This may well be true.
I will however say that I've heard a lot about stack, and about how, for example, the Attack2 demo is sucky because of the massive additional stack height. (I'm paraphrasing, and perhaps over-emphasizing the gist - but that's how I've heard it.)
And I think XXXer (while I think his brain has been addled by all the aquaseal

) has a reasonable point. (If perhaps said in the same over-confident tone of the "stack height kills" crowd.)
And I think that point is: There's been a lot said about stack height that is pretty dubious - at least IMO. (But then, I may just be like Amile and can't tell much difference between garbage and strawberries.)
Honestly, I don't care a lot what people think about my choice of bindings. They work for me, (with a range of considerations - which are wider than just which ski the "very best") and I really doubt that I could tell which was which - and even less likely, which stack height skis "better." But I don't think it's worth a religious war, actually.
But it's been an interesting discussion, all told.
Sorry to have so massively derailed the thread, OP.
(Though I do think you got some pretty good answers in spite of it all.)