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Thread: Race ski binding mount advice requested...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Down on Electric Avenue

    Race ski binding mount advice requested...

    Yeah I'm gonna mount them myself. As soon as someone tells me how.

    I acquired these beauties last fall but wasn't sure about the clamp requirements.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	clamps1.jpg 
Views:	125 
Size:	1.29 MB 
ID:	375655
    Fucking uploader

    Those sollys aren't mounted, just taped on to see which I preferred.

    Thing is, I don't know if those black plastic risers allow for any binding or only for in branded types. Anyone know?

    If I can mount whatever, do I just drill into the plastic and screw in? That's some tough material, wouldn't surprise me if treating them like a topsheet is acceptable.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Don’t use this as the definitive answer (I will refer you to my username), but I have mounted other bindings into one of those Fischer plates by way of 3.5mm holes. So far so good after quite a bit of skiing.

    Edit: here is my absurd trench-ripping eurocarving mega-lifter…fischer/Tyrolia plate on the bottom:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	C40C05B7-6882-4E03-9119-D9025F29110B.jpg 
Views:	105 
Size:	599.4 KB 
ID:	375658

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    bottom of the hobacks
    A type A shop tech might disagree, but any binding screw will work in those. Just mount same as you would into a wood ski (3.5mm as IAS suggested). When I raced on Fischer a while back with those style plates, I would usually heli-coil the holes so I could swap binders easily while traveling. This would add some strength if you wanted, but I foreran WC DH with nothing but screws in those plates.

    You'll notice the plates have some places where they're hollow, this is to all allow for the bracket that mounts to the ski itself. Just keep your holes away from these areas (1/2"), so you may have to adjust your desired mount point.
    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    Keystone is the new Snowbird

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Down on Electric Avenue
    Excellent fellas, thanks. Kinda what I figured but firsthand knowledge is golden.

    I don't wanna buy clamps if I don't need something specific. Psyched...

    Bronic - Did you grow up skiing the vill and have a dentist dad?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    A LSD Steakhouse somewhere in the Wasatch
    ya can drill them solis right into the plate
    ya can remove and put the front in back
    if holes conflict
    or ill gives ya black with rasta accents
    team thizzle mojo 18ers i dont need
    maybe a stickers too
    "When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
    "I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I remember those fucking rocket ships!
    Liking the yellow star wars binders.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    bottom of the hobacks
    Quote Originally Posted by Djongo Unchained View Post

    Bronic - Did you grow up skiing the vill and have a dentist dad?
    I grew up in Colorado, but live here now. I'll introduce myself next time a see you on the dock

    Also, I wish I had a dad who was a dentist...
    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    Keystone is the new Snowbird

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    in the shadow of the white rocks
    There’s a tendency for the Tyrolia clamps to hit the slider bolts & this they tell ya to swap out a short screw for the rear heel pieces when mounting a RDX plate like this. Check ur placements.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I watched a vid where some euro techs were screwing clamps on race skis and they didnt use glue or nuthin, I could only assume those skis were not gona see much moisture
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  10. #10
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er View Post
    I watched a vid where some euro techs were screwing clamps on race skis and they didnt use glue or nuthin, I could only assume those skis were not gona see much moisture
    Yeah, the first time I helped the race techs for Rossi mount skis in the great white north they didn't tap or glue and my tech brain exploded, now with everything with plates not a big deal.
    what's orange and looks good on hippies?

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    If I had a dollar for every time capitalism was blamed for problems caused by the government I'd be a rich fat film maker in a baseball hat.

  11. #11
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    northern BC
    Quote Originally Posted by waxman View Post
    Yeah, the first time I helped the race techs for Rossi mount skis in the great white north they didn't tap or glue and my tech brain exploded, now with everything with plates not a big deal.
    yeah I got a set of Atomic double deck FIS womens GS skis thru a local Alpine Canada connection for 199$ and they appear to have previously been mounted with normal binding screws into the foam of the double deck,
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

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