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Thread: Canada Closed until US Gets Covid 19 Under Control

  1. #401
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    the ham
    Quote Originally Posted by LeeLau View Post
    From my experience with other OECD countries Canada is fairly typical. My theory is that a multi party system allows many groups to express views and attain power. Conversely, the US twin party system leads to military-financial-entrenched interest group capture.
    This part is so dead on. A three or multi-party system forces consensus to be found on at least some issues, whereas the current state of the American two-party system is basically a cold war.

  2. #402
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Striker View Post
    This part is so dead on. A three or multi-party system forces consensus to be found on at least some issues, whereas the current state of the American two-party system is basically a cold war.
    You're right, and it sucks. Somebody needs to start a party of moderates. There's got to be 40% in the middle who are sick of this shit.

  3. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahman View Post
    You're right, and it sucks. Somebody needs to start a party of moderates. There's got to be 40% in the middle who are sick of this shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  4. #404
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    Wouldn't proportional representation also be an option?
    OH, MY GAWD! ―John Hillerman  Big Billie Eilish fan.
    But that's a quibble to what PG posted (at first, anyway, I haven't read his latest book) ―jono
    we are not arguing about ski boots or fashionable clothing or spageheti O's which mean nothing in the grand scheme ― XXX-er

  5. #405
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    booked 2nd vaccine for exactly 8 weeks after 1st dose, stoked to be fully vax'd by summer!

  6. #406
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.odd View Post
    booked 2nd vaccine for exactly 8 weeks after 1st dose, stoked to be fully vax'd by summer!

    I need to look and see when we can book our 2nd. We are just over a month in after first dose.

  7. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.odd View Post
    booked 2nd vaccine for exactly 8 weeks after 1st dose, stoked to be fully vax'd by summer!
    Just did the same. Pfizer #2 on Monday afternoon. A benefit of a small community vax program.

  8. #408
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    Free vaccines for anyone - just have to travel to Alaska

  9. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by puregravity View Post
    Wouldn't proportional representation also be an option?
    The US is a poster child for a system that doesn't support a 3rd party. Israel is a poster child for the disfunction that a PR system can bring. I think Canada is pretty good with 3rd parties in that the 3rd can take over when one of the 2 implodes. Thinking PC federally , SC in BC and whatever that slightly right of centre in Que now.
    Mrs. Dougw- "I can see how one of your relatives could have been killed by an angry mob."

    Quote Originally Posted by ill-advised strategy View Post
    dougW, you motherfucking dirty son of a bitch.

  10. #410
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    Canada Closed until US Gets Covid 19 Under Control

    Quote Originally Posted by yeahman View Post
    You're right, and it sucks. Somebody needs to start a party of moderates. There's got to be 40% in the middle who are sick of this shit.
    we have a moderate conservative party for the 40%, they’re called the democrats.

    it would just be more obvious if we had a viable green party.

    Quote Originally Posted by DougW View Post
    The US is a poster child for a system that doesn't support a 3rd party. Israel is a poster child for the disfunction that a PR system can bring. I think Canada is pretty good with 3rd parties in that the 3rd can take over when one of the 2 implodes. Thinking PC federally , SC in BC and whatever that slightly right of centre in Que now.
    canada looks pretty good right now. i’m still a little scared that in its desire to be more like the usa it will encourage more fringe cult of personality types to come out of the woodwork and polarize the shit out of anyone.

    cbc is so pleasant even when rivals are talking heatedly. worlds better than the landscape south of the border.
    j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi

  11. #411
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    the election is decided in Ontario/ Quebec and those people are liberals not whacko nut job conservatives

    Peter Mackay was apparently a fan of the Samuel Taylor Colleridge poem " Rime of the Ancient Mariner " as evidenced when he said the cons need to rid themselves of the Stinking Albatross of social conservatism ... i love that ^^ line !

    Mackay was right, Erin Otool leader of the cons knows he is right and thats the problem ... too far right eh

    social conservatism did not/ does not work in Canada so as long as the cons keep kicking that dead horse we will have a liberal gov
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  12. #412
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    A country's politics is a reflection of its people. Every democratic system has its pros and cons but no system will work without the acceptance of basic principles and norms and a general commitment on those in political life and the populace as a whole to the welfare of the country. The United States lacks that. (And GB seems to have muddled along reasonably well without a formal written constitution, because the unwritten principles of British government are accepted.)

  13. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by ml242 View Post

    cbc is so pleasant even when rivals are talking heatedly. worlds better than the landscape south of the border.
    The good old days of reasoned debate between members of the left, right and centre. Spent a number of years as an IT road tech in Toronto and rarely missed these shows with Peter Gzowski moderating. Not that they needed moderating as their positions had more in common with reality and the common bonds of society than the current mess that politics has found itself in catering to the fringe.

    Social conservatism is the Achilles heel of that party as XXXer has alluded to.

  14. #414
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    Quote Originally Posted by puregravity View Post
    Wouldn't proportional representation also be an option?
    You are talking about a "first past the post" system which encourages multiple party representation. The system has its own quirks, but works in many democracies.

    Here in the USA its a winner take all approach that squashes any challenger outside the two party system that can't commit millions to a campaign. Corporations like this system as there is less people "needing influence" ($$$$$$$$).

  15. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asspen View Post
    You are talking about a "first past the post" system which encourages multiple party representation. The system has its own quirks, but works in many democracies.

    Here in the USA its a winner take all approach that squashes any challenger outside the two party system that can't commit millions to a campaign. Corporations like this system as there is less people "needing influence" ($$$$$$$$).
    FPTP and Proportional Rep. are two completely different things.

    FPTP does not encourage multiple party representation. It sucks and is how we have an uneducated drug dealer running our province.

  16. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by The AD View Post
    It's sad for his family. I can't muster much compassion for him, though. You reap what you sow.
    Yup, if more of the dumb asses died it would be a win win situation.
    Never in U.S. history has the public chosen leadership this malevolent. The moral clarity of their decision is crystalline, particularly knowing how Trump will regard his slim margin as a “mandate” to do his worst. We’ve learned something about America that we didn’t know, or perhaps didn’t believe, and it’ll forever color our individual judgments of who and what we are.

  17. #417
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    Well no, not really. In BC there have been 2 referendums on PR and both failed. Its not the magic bullet /wand that some people think. Most countries have some sort of PR. But a disproportionate number of the top democracies are FPTP. Its the culture of the country more than whether FPTP or some sort of PR that makes a difference. Some countries like Italy and Israel are notable as they are more dysfunctional due to PR. If you follow the news PR countries are way more likely to take a 12 months of more in some cases to figure out who / what coalition is forming the gov't.
    Mrs. Dougw- "I can see how one of your relatives could have been killed by an angry mob."

    Quote Originally Posted by ill-advised strategy View Post
    dougW, you motherfucking dirty son of a bitch.

  18. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by DougW View Post
    Well no, not really. In BC there have been 2 referendums on PR and both failed. Its not the magic bullet /wand that some people think. Most countries have some sort of PR. But a disproportionate number of the top democracies are FPTP. Its the culture of the country more than whether FPTP or some sort of PR that makes a difference. Some countries like Italy and Israel are notable as they are more dysfunctional due to PR. If you follow the news PR countries are way more likely to take a 12 months of more in some cases to figure out who / what coalition is forming the gov't.
    I like PR when the party I don't like wins but when the one I prefer is in power I'd like to keep FPTP. Is that possible?

  19. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by petey_ View Post
    The good old days of reasoned debate between members of the left, right and centre. Spent a number of years as an IT road tech in Toronto and rarely missed these shows with Peter Gzowski moderating. Not that they needed moderating as their positions had more in common with reality and the common bonds of society than the current mess that politics has found itself in catering to the fringe.

    Social conservatism is the Achilles heel of that party as XXXer has alluded to.
    I also did the tech gig on the road where i also listened to Gzowski and other radio hosts I can't remember all the names of , his guests were so facsinating that sometimes you just sat there listening instead of going in to the next job cuz you didnt want to miss it

    that link is 31 years old btw

    the big problem for the Conservative party is that it is no longer the " Progresive Conservative party " your father may have voted for which ended in 2003, it is now the Conservative party of Canada which is a mix of the progresive consevatives and the Alliance party which is where the whacko nut jobs come from, they will never form a government with whacko nut jobs
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  20. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulster2626 View Post
    I like PR when the party I don't like wins but when the one I prefer is in power I'd like to keep FPTP. Is that possible?
    single transferrable vote/instant runoff/ranked ballot....chose first/second/third choice, second choice votes from lowest ranked parties transferred until one party reaches 50% of the vote. I think in a place like Canada, that could be a reasonable alternative to fptp, it's basically a modified fptp.

  21. #421
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    Agreed on the Cdn party dilemma. There is no place for a liberal-conservative.
    OH, MY GAWD! ―John Hillerman  Big Billie Eilish fan.
    But that's a quibble to what PG posted (at first, anyway, I haven't read his latest book) ―jono
    we are not arguing about ski boots or fashionable clothing or spageheti O's which mean nothing in the grand scheme ― XXX-er

  22. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er View Post
    I also did the tech gig on the road where i also listened to Gzowski and other radio hosts I can't remember all the names of , his guests were so facsinating that sometimes you just sat there listening instead of going in to the next job cuz you didnt want to miss it

    that link is 31 years old btw
    Seemed like just yesterday Started that gig in '81. So sue me already.

    Yup, mom and pop were staunch progressive conservatives back in the day. Only one of their four sons followed in those footsteps. Wasn't me.

  23. #423
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    I was on the Big Blue teat from 75 -2005 myself, that was the heyday of CBC when Gzowski would be interviewing Margret Thatcher one day and Jean Chretien the next, it was all well researched always super interesting stuff

    progressive conservative always seemed like an oxymoron, but they would just be the boring guys at a party still a viable alternative to voting liberal,

    the whacko nut jobs who tried to make Canada less canadian and more American are pissing in the wind cuz canadians are canadian ... guys like Derek Sloan

    which is why Trudeau will get in again cuz he was anyone but harper, then he was anyone but sheer, now he is anyone but Erin the - Tool
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  24. #424
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    Wang until '93. The good doctor got some nice start up cash when he sued big blue for theft of ideas. His son didn't have the same smarts and led us into chapter 11. I came out of the shemozzle with some cash and a nice 6 months of vacay to look after the kids and recharge.

  25. #425
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    Another story about the possibility of the border opening in June. I thought this was interesting:
    Trautman says Canadians could use vaccination records as a form of entry.

    "Canada is exploring that. I think they're getting pretty close to likely implementing a situation where I, as an American traveler, can upload my vaccine status through their ArriveCAN platform, which is an app that's currently used for all entries into Canada."

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