Decided to go all Stihl for cordless stuff, bought this a couple weeks ago, it's pretty badass but after about 10 minutes it gets heavy as shit:
Anything can break, so last year the self propel mech on my well used Honda packed it in, I thot about fixing it but I just bought a new Huskavarna instead
I got a really good deal on a heavey duty used sthil weed eater last season, I'm way over gunned with this thing
like my Sthil chainsaw
I'm not into battery for yard tools or a truck
Just the E-bike
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Theres a solution for that:
Nope, gen x, You'll be buying a new battery tool again since they only last so long. I've owned and worked with Makita, DeWalt, old Milwaukee, most of the battery models last about 5 years before you have to buy another battery at the same cost as a new tool. But hey, a fool and their money..... You are not doing anything new, my Dad has electric lawn mover and that was a piece of shit from the 60's. Our economy is built on gullible consumers buying the newest toy.
I'm a pretty solid boomer so I still got plug-in ever thing, I use a plugin skil saw and a plug-in 3/8ths drill, these things are about 50 yrs old
the carpenter down the street told me " thats ^^ ok so if you ever get to where you need battery operated tools cuz you are doing a job ... just buy them "
except of course for the E-bike, Braaap
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Under $3k says the internet. But it doesn't have a Honda motor so buyer beware.
I mean... I'm only 52 and have only been a homeowner for about 25 years, but I've never owned a single yard tool with a Honda engine.
Just an anecdotal data point.
The only yard tool with a gas engine that I've ever owned, which had the engine die, was a Honda engined lawn mower. Completely seized up, despite annual synthetic oil changes.
Craftsman 2-stroke weed eater, still working 15 years later.
Hitachi 2-stroke leaf blower, works perfectly 10 years later.
Ariens snowblower, Briggs + Stratton engine, works perfectly, 10 years.
Generac pressure washer, Briggs + Stratton engine, a little fiddly (I think the carb leaks down and haven't gotten around to replacing it), still works though. 7-8 years old?
I do think Honda makes some good stuff, but:
- The power washer I bought has been a pain in the ass, and has been serviced more than once.
- The generator I bought needed repair in less than a year.
In my view, they all suck, but they can also make some good stuff. The trick is finding what they are good at. With battery tools this is harder to do. I've gone EGO for yard and Dewalt for shop.
Those kinds of blanket juvenile statements usually only come from Boomers or Morons. I had a 50/50 chance, I got it wrong. FWIW, my current daily driver (mower) is a Honda powered Snapper. I have two or three other Honda powered pieces of yard equipment along with 3-4 Briggs, a few Tecumseh's and some cheap Chinese shit. None of them is more reliable than the other. I'm a bit OCD and tend to maintain my shit, so it tends to last. My tiller has a Briggs from the 50's that still runs. All that being said, I bet 90% of folks don't change their oil, don't change their air filter, don't change their spark plugs and don't do maintenance of any sort. None of those pieces of equipment are lasting more than 5 years anyways. If those folks are keeping and entire mower out of the dumpster buy just buying another battery, I think that's a win. If they're pumping fewer greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere at the same time, bonus.
Yeah nobody's saving the environment with their leaf blower. You will be replacing batteries every five years while ignoring that waste.
Yeah but in relative silence. Noisy-ass gas blowers suck. Well they blow, but they also suck.
I didn't go electric to save the environment.
I did it to save on trips to the gas station to fill up fuel containers and the annoying winterizing of gas powered equipment that goes along with it, and the thrills, spills and chills of huffing VOC's during all that use.
My Honda mower ran for 21 yrs and I changed the oil exactly once, it was a beast but a couple spot welds on the wheels failed and the valve on the carb rusted out eventually and it was spewing gas all over.
The Kobalt electric I got as a gift is a total POS twin blade style that needs 2 passes to cut clean, but those batteries are on year 11 and the amount of grass I need to cut is about 1/10 of that where I used to live so I'm staying with it until it croaks.
Likewise the batteries for the pole saw, chainsaw, weed whacker/edger combo all going strong 7+ yrs now as I have migrated to the Ego network.
You are right about the blower though, I did have a Ryobi 40V die on that in under 5 yrs.
But really you wanna save the environment?
Just get rid of the damn grass and replace it with natural landscapes that don't need to be mowed.
Move upside and let the man go through...
Absolutely the wrong tool for you to pick to prove your point:
"Pollution from operating a commercial leaf blower for one hour was equivalent to driving 1,100 miles in a 2017 Toyota Camry."
And of course you can recycle power tool batteries. I get your point that these new battery powered lawnmowers are flimsy and could turn out to be as disposable as an average printer, I get that an electric blower is hard to compete against a commercial gasser, but for the average joe like me who every two weeks mows his lawn, trims and then blows for 5-10 minutes do I really have to worry about longevity like the people who work with these tools everyday?
I want an EV mower mainly so I can mow at 7am and not piss off the neighbors. Right now I wait until 9am to be polite. But yeah, it's a waste of money because my gasser works fine.
Digitaldeath has a battery powered butt plug that makes him chatter his teeth. You could use that to cut your lawn.
Disclaimer….the above is based on information from Iceman and or his successors in interest.
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Lawns suck on principle. Xeriscape it and be done.
Every xeriscape yard is a weed infested hellscape within three years guaranteed.
Live Free or Die
I'll never understand the obsession with pulling weeds 'round here. It's one thing when you're talking ugly spiky things that occasionally pop up in a yard, but some people wage a war on dandelions and other flowers that would put any WWII battle to shame. Leave the fucking native plants grow, encourage them, pollinators will thank you, your garden will do better, and your property won't look like every other pathetic attempt at recreating a New England yard when you live in the West. Exerting power over nature by trimming every blade of grass to a 1/1000 of an inch standard while carefully extracting anything that clashes with your dictatorial vision is as fucking small and white bread as it gets.
"Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise