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Thread: To Vaccinate or Not---The Rat Flu Odyssey Continues

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Way East Tennessee

    To Vaccinate or Not---The Rat Flu Odyssey Continues

    Wife unit has the option to take the Pfizer vaccination. She is a health care worker, a case manager, on a respiratory floor. Patients get diagnosed and sent to the COVID unit. She does not have direct patient contact care. Visits rooms occasionally and sets up discharge plans/orders, etc.

    Using my google-physician skills, who the hell knows the answer to this one.

    PA student daughter says, hell no, rushed through production, rushed trials, after effects unknown, effectiveness unknown. Don't do it.

    My suggestion was let some others take it first, see what happens.

    Side effects are negligible to fairly severe. Depending on the study, 2%-15% suffer side effects. Mostly minor, but there are exceptions.
    In order to properly convert this thread to a polyasshat thread to more fully enrage the liberal left frequenting here...... (insert latest democratic blunder of your choice).

  2. #2
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    shadow of HS butte

  3. #3
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    I would hope a health care worker has a treating doctor who she trusts. That seems like a much better source of information than some jongs on a ski forum.

  4. #4
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    Are the side effects less severe than dying of COVID?

  5. #5
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    Shoot the hostage?

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I wish that I could get it next week, rather than wait until April, or July.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by east or bust View Post
    Pretty much!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TNKen View Post
    Wife unit has the option to take the Pfizer vaccination. She is a health care worker, a case manager, on a respiratory floor. Patients get diagnosed and sent to the COVID unit. She does not have direct patient contact care. Visits rooms occasionally and sets up discharge plans/orders, etc.

    Using my google-physician skills, who the hell knows the answer to this one.

    PA student daughter says, hell no, rushed through production, rushed trials, after effects unknown, effectiveness unknown. Don't do it.

    My suggestion was let some others take it first, see what happens.

    Side effects are negligible to fairly severe. Depending on the study, 2%-15% suffer side effects. Mostly minor, but there are exceptions.

    I guess the question is, are your chances of being f#$% by the vaccine greater than your chances of being f#$%%!!! by the virus?
    If it is a 1 in 22 chance to get infected (current USA total), with little to no symptoms, or a small chance of dying 1 in 1143 (mostly seniors), then ....
    it probably makes sense to get the jab (eventually, after the first set of guinea pigs gets it!).
    If you are planning on having children, or are pregnant, or smart, or educated, or in any other way public-relations-government-media-compromised, you may need to post a POLL on TGR to find your best options.
    OH, MY GAWD! ―John Hillerman  Big Billie Eilish fan.
    But that's a quibble to what PG posted (at first, anyway, I haven't read his latest book) ―jono
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cravenmorhead View Post
    I would hope a health care worker has a treating doctor who she trusts. That seems like a much better source of information than some jongs on a ski forum.
    you must not be from around here....

  10. #10
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    I’m getting it as soon as it’s available as a health care worker. Side effects are roughly the same as flu vaccine.

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TNKen View Post
    Wife unit has the option to take the Pfizer vaccination. She is a health care worker, a case manager, on a respiratory floor. Patients get diagnosed and sent to the COVID unit. She does not have direct patient contact care. Visits rooms occasionally and sets up discharge plans/orders, etc.

    Using my google-physician skills, who the hell knows the answer to this one.

    PA student daughter says, hell no, rushed through production, rushed trials, after effects unknown, effectiveness unknown. Don't do it.

    My suggestion was let some others take it first, see what happens.

    Side effects are negligible to fairly severe. Depending on the study, 2%-15% suffer side effects. Mostly minor, but there are exceptions.
    No! She should abstain from all vaccines, spoon the COVID patients, and make sure to sneeze on your food

    Let us know how it works out.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

  12. #12
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    Wow, as a healthcare worker I would have assumed she'd be required to get it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The AD View Post
    Wow, as a healthcare worker I would have assumed she'd be required to get it.
    Remember - it's Tennessee. Freedumbs.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by puregravity View Post
    Pretty much!!!!

    I guess the question is, are your chances of being f#$% by the vaccine greater than your chances of being f#$%%!!! by the virus?
    If it is a 1 in 22 chance to get infected (current USA total), with little to no symptoms, or a small chance of dying 1 in 1143 (mostly seniors), then ....
    it probably makes sense to get the jab (eventually, after the first set of guinea pigs gets it!).
    If you are planning on having children, or are pregnant, or smart, or educated, or in any other way public-relations-government-media-compromised, you may need to post a POLL on TGR to find your best options.
    What about your chances of getting covid and being symptomatic for 4-5 weeks? What about your chances of getting covid and getting permanent heart and/or lung damage? What about your chances of not having symptoms and not dying from a covid infection but then giving it to someone that dies...or has heart damage for life etc etc.

    What about the chances of people who pass themselves off as smart continuing to pose this as a “you’re unlikely to die so what’s the big deal?” binary problem?

  15. #15
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    Last time I read a post by the OP he was freaking out because buses full of ANTIFA were headed to his small town, so not surprised to find out he is an anti-vaxxer.

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    "Zee damn fat skis are ruining zee piste !" -Oscar Schevlin

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  16. #16
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    i'm signed up to get it here pretty soon. i'm pretty sure all first responders in my county have to get it so not really a choice. it'll probably be fine.
    swing your fucking sword.

  17. #17
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    In a hospital with a shared HVAC system with the infected? I'd get it in a heartbeat if I could. I'm further down the line as essential construction and fully intend to get the shot from whomever is available when my number is called. I want my covid passport.

    This isn't some fly-by-night homebrewed snake oil. My neighbor works in (Big Pharma, but his company doesn't have a vax through stage 3 yet) local billion manufacturing plant as a director of quality. They take this shit damn seriously. Rushed to production typically means it's not the most efficient, most cost effective that it could be in their world. Pfizer's needs to be kept super cold and has a short shelf life. That's because it was rushed and not optimized. They know it's more important to get this distributed and fast because they need ~16 billion doses. If they make $2 on each, $32 billion in profits is a good year.

    Yeah, we don't know the long term effects of the vaccine, but we also don't know the long term effects of hormonal birth control either (we're really close though! It is 60 years old this year!), or the chicken pox vaccine (about 30 years old).
    I've concluded that DJSapp was never DJSapp, and Not DJSapp is also not DJSapp, so that means he's telling the truth now and he was lying before.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Tortoise View Post
    Are the side effects less severe than dying of COVID?
    Could be same for many, too soon to tell

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The AD View Post
    Wow, as a healthcare worker I would have assumed she'd be required to get it.
    Mrs. Bimble works at a hospital in the lab. Her employer is not requiring it and she's not taking it at this point.

    I work remotely for 2 large health care providers, one is the largest private employer in that particular state. Neither are requiring their employees take it.
    The Sheriff is near!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry View Post
    Last time I read a post by the OP he was freaking out because buses full of ANTIFA were headed to his small town, so not surprised to find out he is an anti-vaxxer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Downbound Train View Post
    And there will come a day when our ancestors look back...........

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Well this thread just goes to show how totally fucked this country is. If we have the vaccine and people (fucking health care workers!) refuse to take it, we might as well just go survival of the fittest and let millions die off. Jesus fucking Christ everybody take the damn vaccine so we can get back to a normal fucking life!

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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by PNWbrit View Post
    "My suggestion was let some others take it first, see what happens."

    Yeah that sounds like an ANTI-vax statement.....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    This is a trick question.

    No way his wife defers the consideration let alone the decision to him.
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  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry View Post
    Last time I read a post by the OP he was freaking out because buses full of ANTIFA were headed to his small town, so not surprised to find out he is an anti-vaxxer.
    Looks like he raised his kids to be equally kooky...

    PA student daughter says, hell no, rushed through production, rushed trials, after effects unknown, effectiveness unknown. Don't do it.
    I hope she fails PA school. Seriously. OP is a Dr. of internet medicine but his kid girl is actually going to real school for real medicine and that's what she believes? Scary.
    "Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    With it being this rushed will the nano-bots embedded in it be able to communicate with Bill Gates effectively? Will it work without a nationwide 5g connection????????

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