WHOA WHOA WHOA….are you seriously suggesting I wait…for like 1.5 minutes until the road is clear? I got fucking places to be! Fuck that guy on his bike following the traffic laws….he shouldn’t be there b/c, you know, I’M THERE AND I GOT PLACES TO BE!!!
PS: lots of places, like Delaware…and the Idaho stop…a cyclist is following the law if they treat a stop sign as a yield and a red light as a stop sign…but again FUCK THAT LAW….I GOT PLACES TO BE!
Also: any shitbag that would intentionally harm other humans beings (whether pedestrians, bikes, or other modes of transport), deserves as much prison time as humanly possible….they’re people for fuck sakes.
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It makes perfect sense...until you think about it.
I suspect there's logic behind the madness, but I'm too dumb to see it.