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Thread: Canada Closed until US Gets Covid 19 Under Control

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by altasnob View Post
    I hope Canada is ok with the fact the US will never get to 75% of our population vaccinated. Right now, only 37% in US are fully vaccinated (that's of everyone, including kids). 60% of adults have had at least one shot.

    How is Canada going to get to 75% of total vaccinated? Isn't a third of your country crazy anti-vax like the US? Oh well, at least Europe is opening is opening their doors to visitors. Find out Friday if US makes the list.
    Na even in Alabamaberta vaccine hesitancy is only 25%

    ..and that’s Alberta

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Montreal, Canada
    Yeah people seem to be pretty compliant here and are down with being vaxxed for the most part. Seems that the uptake is actually quite good in QC.

    During the announcement yesterday on easing of restrictions the Premier of Quebec (i guess the governor for you guys?) was asked about people coming from other countries and his response was that as long as 75% of Quebs are fully vaccinated people can come here because Quebec society will be protected and there will be less pressure on the health care system. He has no authority to open the border though, that falls under Federal jurisdiction.
    27° 18°

  3. #103
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    Oct 2003
    Apparently Canada wants vaccine passports and the U.S. does not. It would be nice if it were a reciprocal deal, but does it have to be? I'm perfectly willing to provide my vax info to the Canadian government if it gets me into Canada. In any event I do think we're approaching the endgame here. I'm guessing the borders will open toward the end of summer. Of course I couldn't have been more wrong when this all started, so my prediction probably isn't worth much.

  4. #104
    Join Date
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    in the trench
    Thats the way their discussing now. Thats insentive to get your shots as well. No record no entry sounds fair. They need to crack down locally too. Mouth breather in the hardware store yesterday , no mask, talking loud blowing rona chunks erry where. wtf

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  5. #105
    Join Date
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    Someone I argued with said the vax hesitancey would be the same either side of the 49th,

    I countered that while we also have the nut jobs bothe christian & just plain stupid it would appear there might be much less

    also we don't have any republicans who will not vax for political reasons

    Quote Originally Posted by The AD View Post
    Apparently Canada wants vaccine passports and the U.S. does not. It would be nice if it were a reciprocal deal, but does it have to be? I'm perfectly willing to provide my vax info to the Canadian government if it gets me into Canada. In any event I do think we're approaching the endgame here. I'm guessing the borders will open toward the end of summer. Of course I couldn't have been more wrong when this all started, so my prediction probably isn't worth much.
    yeah your last guess was a year ago, I am not going to say I told you so but to be fair how could you fathom that public health could trump money ?

    And that's your big probelm ... public health eh
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er View Post
    yeah your last guess was a year ago, I am not going to say I told you so but to be fair how could you fathom that public health could trump money ?
    At the time I didn't figure the U.S. could botch the response so badly compared to Canada. If both countries had been dealing with similar numbers of cases there wouldn't be nearly as compelling a reason to keep the border closed.

  7. #107
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    This is a bit dick waving art. as the comparisons in the last couple of months have had the US ahead , way ahead , on the vaccination front plus Canada's numbers in 3rd wave have not been good. Not as bad as US in 2nd wave but as bad as US currently. So dick waving comparison now. Note still way behind US in 2nd shots.
    Thanks to the good sense of Canadians, we’re about to out-vaccinate the Americans
    Mrs. Dougw- "I can see how one of your relatives could have been killed by an angry mob."

    Quote Originally Posted by ill-advised strategy View Post
    dougW, you motherfucking dirty son of a bitch.

  8. #108
    Join Date
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    in the trench
    We've been atleast trying to stem the tide. Its still depressing how many morans we have that think theyre the real scientists. It should be vaxx or dick punch, take your pick

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  9. #109
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    So you all are saying my July 6th fishing trip to Haida Gwaii is not looking likely?

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by californiagrown View Post
    So you all are saying my July 6th fishing trip to Haida Gwaii is not looking likely?
    which year ?

    USA didn't respond poorly they just didnt respond period but as i remember a year ago the feeling was the border will stay open cuz of money or maybe manifest destiny or sft but public health ... no way

    so 600000 American died according to worldometer is about 1800 per million pop vs 25000 canadian dead which is about 650 per million pop

    USA has since got on top of vaxing altho how many people take it is anybodies guess but when you have to pay people to protect themselves its not a good sgn

    alberta is now the NA hotspot for Covid due to stupidity & money

    I think Canada will end up with a higher % of the pop vaxed
    Last edited by XXX-er; 05-19-2021 at 12:49 PM.
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by DougW View Post
    This is a bit dick waving art. as the comparisons in the last couple of months have had the US ahead , way ahead , on the vaccination front plus Canada's numbers in 3rd wave have not been good. Not as bad as US in 2nd wave but as bad as US currently. So dick waving comparison now. Note still way behind US in 2nd shots.
    Thanks to the good sense of Canadians, we’re about to out-vaccinate the Americans
    By the weekend Canada will likely have a greater percentage of citizens with at least 1 dose of the vaccine. We're all but guaranteed to surpass the USA by the end of the summer if the uptake rates don't increase down there. Better start dragging uncle Cletus in to the Alabama vax clinic or this ain't never gonna go away.

    Canada today is @ 46.73% with at least 1 dose
    USA today is @ 47.35% with at least 1 dose

    Doses per 100 people in the past week:
    Canada - 6.71
    USA - 3.71

    Note that just yesterday Ontario opened up vaccinations to all people 18+ in Ontario (14 million total pop) so the numbers in Canada are only going to go up exponentially. 2 Million Pfizer doses/week arriving now until at least the end of July. We'll be basically done by then. USA wins the sprint but the tortoise is going to win the marathon. Our dicks are blowing in the breeze.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulster2626 View Post
    By the weekend Canada will likely have a greater percentage of citizens with at least 1 dose of the vaccine. We're all but guaranteed to surpass the USA by the end of the summer if the uptake rates don't increase down there. Better start dragging uncle Cletus in to the Alabama vax clinic or this ain't never gonna go away.

    Canada today is @ 46.73% with at least 1 dose
    USA today is @ 47.35% with at least 1 dose

    Doses per 100 people in the past week:
    Canada - 6.71
    USA - 3.71

    Note that just yesterday Ontario opened up vaccinations to all people 18+ in Ontario (14 million total pop) so the numbers in Canada are only going to go up exponentially. 2 Million Pfizer doses/week arriving now until at least the end of July. We'll be basically done by then. USA wins the sprint but the tortoise is going to win the marathon. Our dicks are blowing in the breeze.
    Barring any supply issues. Things are going OK. But I can't believe they just turfed the Soldier in command of vaccination supply and logistics because of allegations of sexual misconduct while he was at Royal Military College in the early 2000s. This is fucked. Could they not let him finish his job before turning this into a cancel culture whore show. Fuck.
    27° 18°

  13. #113
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    30 yrs ago he acted like a teenager
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  14. #114
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Speaking of closed borders, first day in to Austria since summer. Easygoing and glad to be back in the Alpenrepublik🤘🤘deep pow, no one there... Prima

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er View Post
    30 yrs ago he acted like a teenager
    surprize surprize surprize

    It seems a bit unfair to go back to the 90's when the allegations about Justin were just forgotten after "we remember things differently". Though maybe this guy was a real ass at RMC? All the Mil College guys I knew came out a bit weird about women. Had nothing nice to say about the women they went through mil coll with other than a couple who did very well.
    Mrs. Dougw- "I can see how one of your relatives could have been killed by an angry mob."

    Quote Originally Posted by ill-advised strategy View Post
    dougW, you motherfucking dirty son of a bitch.

  16. #116
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by danmelon View Post
    Barring any supply issues. Things are going OK. But I can't believe they just turfed the Soldier in command of vaccination supply and logistics because of allegations of sexual misconduct while he was at Royal Military College in the early 2000s. This is fucked. Could they not let him finish his job before turning this into a cancel culture whore show. Fuck.
    Except they didn’t turf him? He’s still the chief of staff or whatever, he’s just been removed from overseeing the vaccination efforts while an investigation takes place. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
    If all the guy did was expose himself to someone in college 30 years ago, then he should be put back on the job if he wants, and that’s it.

    Get accused of some shit
    Stopped from doing your current job
    Still remain on payroll
    Investigation happens
    Big nothingburger
    Statement released “dude is cool did nothing wrong”
    Back to work

    Also things aren’t “going OK,” they’re going great! Look at the source data I shared. Canada is killing it, especially for a country with no domestic production. It’s honestly going surprisingly well.

    Supply issues?? - those happened when Pfizer was tweaking their facilities to improve production capabilities. That’s long finished, and they’ve been slamming us with massive shipments ever since.

    Canada’s got this. We’re in the home stretch and the people like you and I and leaders (except Ford and Kenney, the fucking morons) have done admirably.

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  17. #117
    Join Date
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    Maine Coast
    So sounding positive wife and I can go to the maritimes for a September vacation. And more importantly for me I can ski across the border next year. I have the card but hardly official. Just a couple of stickers and initials.

  18. #118
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    Canada locked down with zero fans at NHL games, and the USA having full capacity crowds, and a goddamn free for all in multiple states. Where at the bodies in the streets?

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by cat in january View Post
    So sounding positive wife and I can go to the maritimes for a September vacation. And more importantly for me I can ski across the border next year. I have the card but hardly official. Just a couple of stickers and initials.
    Here's hoping! And in the reverse direction as well. Would love to ski Down East next winter and hit up BMOM.
    27° 18°

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asspen View Post
    Canada locked down with zero fans at NHL games, and the USA having full capacity crowds, and a goddamn free for all in multiple states. Where at the bodies in the streets?
    actualy after a great start last year they opened things up, shit got worse, last summer there were zero cases up narht so they closed things down again last winter, vax will be the great game changer other wise we would be having 4th and 5th waves

    who knows what happened down south but I herd it has been a godamn free for all, they hid the bodies in worldometer, almost 3 times as many dead percapita
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  21. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asspen View Post
    Canada locked down with zero fans at NHL games, and the USA having full capacity crowds, and a goddamn free for all in multiple states. Where at the bodies in the streets?
    We're generally a little more conservative when it comes to not giving any fucks about other people's lives up here. Sorry!

  22. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by cat in january View Post
    So sounding positive wife and I can go to the maritimes for a September vacation. And more importantly for me I can ski across the border next year. I have the card but hardly official. Just a couple of stickers and initials.
    I got mine laminated. Much more offishaler.

  23. #123
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    on the banks of Fish Creek
    Yer a little quick on the draw there partner…..How are you gonna write down the booster shot that you’re going to be required to get?

  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by m2711c View Post
    Yer a little quick on the draw there partner…..How are you gonna write down the booster shot that you’re going to be required to get?
    Yup, they told me not to laminate it for that reason. As much as I would love to visit BC, I am hoping the border stays closed until the end of Sept so I have an excuse to miss my step moms 90th cake day. Sister is bugging me to attend and I would rather not.
    Never in U.S. history has the public chosen leadership this malevolent. The moral clarity of their decision is crystalline, particularly knowing how Trump will regard his slim margin as a “mandate” to do his worst. We’ve learned something about America that we didn’t know, or perhaps didn’t believe, and it’ll forever color our individual judgments of who and what we are.

  25. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by californiagrown View Post
    So you all are saying my July 6th fishing trip to Haida Gwaii is not looking likely?
    If i was an American and I wanted to go fishing I would look at AK, I talked to a guy who runs seaplanes at the lake, they are open and ready for bidness but there is none, he said AK was open
    Last edited by XXX-er; 05-21-2021 at 10:14 AM.
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

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