Opening the borders would be a slap in the face of can citizens still restricting their travel. In BC we have the india strain do gov is only allowing travel within health regions as of a couple days ago. We're doing ok with the percentage of first vaccinations. Few have been fully vaccinated country wide. Once we have a substantial amount fully vaccinated it might be time to consider borders
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well whatever, its gonna end. In 5 years we wont be talking about it and shit will be back to normal. you heard it here first.
You guys can end it the "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" way, and we will end it the "Peace, Order and Good Government" way.
Damn lotta people ded tho.
27° 18°
We deserve another summer of Sea to Sky/Whistler Bike Park without Americans as a reward for getting through the pandemic! Keep the border closed until after labour day! Hearing they might relax rules on loading chairs as well which should kill line-ups in the park, could be an epic summer.
Easy, you don't let them in. I'll say it again... if a person chooses not to be vaccinated, then Canada (or another country) can choose to keep them out. Seems pretty easy to me. What happens when you try to enter another country without a valid passport? Entry denied.
Oh, and here's an interesting stat for all of our friendly neighbors to the north: in 2019, almost 21 million Canadians visited the US, but only 15 million US residents visited Canada. So you guys need us way more than we need you (discounting my need for more BC mountain biking this summer or fall, of course).
Also dude, Canadien refers to French Canadians, which is a minority of the population. I know you're being cute and all, but you're actually referring to a very specific segment of the population. It's like if I was talking about Americans, but kept referring to them as Italian-Americans or what have you.
27° 18°
Is Manitoba a place? Never heard of it. Is it like Saskatoon? That’s a place, right?
crab in my shoe mouth
I don't think the situation of a vax passport is anywhere near addressed and the border isnt openned anyway so no rush
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Wait... there won't be any Rush?! What're people gonna listen to, Nickelback? Pfft...
BC has restricted travel within BC the point of not being allowed to go from one part of a city to another.
This type of TC is rarely warranted, much less effective, unless you have a huge disparity in prevalence AND susceptibility between the areas: one region that is truly clean and unvaccianted vs another area that has high prevalence. Then you effectively establish a cordon sanitaire like what China tried and failed to do early in the emerging outbreak (think January 2020). But proper application of this measure is at the boundary between clean and infected regions, not "no mingling between any sub-area of a city/province" without regard to local prevalence rates vs vaccination rates. There is no consideration for that and so what is accomplished? Curtailing freedom and economic activity for very little benefit!
The virus is everywhere. Primary TC is by local restrictions on masking, distancing, and gatherings/business, not by sub-regional travel restrictions. The level of TC you gain by subregional or regional travel restrictions is minimal.
Vaccinate the shit out of everyone ASAP while you mask+distance+curtail large indoor gatherings, then release restrictions on the vaccinated, and that is the key to population and economic health.
Originally Posted by blurred
Totally. The Tragically Hip are the quintessential Canadian band.
...or were.