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03-14-2021, 08:54 PM #51
I'll check Dylan's video, but will offer a few thoughts ahead of time (hopefully not contradictory).
Cramps are not well understood and the etiology (origin) is wide ranging.
In general if cramping is in specific muscles, especially working muscles, then it is likely a fatigue response. It's hard to know why this is, and the specifics of this aren't overly important but if you want to sound smart just mumble something about "Calcium uptake in the sarcoplasmic reticulum". That's also good for when you're running out of social energy at a party and want people to leave you alone.
To help this situation, you can either increase fitness prior to an event, decrease fatigue immediately for the event, or follow a more conservative pacing strategy.
If cramping is more generalized; e.g. multiple muscles at once or muscle not associated work, then they're likely due to electrolyte imbalance. In my opinion this is less common than people think, but some are more susceptible than others. Ask 10 people what is the best electrolyte to take and you'll get 10 answers shouted at you, which is funny because it's basically only Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Chloride, and Magnesium that have major functions.
Which of these is your panacea is hard to say, but the longer you ride the more important they become.
If you do not drink, you have no reason to replace electrolytes. Your electrolyte concentration will increase because the concentrate in your sweat is less than your blood. Therefore, you sweat more water than electrolytes which increases the concentration in your blood.
We run into issues when we start drinking (in more ways than one...).
- Depending on your sweat rate, drinking 16oz / hour of plain water overly dilutes your electrolyte concentration after somewhere between 2 and 5 hours.
- Drinking 16oz / hour of something middle of the road like Skratch pushes this out a few hours.
- If you need to drink more because you're going very long, or if you tend to cramp due to due to low electrolytes and you either need to drink something very salty like First Endurance EFS Pro or take supplemental capsules.
Regarding "Hot shot" and the like. Because it seems that cramps have something to do with the reflex arc from your muscle to your spinal cord and back to your muscle, then disrupting that reflex arc can potentially help. Hot Short works by stimulating the vagus nerve which runs behind your throat (the spicy drink irritates the throat and in turn the vagus nerve). This can act like a reset to the system to hopefully override the nervous system contribution to the cramp. However, as a word of personal advice, these things can be hard on your stomach and cause you to have to "take out the trash" in the bushes 120 miles into the Belgian Waffle Ride...
This topic is a big one and i'll try to incorporate it into a more formal presentation and include resources up top.
03-14-2021, 09:08 PM #52
For volumes that high you are right to be working in a Polarized model. I also tend to work in a "Block Periodization" where I work on a 3 week rotation.
Week 1: Intensity. 4 of 6 workouts are high intensity
Week 2: Volume. 1 of 6 workouts are high intensity, 5 are base. Main focus is number of hours
Week 3: Recovery. 5 rides all base.
Also, for those volumes it is very difficult on your body to run a large caloric deficit. It also becomes borderline impossible to replace enough calories when you're off the bike, so on-bike calories become important. I like to drink on the 0:30 and 1:00 and eat at 0:45 and :15's.
If performance is your goal, it's best to avoid falling behind, as you've recognized.
Sounds like things are going well for you, I hope there's a few things you can find useful.
03-14-2021, 09:45 PM #53
Hey, super sorry I missed this before your ride, but congrats on getting it done. It sounds like it went well for you.
Riding at home is different from riding outside in that you have access to anything you need and you do not need to make compromises based on your ability to carry food / water.
In this instance, in all honesty, just shove down as much food as you can and what you feel like eating.
The days prior: Eating a high-carb diet for ~2-3 days prior can ensure your liver and muscles are full of glycogen (stored sugar). This starts you on your best foot.
Calories in- How much do you weigh / what is 2.0w/kg in absolutely terms? If you're 165lbs, and average metabolic ability, you're likely burning ~450 carbohydrate calories an hour. This is ~3,150kcals for the 7 hour ride. You likely have about 1,500kcals stored. This means you need to consume (3,150-1,500) 1,650 kcals over 7 hours. This is about 235 kcals/ hour. Relatively easy to consumer in the whole scheme of things.
Gels vs. real food: Gels can be useful later in the ride when you need energy quickly. It's also helpful to swish the gel or drink in your mouth before swallowing. This triggers digestion (releases enzymes to break down the sugars in your mouth) but more importantly signals that carbs are coming which often causes your metabolic system to ramp up a little sooner. Interestingly, if you're bonking but unable to stomach food, you can swish drinks / gels in your mouth and spit them out and still see a performance improvement.
However, I prefer real food as they tend to have a lower glycemic index, which means that they release energy over a longer period of time. This is better for the majority of a long steady ride. However, might not provide enough energy quickly enough for a hard climb later in the ride, which is when a gel could be useful.
Protein: Can be useful during longer rides, especially if under fueled, as it can help prevent muscle damage. However, I tend to find it upsets my stomach which leads me to the next point:
Foods work differently for different people. I, personally, need variety. After multiple hour I do not know what I'm going to want to eat. At low intensities I can eat most anything. At long, moderate intensities I tend to fuel mostly through high caloric drinks (Maurten, Skratch Super Fuel). and supplement with other things.
Hydration: Any chance you know how much weight you lost over the course of the ride? For a ride that long you should be looking at 3-4% weight loss for optimal performance. Any less and I'd fear you were drinking too much, any more and performance is likely suffering.
03-14-2021, 10:04 PM #54
1. If you have the time, weight lifting is always a good thing for general fitness (Testosterone levels, bone health, injury prevention, etc.) Done well it can be helpful for endurance performance as well. However, I would not replace riding time with weight lifting if you expect to improve riding fitness. Hard to be specific with lifting recommendations, but the 10-20rep range and movements that use multiple joints (e.g. squats over leg extensions). I can get deeper into this in the future.
2. FR mountain biking can be a bitch for training. The biggest thing I can say is that if fitness is your goal, then be sure that most days are designated easy and some days are designated hard. The FR is difficult because most of the climbs are too hard to be easy, which means you're gassed when it's time to go hard. This also means that I spend too much time riding dirt roads and the Lobo.
If you're trying to do it all on the trail, then I'd be sure that you have easier gearing (28/51) and that you're taking it casual on the climbs. If you can do that most days of the week, then go hog wild on the climbs your other days. I think that instead of intervals including rides where you intentionally ride the climbs hard (much harder than usual) would be a more fun way of going about it. If these are longer climbs,(longer than 20 minutes) then break them down so that you aren't pushing "kinda hard" for an hour. Back off on the easier sections so that you can go that much harder on the hard sections (E.g. Belcher, LHOHV up to DLR).
03-14-2021, 10:08 PM #55
I knew a pro triathlete that could only do his long rides and runs baked. To each their own.
03-14-2021, 10:17 PM #56
I see way too many people riding just a little harder than they ought to. It's completely counter intuitive because the harder you work, the fitter you should get, right? It's also fun to go fast, so just go fast all the time.
I've hard more than one person ask how I can be so fit early in the season. Honestly, sometimes it's my best fitness of the year. This is probably solely because of my time on the trainer. Unless I'm Zwift racing or doing a workout, I am locked into base wattage with a custom workout. No matter what route I'm doing on Zwift, my watts are controlled.
As Climberevan said above, easy days should be easy. This is a 2-3 on a 1-10 scale. It's being able to speak a sentence or two without gasping. Frankly, it's kinda boring.
Hard days should be hard. Devastatingly hard. Most people don't really like to push deep. It's an acquired skill (and taste).
03-14-2021, 10:27 PM #57
HR monitors, power meters, etc. are tools and some people need them and some people don't.
At a minimum, I think anyone that wants to train should use a Heart Rate monitor. If someone only uses one device, I prefer this because it also incorporates the bodies response. HR zones are more similar across altitudes and fitness levels than power zones, etc. The downside is that it takes a touch of time, once you've started an effort, for the HR to raise into the appropriate zone.
If someone is interested in tracking their training, then a power meter can become more powerful. This is because the second by second recording give a much more accurate picture of the work that they have done. Power meters are also useful for predicting performance, energy expenditure etc.
I'm not familiar with, but I'll check it out.
A good z5 session would have 20 to 60 minutes depending on your fitness. (2x20, 3x15 are pretty common).
z6 and you're looking at maybe 10 to 40 minutes depending on fitness ( 4x8 minutes, 3 to 5x5 minutes are pretty common).
If someone wants to track their training
03-14-2021, 10:35 PM #58
Those guys offer great advice. Fun fact: At one point, Steve asked me to write a chapter for an edition of Uphill Athlete, but I had some auto-immune related health issues that got in the way.
I fully agree on the periodized training model. Depending on who you like there are slight variations in what exactly the split should be (e.g. Seiler recommends 80/20) and a bit of disagreement about what exactly the upper limit of the lower level should be. (e.g. lactate at 1.5 vs. 2.0 mmol/L, etc). However, we're talking shades of gray.
You reminded me of something though: often time over-training is related to "Training Monotony". The worse thing that you can do, is to do the same thing every day.
03-14-2021, 10:37 PM #59
03-14-2021, 10:39 PM #60
Without knowing exactly what zone system you're referring to, I'm going to assume that Zone 3 is actually a bit too hard. Given most systems you ought to be training in Zone 2 the most, then a mix of 4/5/6. If you follow Seiler's zone system, then it's Zone 1 mostly, and Zone 3 second (3 zone system).
03-14-2021, 10:41 PM #61
03-14-2021, 10:50 PM #62
Your point about Stress + Recovery = Adaptation is spot on and often overlooked. It's not the riding that makes you fitter, it's the recovery from the riding.
One thing to keep in mind though is that 80/20 is typically attributed to Stephen Seiler and when he uses it he is referring to sessions per week. These is from the study of nordic skiers whom are doing 10-20 training sessions per week. He does also recommend this general plan to the amateur and recreational athlete, however that's basically 1 hard session per week and is likely not enough.
From a time perspective for an amateur athlete doing 6 sessions per week, a more likely split is 70% base, 30% Z4+ IF they are doing specific intensity workouts where the efforts make up 50+% of the workout time. (E.g. 10 minute warmup, 2x20min w/ 5 min recovery, 10 min cooldown = 25 min @ base and 40 min at Threshold).
03-14-2021, 10:53 PM #63
At least one day per week has to be a true rest day where you do no real "exercise".
Otherwise, feel free to double up. Order them based on which will effect the other the least. For general strength training, I'd say do it after your base ride. You can make solid arguments in the other direction as well.
03-14-2021, 10:57 PM #64
03-14-2021, 10:58 PM #65
03-14-2021, 11:04 PM #66
This is really the crux of the situation for mountain bikers / people that live in hilly terrain.
Here on the Front Range, we're fortunate in general because East is Flat and West is not. Unfortunately West is where all the good mountain biking is.
Like I mentioned in my response to Smmokan: there are ways to try to stay in an easy zone while mountain biking; namely gearing and conscious effort, but sometimes it's just too steep and you can't do it.
Here you have a choice; you can either "train" or you can "have fun". Training means riding somewhere else. Having fun means forgetting that and going with the flow. I, personally, tend to focus on "training" 80% of the time, but 20% of the time I don't pay attention to the plan because the dirt, the route, or the crew is just too good. Usually I can rearrange my week to minimize the impact, sometimes I can't.
Everyone has their ratio and I'll never fault anyone for their choice. But, this is often a "can't have your cake and eat it too" situation.
03-14-2021, 11:17 PM #67
A few things to unpack in here.
1. A plan is almost always a good thing. Beyond the training, the sense of purpose and goal-driven attitude can be extremely motivating. I'm glad you've found something that is working. Your questions a bit back were part of the inspiration for this.
2. You're in a touch place for training. Bozeman can have descent flat roads, but the mountains are tough.
3. I fully agree on the trainer being a great tool for controlling workload. Once you begin to to know the feelings associated, I also think that you can take those learnings outside and have a higher success rate.
4. For Enduro, Power is especially important. Power being the application of force over time. It's what makes sprinters fast, and Enduro races get up to speed quickly. A large component of power is strength.
5. Testing is great. I've given more than I can count and have done many on myself. With that said, I do think the tester is very important. Everyone should do some sniffing around before engaging in a physiology test.
6. Eating: Are you gaining unwanted weight? Trying to lose? Stay the same? Let that be your guide. If you're hungry, eat. If you're hungry and trying to lose weight, eat more protein. If you're hungry and your legs feel dead, eat more carbs.
I use an app called "Lose It" most days of the month and have for quite a while. It's similar to Myfitnesspal and other calorie trackers. I weigh basically everything. It's a pain, but it's been helpful. I tend to both over-eat or under-eat. I eat too much when I'm not exercising and I eat too little when I am. If anything it helps me eat MORE which has a direct impact on how well I ride and how good I feel. During Volume weeks I set it for 2 lbs of weight loss, During Intensity weeks, 1 lbs of weight loss and during Recovery weeks NO weight loss.
03-14-2021, 11:22 PM #68
I agree with Evan in that you're likely not taking on enough calories.
As I mentioned before, Enduro is a Power / Power-endurance sport. You need to be well-fed to achieve the intensities that will make a difference for your riding. Being chronically under-fed will not help.
There is the potential the carb-depleted training can increase metabolic efficiency. For some riding disciplines this is a useful benefit, but it's a relatively small effect and it's risky to implement. Given what you are trying to achieve, carbs are your friend, especially with all the high intensity work (that includes strength) that you are / should be doing.
03-14-2021, 11:28 PM #69
Block Periodization could work well for you if your time is limited. For a long while I was working at the hospital as well as teaching anatomy at the community college with twins and a competitive running wife at home. Being time-constrained is hard, but you can still have decent fitness.
Week 1: Intensity rides 4 of 6 rides (2 rides recovery / base). These can all be in the 45 minute to 1 hour range.
Week 2: Base. Try to dedicate this week to longer rides or doubles. whichever you can fit into your schedule.
Week 3: Recovery. 5 rides, all easy. Can be in the 45 minute to 1 hour range.
Frankly, I still follow a similar plan most of the time. As my free time has increased, all I've really done is increase the volume of my volume weeks.
Regarding weight training: Are you limited on time AND sessions? If you can fit in additional sessions of weight training then go for it. If you need to replace riding, and riding fitness is your primary objective, I'd say don't worry about weight training.
03-14-2021, 11:48 PM #70
I agree that that constant barrage of higher intensity work and carbohydrate consumption will cause someone to be carbohydrate dependent during endurance exercise. However, there is a lot of nuance and considerations.
1. I do not believe anyone is advocating Zone 3 work.
2. First ask "what are the goals of the athlete", Then ask "what is getting in their way"? It's only then do we know if they are metabolically appropriate for the task or if they need adaptation. Example given: I don't care if a Track sprinter can oxidize fat as a fuel. It has no bearing on their performance and is likely correlated negatively.
3. The vast majority of performances that people in this thread are interested in involve intensities that push them above threshold. The vast majority of mountaineers are engaging in intensities below threshold. These athletes need to be treated in vastly different manners.
4. Looking only at his test, I will guarantee that during Adrian's second test he was carbohydrate depleted. Most of the gains would be reversed the moment he took on more carbohydrate. I've performed hundreds, if not thousands of these; including some for Scott and Steve's athletes.
5. I'm very moderate in my carb-depleted recommendations. Most are either completely for or against, but I can see where it is useful and where it is not. Without a doubt Carb-depletion increases your fat oxidation and decreases your carb oxidation. It decreases HLA in the blood. It also, without a doubt, decreases the maximal work that someone can achieve. Additionally, considering it takes more oxygen per calorie to oxidize fat than it does carbohydrate, it's actually less efficient. For some athletes one side of that spectrum is more desirable than the other and as such one strategy is more desirable as well.
Louise Burke and her collaborators have done an incredible amount of research into Ketogenic / carb depletion and the effect on Biochem, substrate availability, performance, etc.
03-15-2021, 12:13 AM #71Rod9301
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Easy days are indeed hard when you mountain bike.
Unless you have an e mountain bike
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03-15-2021, 01:42 AM #72Rod9301
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I wasn't joking.
I'm in france right now and most mountain bikers don't train in the road for easy days.
Instead they get on an e bike and train at an easy pace, but still work on technical skills, both up and down.
Sent from my Redmi Note 8 Pro using Tapatalk
03-15-2021, 03:49 AM #73
Official Sprocket Rockets Training Thread
Too many fucking words, Jesus Christ, y’all are Chris Froome now?
Shut up and ride your bikes.crab in my shoe mouth
03-15-2021, 07:26 AM #74Registered User
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Alright I’ll hop in with a few questions:
I have good base fitness and I’m ‘quick’ but not fast. I did the Colorado trail last summer and two years ago did the High Cascades 100 on a Pivot Switchblade in a 9 hours.
I’m doing a few 100 mile MTB races this summer and I’m trying to work through how to make progress. I have an XC bike that’s 7-8lbs lighter, which seems like a good step.
My precious training has just been ‘climb a lot’ and focusing on getting 15,000-20,000 feet of vert per week. Then doing some intervals, picking a steep 12+ degree grade and doing maximum efforts in a high gear for 60 seconds then coasting back to start and repeating.
Is buying a heart rate monitor a good way of starting to train more with zones? Is it worth it to just try and track down a power meter and going the full step?
Im not quite ready for a trainer... I know they’re effective but I think that would make me a little miserable right now. I would have to set it up in my office... and I work from home already so that’s to much time inside in the same space.
03-15-2021, 08:31 AM #75
Thank you for the responses XtraPickels.
The only time I feel really really satiated is after breakfast. 3-4 eggs cooked in Coco oil, was doing 3-4 pieces of bacon daily but too much bad fat I think (?) so I switched to turkey sausage links or patties. Sometimes elk breakfast sausage (but I am getting burned out cause I had way too much of it with the elk I shot last year). GF oatmeal with grassfed butter and a little honey. Coffee with unsweetened coconut creamer.
I realize I need lots of carbs especially on hard workout days, ride days, race days.......but I want a six pack. Total vanity. We touched on this before in another thread I think. Is it as simple as more protein and even more workout? My legs, arms, shoulders are pretty defined and getting bigger. I can feel my abs getting stronger with core workouts........just damn 1" of fat layer on top. It's like the only fatty part of my body.