Wonder if I can go to Canada before September?
Wonder if I can go to Canada before September?
Originally Posted by blurred
3.5 million ^^ who did die, 4000 a day in India
I only know 1 guy in small town BC who got really worst ever sick and ironicaly he was an anti-masker
if you really believe your own rhetoric you would refuse the vax so someone else could take it ?
so what would things have looked like if no one did anything just keep livivng their lives, no difference in death rates ?
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Might be early still, I wouldn't bet on it
Right now Manitoba has fucked up BIGTIME by openning early so it is a BIG hot spot, they have run out of ICU spots so are flying patients out and into Ontario, 41 dead and 2500 new cases in Ontario
It might be interesting to look for updates on BC's circuit breaker restrictions which expired last night, the press confrence is this apres noon, things might be relaxing but it will be very gradual
Last edited by XXX-er; 05-25-2021 at 12:03 PM.
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
No questioning the legality of tribes closing their lands to the public. Just pointing out that while Canada seems to be taking a very cautious approach to opening, tribes within the US are taking an even more cautious approach. Tribes in the US have amongst the highest vaccination rates in the country, and yet some are still staying closed through September. However, the tribes that are closed all are small tribes without casinos. The larger tribes with casinos are open to the public and have been for the entire pandemic, encouraging those to come hit up the tables.
This is just all-around stupid. But coming from a proud anti-masker, unsurprising.
Congratulations on being part of the ~10% of woke-as-fuck retards who will just let everyone else take the associated risks and inconvenience of the vaccines so you can get back to a normal life. Make sure to pat yourself on the back, dunno if this is harder or easier with your head stuck so far up your ass.
I'd gladly be a guinea pig for new medicine vs. the mystery virus that seems to have varying short term effects from nothing >> no smell/taste >> shitty lungs >> death. Plus, the long-term effects of COVID are what? That's right dumb dumb, nobodyfuckingknows. Just take your medicine and lets get back to doing normal shit, please.
except Covid is still killing people all over the rest of the world that is not vaxed and covid actualy does kill people
so anyone who is not vaxed could be fucked down the road
i was wearing a mask on the way somewhere the other day and forgot I was wearing it
masking will be a prt of our brave new world d
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Did they really even have Covid ?
I always say that people won't listen to trained epidemiologogists but they will listen to Bob in the lunchroom (who doesnt know shit about anything btw ) they think there really is a guy in the lunchroom named Bob
when of course Bob is an everyman
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
I think pretty much everyone knows people who got COVID personally at this point. A guy I worked with a couple years ago got it early 2020 and died, sister in law and her husband got the brazil one recently out in North Van, sister lost smell/taste for a week and the dude was just sick for a couple days and had lingering weird shit like vertigo for a few weeks, and one of my wife's bosses got it and ended up in the ICU for a while, has since recovered and apparently is learning to walk again.
So yeah, a broad spectrum of symptoms. How this will affect them all a year, 5 years, 10 years down the line is anyone's guess. And then the alternative: new vaccines that they've actually been working on for 10+ years and have tested the shit out of them, and developed during (obviously) the most advanced time in human history. It's a no-brainer, unless of course your brain is broken and/or you're a huge pussy who is afraid of making a couple of appointments and having a sore arm for a couple days.
Like seriously, way to fumble on the 1 yard line, eh?
Cases are dropping off a cliff. We're in the home stretch.
I check this daily at ~10:00am for updated data. It's awesome.
One of my buddies lost his parents recently. Looks like a healthcare worker brought it to their house. They both died within 20 hours of each other. His brother was living with the parents and got it as well. Lost 25 pounds and getting belly injections currently. I'm sure he thinks it is just the flu and that masks are not needed.
anti-science kooks fuck off
here is the plan man
but it doesnt say anything about international travel
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Thanks for those links. 46.5% D1 rate for BC right now and Step 2 requires 65%? https://health-infobase.canada.ca/co...tion-coverage/
Is that going to happen by June 15? Seems unlikely... 70% by July 1?
But if the three metrics are met and then the national government opens the borders in their July 21 announcement... man just seems unlikely. Maybe they'd do that with the caveat that you have to be vaccinated to enter. But I could see them not opening the borders until September 21.![]()
Originally Posted by blurred
canada got to 50% in what seemed like a few weeks, i think it's possible we could see a summer opening. but, i may be wishcasting here.
j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi
Ya, looks like the family fish trip in June is fucked - we were to leave on June 11th, with the first full day fishing on the 14th. Was hoping they would open the health authority boundaries with this announcement. Maybe we can reschedule for Aug, maybe not. Apparently, filling the freezer with food is not on the essential travel list (BC Wildlife Federation already petitioned to have such activities exempt, and lost). All because that overpopulated ruinous ecosystem called Fraser Health and Coastal Health can't be trusted and are a petri dish for COVID19!
I was talking to the wife, and I can't see any politician being able to keep the travel restrictions up past the kiddos getting out of school at the end of June, especially with the number of adults with their first vax shot. Guess we'll see on June 15th is the numbers allow for easement, or if they will extend it another 2 wks until the end of June.
SO we are seeing A restriction on where one can travel un-vaxed ... wow who seen that coming !
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Yep dude, you can say whatever the fuck you want. However when you say really stupid shit it makes you look stupid. I don't want to censor you, you aren't spouting hate speech or something like that but I can sure as fuck ignore you in a heartbeat. So rant all you want, you have the freedom to but you should choose words that don't make you appear to be a fucking idiot.
Further, think about how a maggot who lost his parent or good friend reading your proud "this flu is fuck all, my wife's 100 yr old grandma beat it" bullshit would feel. Do you think your denying that covid was a nasty killer, or that it was really that bad would be a good read for them? You think your proud antivax stance would sit well with somebody who lost someone close to this fucking virus?
“I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country
This is OUR mountain - come join us!
So this is interesting. Haven't seen it from any other source and not sure the Point Bob news is a trustworthy source, but...
The number of deaths is undeniable like the rapid decline in deaths corresponding to social distancing, ppe and now inoculation. Its not a coincidence. The proof is pretty overwhelming for any reasonable onlooker
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I havent heard anything about the border openning either
Vax was the big game changer cuz with people not really doing the distancing or PPE all that well we would have been fucked with a 3rd, 4th... 10th wave
right now India is REALLY bad from what i have read, WAY more deaths than have been reported, most likley surpassing the totals in America
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Some people choose words that make them look like an idiot .... because, wait for it.....
They are an idiot. Live and let die.
Is it radix panax notoginseng? - splat
This is like hanging yourself but the rope breaks. - DTM
Dude Listen to mtm. He's a marriage counselor at burning man. - subtle plague
Saw several BC plates this week, and one Yukon today.
My guess is that the US CBP is acting unilaterally on this.