This job is probably a pain in the ass - but you'd ski anywhere in yurp for free I bet and it sounds like the members are trying to get safe.

Ski Club of Great Britain

General Manager Job Description and Requirements

This is an exciting role for anyone interested in winter sports, the outdoors and making a difference for thousands of people. From a business perspective this is a great opportunity to take a large membership organisation and have a big impact on its membership, the services offered, its holiday operation and in creating a great legacy for thousands of winter sports enthusiasts for years to come.

Objectives of the Ski Club of Great Britain (SCGB):

The Club exists to encourage skiing, snowboarding and other snowsports; in particular, recreational skiing and to help members improve their technical and safety skills. The club is passionate about providing members with great experiences on snow and in the mountains.

Current Situation:

The Ski Club is a large membership organisation with around 13,000 households and c. 22,000 individuals, this number has been in decline over the last ten years. The Club provides these members with a range of opportunities to ski together and other benefits related to their time in the mountains. The Club has undergone some large changes in personnel in the last two years with several of the more experienced members of the team leaving. There has also been a poorly conceived and executed plan which has resulted in two years of substantial losses in 2018/19 and 2019/20. Spending is now under control but there is a need to set a vision for the future recovery of the club’s finances and membership numbers.

Key Operational Aspects of the Club:

Member Services: this is the area of the club which concentrates on the benefits and value which comes with the membership fee. Its activities, including the membership fee, amount to c. £1.7m Revenue, all of which is spent on Member Services.

Ski Club Holidays: The holiday brands Freshtracks and Mountain Tracks have a revenue of c. £3.5 - £4.0m (in a non-Covid year).

Marketing: The Marketing team supports the other revenue generating parts of the business using the paper and online magazines, the website, email marketing, social media and a small amount of PR and conventions.

Finance Team: Self-evidently, this team looks after all the financial management of the Club.

Objectives of the role:

The General Manager of the Ski Club acts as the Council’s “Senior Employee” as set out in the Articles of Association of the Club. This incorporates any part of the operation which Council delegates to the role. The position reports through the Chairman to Council.

In practice this means the day-to-day operations of the Club and input to and execution of the Club’s strategy, and the creation and execution of the annual plan/budget. In particular:

Manage the Club responsibly for the membership by ensuring it meets their needs and remains operationally and financially viable for the future. This will include sound financial oversight, operational control, understanding of the memberships needs and wants through strong listening skills as well as quantitative and qualitative research.

Build a trusting relationship with Council: This essentially means that the role is one of “working for the Council” rather than “managing the Board”. The Club Council is not like a non-executive Board; the Club is organised such that Council is responsible for both strategy and its execution, but chooses to delegate much of those activities to the GM. As a result, while reporting through the Chairman, the GM has also to work with the Council as a whole, rather as if a line manager. This requires tact, listening skills, good communication skills and a sense of urgency to ensure that Council is confident the Club is in safe hands.

Retain and build membership: through good value services which appeal to existing and new members. This will require a good understanding of the operation across holidays, in resort services, partnership benefits and income and the out-sourced travel insurance product.

Be a “servant leader” for the Ski Club team: The team has seen a lot of change and the ones who remain both know what they need to do operationally and are very committed to the Club. They do not need wholesale reorganisation or replacement, they need a leader who displays empathy and who takes people with them, a team player who wants the whole team to win.

Professional Experience

It would be useful to have a recreational, sport, leisure, travel or similar business background, with knowledge of holiday and recreational markets; membership clubs, tourism, on-line marketing, digital media and/or publishing.
Either an established MD looking to apply skills in a smaller operating environment or a talented and commercial operator looking for their first MD role.
Results oriented demonstrating success in consumer, revenue and financial growth as well as higher brand/business awareness.
Likely to have experience in operations, or commercial.
Financially literate; have owned a P&L and have day-to-day profit protection and operating budget management experience.
Strong stakeholder management; evidence of success as a consensus builder and bringing together disparate stakeholders.

Personal Attributes & Abilities

Ideally, love snowsports and have participated in them. It would be difficult for a non-skier to easily fit into the Club and its membership.

Team Leadership:

o empowering in style and interested in coaching and mentoring individuals.

o Someone who brings others with them, doesn’t leave them behind. Actively seeks out and embraces diversity in the team.

o Consistent in their behaviour so that team members can predict the way in which you react, you don’t have emotional outbursts and you don’t change your behaviour.

o Committed: you demonstrate a commitment to the organisation which provides a demonstration to others what you expect.

o Positive: you create a positive atmosphere where you portray the confidence that problems can be overcome and do not allocate blame, rather look for solutions.

· Integrity: a mix of both honesty and openness, a desire to never mislead, to own up when things go wrong and to act without a hidden political agenda.

· An ability to flex across diverse concerns and functions.

· Keen to and able to work in a small operating environment; hands on when need be and resourceful; able to stretch resources a long way.

· A ‘can-do’ attitude: good at finding practical solutions, bringing ideas to reality and making the complex simple.

· Entrepreneurial: whilst delivering to agreed strategy and accompanying projects, always be on the lookout, or thinking about, additional opportunities.

To apply, please send your CV and Cover Letter to by 8th February 2021.