHOA WHOA….are you seriously suggesting I wait…for like 1.5 minutes until the road is clear? I got fucking places to be! Fuck that guy on his bike following the traffic laws….he shouldn’t be there b/c, you know, I’M THERE AND I GOT PLACES TO BE!!!

    PS: lots of places, like Delaware…and the Idaho stop…a cyclist is following the law if they treat a stop sign as a yield and a red light as a stop sign…but again FUCK THAT LAW….I GOT PLACES TO BE!

    Also: any shitbag that would intentionally harm other humans beings (whether pedestrians, bikes, or other modes of transport), deserves as much prison time as humanly possible….they’re people for fuck sakes.

    Sent from my iPad using TGR Forums
    It makes perfect sense...until you think about it.

    I suspect there's logic behind the madness, but I'm too dumb to see it.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by smartyiak View Post
    WHOA WHOA WHOA….are you seriously suggesting I wait…for like 1.5 minutes until the road is clear? I got fucking places to be! Fuck that guy on his bike following the traffic laws….he shouldn’t be there b/c, you know, I’M THERE AND I GOT PLACES TO BE!!!

    PS: lots of places, like Delaware…and the Idaho stop…a cyclist is following the law if they treat a stop sign as a yield and a red light as a stop sign…but again FUCK THAT LAW….I GOT PLACES TO BE!

    Also: any shitbag that would intentionally harm other humans beings (whether pedestrians, bikes, or other modes of transport), deserves as much prison time as humanly possible….they’re people for fuck sakes.

    Sent from my iPad using TGR Forums
    Thank you, smartyjack. The fact is that the vehicle driver just has to slow down and then can regain momentum with the slightest effort of pushing the throttle pedal is enough to have drivers reconsider the possibility of seriously injuring or killing a cyclist.

    MTM - I hope that was a terrible joke and you never have to live with the guilt of taking away someone's father, mother, sibling, etc. due to your selfish actions behind the wheel.

  25. #25
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    Impossible to knowl--I use an iPhone
    I can't be the only one thinking this is the most predictable thread type we have. If you fed the 'cyclists suck' thread into an AI it could have produced this new thread, no problem,

    I think the reasons for these feelings on both sides are pretty obvious...people aren't good at understanding where others are coming from. Yes, there are total assholes cyclists who like to assert themselves on the road by making life difficult for drivers (cyclist boosters: I understand 'making life difficult' is a relative term and doesn't compare to endangering someone). Yes, there are total asshole drivers who put cyclists in jeopardy by driving like idiots--sometimes even intentionally. But I think we could help both sides if everyone acknowledged that the entitled cyclist (or oblivious cyclist, as sometimes they clearly have no idea how they're impacting others) mentality fosters some of this anger, just as the actions of the shitty driver make cyclists hate drivers in general. Something should be done about dickhead cyclists and dangerous drivers, but the rest of us don't need to adopt the most radical positions as a result of those two groups. (Getting a little Rodney King here, but seriously...and it does seem like there's a little more rage here than there should be.)

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