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  1. #251
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Summit View Post
    BC has restricted travel within BC the point of not being allowed to go from one part of a city to another.

  2. #252
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    in the trench
    Quote Originally Posted by Summit View Post
    BC has restricted travel within BC the point of not being allowed to go from one part of a city to another.

    This type of TC is rarely warranted, much less effective, unless you have a huge disparity in prevalence AND susceptibility between the areas: one region that is truly clean and unvaccianted vs another area that has high prevalence. Then you effectively establish a cordon sanitaire like what China tried and failed to do early in the emerging outbreak (think January 2020). But proper application of this measure is at the boundary between clean and infected regions, not "no mingling between any sub-area of a city/province" without regard to local prevalence rates vs vaccination rates. There is no consideration for that and so what is accomplished? Curtailing freedom and economic activity for very little benefit!

    The virus is everywhere. Primary TC is by local restrictions on masking, distancing, and gatherings/business, not by sub-regional travel restrictions. The level of TC you gain by subregional or regional travel restrictions is minimal.

    Vaccinate the shit out of everyone ASAP while you mask+distance+curtail large indoor gatherings, then release restrictions on the vaccinated, and that is the key to population and economic health.
    Health regions in bc dont seperate individual cities. The lowermainland/vancouver and surrounding area is one health region. Like the interior health region, north hr and ismand hr. Most of the rona and the variants are in the lower msinlsnd. I thonk it makes sense to contain the spread until the percentage of fully vaxxed peopke is higher than currently. Hoping to get my 2nd shot next month so i cany see any drastic changes in current restrictions for another couple months. July 1st might be tricky

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  3. #253
    Join Date
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    the ham
    I think restricting people's movements between health districts has more to do with keeping the population near their local clinics and hospitals, so that the smaller facilities don't get overwhelmed by a bunch of sick tourists.

  4. #254
    Join Date
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    in the trench
    Yes, that for sure. Overwhelming the health care system is one of the top metrics in relaxing or tightening the restrictions. Florida not so much. People go broke paying for their hc everyday so that metric seems a bit watered down south of the 48

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  5. #255
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Sounds like Summit also misspoke about BC’s policies.
    j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi

  6. #256
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Yep I misread what the zones were, I thought they were much smaller.

    I still stand by my statements that the travel bans are not accomplishing much.
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  7. #257
    Join Date
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    Shuswap Highlands
    Quote Originally Posted by smmokan View Post
    Oh, and here's an interesting stat for all of our friendly neighbors to the north: in 2019, almost 21 million Canadians visited the US, but only 15 million US residents visited Canada. So you guys need us way more than we need you (discounting my need for more BC mountain biking this summer or fall, of course).
    Ha! Take away the visits to Costco and Trader Joes 15min south of the border and tell me those stats again

    Wow, I get tied up for 1 day, and geeze, you BC rec and Montreal strip club lovers get busy!

    For the BC health authority statements, remember that outside of the lower mainland, our demographics are very monochromatic. As in pale. In the coastal and fraser health authorities, this is a whole other challenge, even with the english speaking demographic. Heck, fisheries Canada is having a hell of a time stopping people gathering shellfish in the fraser delta despite all the english signs saying the clams and such are likely poisonous. Education is still the desire, so getting signs in south and east asian languages is the next step to curb the problem. I am a bit surprised closing travel to/from India took so long.

    Long story short though, we are not the US. It's our house, and despite the obvious adulation that we are a smarter country than yourselves, we are still largely governed by our emotions. And we don't trust our southern neighbours.
    Sorry, but essential business other than tourism travel is still there - your needs to rip the mtb park in whistler, or book a ski lodge trip this winter doesn't really resonate with the public here at large. You may demand an explanation, but we are not obligated to concede to your wishes. The border will open when it opens. But the last 20min reading this has certainly been entertaining - thanks!

    Gotta love freedom, eh?

  8. #258
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    the ham
    Quote Originally Posted by BCMtnHound View Post
    Ha! Take away the visits to Costco and Trader Joes 15min south of the border and tell me those stats again
    That plus my guess is that more Canadians own second properties in the US than vice versa.

  9. #259
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    in the trench
    Old people/snowbirds out number skiers. East coast families - disneyland , west coast- disney world or is it the opposite. Anyway more people want to escape the cold rather than embrace it. That has to account for a lot of the cross border disparity.

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  10. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Striker View Post
    I think restricting people's movements between health districts has more to do with keeping the population near their local clinics and hospitals, so that the smaller facilities don't get overwhelmed by a bunch of sick tourists.
    go to any hospitol give em yer ID and you are in, i think the idea is to keep the virus from traveling and spreading to other groups of people, covid can't travel so its the people who move it, nice people who can afford to travel
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  11. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Striker View Post
    Totally. The Tragically Hip are the quintessential Canadian band.

    ...or were.
    Where's the love for Frōzen Ghōst?

  12. #262
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    Down In A Hole, Up in the Sky
    I confess...I actually really enjoy some Bare Naked Ladies when I am in the mood.
    Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident

  13. #263
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Fat the whuck? Who's gonna buy an epic pass again without Whistler? Any Maple Leaf on this forum know if/when the border is likely to open?

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  14. #264
    Join Date
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    in the trench
    No A line for you!!!

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  15. #265
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rideit View Post
    I confess...I actually really enjoy some Bare Naked Ladies when I am in the mood.

    fuck that noise. lets getter goin on the mitchell there bud.
    27° 18°

  16. #266
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The AD View Post
    Canada only suspended flights from India on April 22nd, so it's no big secret how that strain got into Canada.
    Did anyone tell this strain that it has to come directly from India only and can't go through any other countries first?

  17. #267
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Summit View Post
    BC has restricted travel within BC the point of not being allowed to go from one part of a city to another.
    Huh? This is like when americans try to tell people living in Europe they aren't really "free."

    I'm literally picking up the in-laws from the airport in Toronto tomorrow, coming from North Van. Delete your facebook account, please.

  18. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulster2626 View Post
    Huh? This is like when americans try to tell people living in Europe they aren't really "free."

    I'm literally picking up the in-laws from the airport in Toronto tomorrow, coming from North Van. Delete your facebook account, please.
    So you guys arent travel restricted? Thought everyone was just huddled in their homes guzzling maple syrup?

  19. #269
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by amoeba View Post
    Fat the whuck? Who's gonna buy an epic pass again without Whistler? Any Maple Leaf on this forum know if/when the border is likely to open?

    Sent from my SM-A115U using Tapatalk
    There's been lots of talk about provincial health restrictions vis-a-vis inter and intra provincial travel, but this has zilch to do with the border which is control by the federal government. The federal government is a lot more cautious than most provincial governments with respect to COVID, so don't hold out hope it will be aligned with provincial re-opening, because it wont.

    While provincial governments are eager to begin re-opening the economy, the Feds have taken a much more cautious approach indicating they don't see the pandemic easing until September. Specific to the border, they have now begun giving thought to when it may open but we are definitely not talking about June, and I suspect they'll wait til September at the earliest. They are being ultra-conservative and talking about metrics based on fully vaxxed vs one dose.

    The other sticky truth is that the border closure is pretty popular in Canada, not because we like to scoop all the pow or any anti-tourist sentiment, but again because we are more cautious all the while being overtly aware that our neighbours down south are not. Latest poll says about half still support a closure until September. Given we will likely be in a fall federal election, I don't suspect the feds will be in a rush to move on this.

  20. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peyto View Post
    The other sticky truth is that the border closure is pretty popular in Canada, not because we like to scoop all the pow or any anti-tourist sentiment, but again because we are more cautious all the while being overtly aware that our neighbours down south are not. Latest poll says about half still support a closure until September.
    I wonder how different the numbers would be if Canadians couldn't travel to the U.S. right now? Yes, the current rules make it somewhat onerous when Canadians return to Canada, but if you've got the time you can still travel here (and you can also cheat the system by re-entering by land). That's been one of the things that's been irksome for me. Canadians don't want Americans traveling there, but for some reason it's okay for them to leave the country if they so desire. Definitely a double standard at work.

  21. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peyto View Post
    not because we like to scoop all the pow or any anti-tourist sentiment
    This was easier to believe when the numbers in the US were way worse than Canada. Now that rate of the infection and vaccination are about the same, it is difficult to understand how allowing vaccinated Americans in would somehow make the situation worse in Canada.

  22. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by The AD View Post
    I wonder how different the numbers would be if Canadians couldn't travel to the U.S. right now? Yes, the current rules make it somewhat onerous when Canadians return to Canada, but if you've got the time you can still travel here (and you can also cheat the system by re-entering by land). That's been one of the things that's been irksome for me. Canadians don't want Americans traveling there, but for some reason it's okay for them to leave the country if they so desire. Definitely a double standard at work.
    I don't know the numbers of Canadians who are traveling south, but the quarantine requirements mean that as you say, its mostly snowbirds and the wealthy.

    I disagree with your take on there being a double standard though - if the US wants to put quarantine requirements on those entering they're welcome to and the Canadian government certainly wouldn't protest. They'd probably love that as it would reduce the amount of Canadians traveling abroad (there is still a blanket travel advisory).

  23. #273
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    Sep 2008

    Canada Closed until US Gets Covid 19 Under Control

    justin said that the plan was 75% vaccinated and the border opens. maybe he hopes to encourage people to get jabbed rather than it seeming like life is already back to normal. lots of handwringing about this policy. you guys have family here? factories to visit?

    With either of those you can come btw.
    j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi

  24. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peyto View Post
    I disagree with your take on there being a double standard though
    Canadians can fly into the US for any reason, but Americans cannot fly into Canada (unless essential purpose).

  25. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by altasnob View Post
    This was easier to believe when the numbers in the US were way worse than Canada. Now that rate of the infection and vaccination are about the same, it is difficult to understand how allowing vaccinated Americans in would somehow make the situation worse in Canada.
    I think you also need to view this historically. Yes, right now the numbers may be comparable, but overall the U.S. has been much, much worse. Vaccinations are almost certainly going to keep things lower going forward, but do you want to bank on that? It also makes sense to wait until at least the adult population of both countries has had a chance to get fully vaccinated. We're getting close to that here in the U.S., but Canada is a bit behind.

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