My electric hedge trimmer has a sticky trigger. It definitely requires some extra attention.
My electric hedge trimmer has a sticky trigger. It definitely requires some extra attention.
Just got an Ego trimmer. More power than the Stihl 2 stroke it replaces.
And I don't smell like gasoline after using it, which is nice.
A bit rich on the oil mix and it keeps the mozzies away
Ego batteries (3 -5A) going on their 4th summer. One was acting up with the snowblower this past winter, but with the lack of snow there was no reason to replace so far. Just mowed the lawn the first time this year. Still happy with the upgrade from the reel mower.
I've got one to run a Harbor Freight sprayer with a DeWalt battery, but I don't know enough about the systems involved to trust them on a high-drain device (particularly since some battery systems have heat protection and low voltage cutoffs in the batteries and others have it in the tools, at least according to the Internet).
Dewalt here.
Had the blower and weedwhacker.
Damn. A three extension pole branch trimer is balls.
Wouldn’t go back. And by back I mean chainsaw and ladder or hand extension pruner. Fuck that shit.
Haven’t even sharpened the blade yet. And cut a couple dozen limbs.
Only thing is they leak oil when stored
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Telemarketers! Kill the telemarketers!
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I was amused to see an Ego minibike at my local hardware store today.
I have that one too and yeah, it's great and it was cheap. I have 4 batteries already so it was an easy choice that turned out to be a good one. I have a bunch of their yard stuff and an impact driver and drill too that all works on the 18v and it's totally sufficient for what I've asked of it.
Got the matching trimmer and slapped the lower half from my Husky on it, works a dream.
Also stuck the tiller head on it, no problem turning some soil.
I got the Bauer pole saw at Harbor Freight and it works great. Very impressed with the cutting power and duration. Got the 9 inch chainsaw that uses the same battery and that works great too. Hardly ever fire up the gas saw anymore except to cut down the big boys. Ended up getting a circular saw too for cutting bones and antlers when processing big game animals. Haven't tried it on a human yet [emoji1787]
It's a 970 but I hink it's the same thing, It's about 5 years old. I had good luck with it but I just overheated it and let the smoke out cutting a patch of thistles. I haven't had to replace any batteries even though the smaller ones get used daily. I've been very happy with the DeWalt products but wasn't impressed with their mower. I've been thinking of getting an Ego commercial brush cutter to save wear on the DeWalt.
I bought a heat gun at Harbor freight and rewired it to use DeWalt batteries I also had to remove a small amount of plastic on it to get the batteries to fit, It's not as powerul as a corded one but for small 5 minute jobs it works great and it was about $70 cheaper than a DeWalt.
Nearly 800 dollarbucks for a decent Makita mower kit. I see why gas is still popular.
Yeah i have a hard time believing there's any reason to go with anything other than the $299 Ryobi push mower at Home Depot. I'm pretty disappointed with my EGO LM2101. The battery was crap from Day 1 but EGO wouldn't warranty it. And the mower leaves massive windrows and doesn't mulch grass at all, so I'm bagging most of the time when I'd rather leave the clippings on the lawn. But I'm invested in the platform so I just laid out another $200 for a new battery
I paid $1200 for the Ego 2206 mower (with two batteries, 10 and 7.5 amp), I looked at some of the other mowers and they didn't impress me with the plastic decks and light weight, the 2206 has an aluminium deck and weighs about 80 pounds. It's not perfect, there's still lots of plastic that I'm sure I will break eventually but it gives a nice cut, and it's quiet, I get about 45 minutes out of a 10 amp battery.
$1,200 lawn mower?
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Bought a basic ego push mower (with ‘free’ blower) for about $600 in May three yrs ago. Came with the 5A battery and charger. Bought the smallest snowblower for the wife later that year, it came with two more 5A batteries and charger. Replaced the skid plate on the snowblower this past winter.
One battery (from the SB purchase) is acting up. Otherwise very happy with the purchase. Also thought low of all the plastic but they’ve been solid. Spray off the mower with the hose after each use. Not looking forward to paying $359 CAN for replacement batteries though, which will likely be this winter (if we actually get any snow :’( )
Guess YMMV
Yeah, I paid $250 for a 20" brushless ryobi a while back and it has been pretty solid. New version is a little more expensive but has supposedly been improved and still goes on sale for close to that price fairly often.
It is a joy to use on my small yard. Easy to push (no need to for propulsion). Fairly quiet. No faffing with a gas motor. Can easily get 2 or 3 mows per charge with the 6ah battery.
That said, I could see upgrading to a nicer mower if I wanted to be super anal about my lawn for 2 (sort of related) reasons:
1. It just doesn't have a lot of suction. Isn't as good at making sure everything gets lifted up for an even cut, can't pick up leaves as well as a big gas mower, etc.
2. It doesn't mulch super well. Clippings stay a bit too big which makes you want to bag more often. Mulching over leaves in the fall gives you pretty huge chunks. Etc.
I think a finned mulching blade would help, but I haven't found anyone who makes one that fits this mower. Would eat up some battery life, but even if I doubled the size of my yard, I think I'd still be well within single-battery range.
Might also help if I could force it to just run the motor on "high" the whole time...but it only does that if it is cutting something thick and starts to bog down.
I've heard the Toro 60v products can be good if you're looking to maximize cut quality.
With the Ryobi 20" brushless mower and the 40V battery, I can mow our tennis court in one charge.
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Kill all the telemarkers
But they’ll put us in jail if we kill all the telemarkers
Telemarketers! Kill the telemarketers!
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I also like my ego trimmer. probably not unique to battery powered tools, but the auto loading wire is nice too
Kill all the telemarkers
But they’ll put us in jail if we kill all the telemarkers
Telemarketers! Kill the telemarketers!
Oh we can do that. We don’t even need a reason