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Thread: Freeride World Tour

  1. #2126
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    You know it's a good comp when Valentin tweaks his MCL in a backflip and ranks a measly third.

  2. #2127
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Toby-- Spiderman. Ithink this dude's my new favorite skier.

  3. #2128
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by gaijin View Post
    Even Victor thought Enzo beat him.
    That's the impression I got as well. Had to head off for a little sk have to catch up on the skiers. But now I'm hungry, thanks gaijin!

  4. #2129
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thanks, skiers.

    Maxine-- it's gotta be tough to be the last skier and still contain your forced stoke and not come in with too much heat. I'm SUPER curious what you're gonna do with the new Stockli relationship.

    Let's go, ladies...

  5. #2130
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    not there

    Freeride World Tour

    Toby rafford impressed me most! Like so smooth.

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  6. #2131
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I wish Marcus landed that backy. He is just so impressive all around.
    formerly an ambassador for a few others, but the ski industry is... interesting.
    Fukt: a very small amount of snow.

  7. #2132
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hell Track
    Nice comp. Some scary crashes in there. Kinda surprised everyone came out ok-ish.

    Thought Rafford should have taken it. So damn smooth. Excited to watch Ben Richards this year too. And Ho.

    Edit: just started watching women. Seems like everyone didn't come out ok-ish after all.
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  8. #2133
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    not there
    Quote Originally Posted by toast2266 View Post
    Nice comp. Some scary crashes in there. Kinda surprised everyone came out ok-ish.

    Thought Rafford should have taken it. So damn smooth. Excited to watch Ben Richards this year too. And Ho.

    Edit: just started watching women. Seems like everyone didn't come out ok-ish after all.
    Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
    Yes def. Judges blew it! He got robbed!

  9. #2134
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I would normally agree with you all, but I had Ross to win it.

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  10. #2135
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Enzo got robbed, Victor's top was... uncharacteristic. Thought he had something wrong with his board.

    My top 10
    Rafford: barely. If he had hit the same top air as Ross, or Vale, or Ben, super clear W
    Ross: Textbook, should have thrown something bigger on the windlip, being the first to jump into that couloir at the bottom gives him extra credit for sure.
    Ben Richards: love watching that guy ski. What a top.
    Timo rolshoven: Strong skiing, one to watch. Imagine your setup to a double backflip is a 8m high 15m long blind jump into a chute? Fuck. Again props to Ross for opening it up.
    Martin bender: the 2 little 3's don't add, but it's harder than not doing it and I loved his backflip in an area where others are straightlining.
    Vale rainer: 4-6 are a toss up for me, takes balls to throw that last backflip and his top air was great, but I felt he was overscored as everything in between the 3 and the last rock was vanilla.
    Weitien ho: would score him over Vale and Bender if he hadn't backslapped
    Turdell: Dude makes it look so easy
    Aracil: felt like he was underscored for a clean and balsy run
    Didier: I liked his bottom but the control issue was just too much.

    I've thought this before, but I feel like Simon Perraudin does not quite have the ski technique to be in the FWT. Showed last year in Andorra he's got the legs for it though..

    Gnarly crashes, I can't believe I keep getting injured and these guys just walk it off...

    Good show considering the third awful winter in a row in the Pyrenees. Let's hope for good conditions in ValTho

  11. #2136
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    summit county
    It is absolutely mind blowing what the ski men can do in any kind of conditions. What a showing as always. And yeah here’s to hoping for a little better snow in the next one

  12. #2137
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Pirene View Post
    Enzo got robbed, Victor's top was... uncharacteristic. Thought he had something wrong with his board.

    My top 10
    Rafford: barely. If he had hit the same top air as Ross, or Vale, or Ben, super clear W
    Ross: Textbook, should have thrown something bigger on the windlip, being the first to jump into that couloir at the bottom gives him extra credit for sure.
    Ben Richards: love watching that guy ski. What a top.
    Timo rolshoven: Strong skiing, one to watch. Imagine your setup to a double backflip is a 8m high 15m long blind jump into a chute? Fuck. Again props to Ross for opening it up.
    Martin bender: the 2 little 3's don't add, but it's harder than not doing it and I loved his backflip in an area where others are straightlining.
    Vale rainer: 4-6 are a toss up for me, takes balls to throw that last backflip and his top air was great, but I felt he was overscored as everything in between the 3 and the last rock was vanilla.
    Weitien ho: would score him over Vale and Bender if he hadn't backslapped
    Turdell: Dude makes it look so easy
    Aracil: felt like he was underscored for a clean and balsy run
    Didier: I liked his bottom but the control issue was just too much.

    I've thought this before, but I feel like Simon Perraudin does not quite have the ski technique to be in the FWT. Showed last year in Andorra he's got the legs for it though..

    Gnarly crashes, I can't believe I keep getting injured and these guys just walk it off...

    Good show considering the third awful winter in a row in the Pyrenees. Let's hope for good conditions in ValTho
    Pretty much sums it up for me. That head smack though, ouch. Hard to watch and skipped it the second time. Did mean another Bumboes sighting though! After Nendaz, and him showing up as entourage, maybe a sneaky wildcard?

  13. #2138
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Leshphilling77 View Post
    It is absolutely mind blowing what the ski men can do in any kind of conditions. What a showing as always. And yeah here’s to hoping for a little better snow in the next one
    Tricomi's "yay Japow!" will go down well with the venue sponsors

  14. #2139
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    I had to go back and rewatch Victor's run after seeing the criticism here because I thought it was clearly the best run of the day. I'm wondering do you guys snowboard? Because holding a heel edge in snow like that is basically impossible. You could criticize him for choosing a line that forced him to be on his heels so much, but it seemed like so much of the scoring potential forced you to the skier's left side. It's not aesthetically pleasing to watch, but I don't think it's fair to give the goofy footers such a big advantage by docking him a lot of points for that.

  15. #2140
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    I didn’t watch any of the boarding, but overall I was pretty stoked about the skiers.

    On the negative side, I’m a little worried that Weitien Ho’s creativity is going to get him boned by the scoring again, which would be a bummer for him and the viewers.

    It was also uncool to see Gerritzen wipe out. She was my fave to watch on the women’s side before she left the tour and I was looking forward to her run. Hopefully some more filming in the future though.

  16. #2141
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Ross Testicles = Dawg

    Toby Rafford = more fun to watch puppy dawg.

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  17. #2142
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Pirene View Post
    Aracil: felt like he was underscored for a clean and balsy run
    Just caught up on this. Sickness. Toby, duh! Also thought Aracil was underscored, thought his line was better than Didier's who managed a 75. Crashes were hard to watch.

    I didn't heard not a one "silky smooth" or "stomped the piss out of" from the commentators, but I have only watched the ski men, so there's still time! I thought they improved though.

  18. #2143
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Victor wasn’t just sideslipping. He was also rolling the windows down. Basically flailing.
    It’s not an elevator. Make a turn

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  19. #2144
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    This french dude at the end - what an epic place to loose a ski AND the helmet. Dude should be more than happy to ski away from this on his own feet. It wasn’t easy to watch that.

  20. #2145
    Join Date
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    Plus the way his ski came right back to him was amazing

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  21. #2146
    Join Date
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    Quebec -> Tahoe

    Freeride World Tour

    I did not like seeing so many hard crashes. Impressed that no one was badly hurt.

    Love that Justine Dufour-Lapointe out there proving that the best skiers come from icy hills out east.

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  22. #2147
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    The level of skiing these days is just unbelievable. Great comp.

  23. #2148
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Yeah, it’s mindblowing how hard the athletes send it in shitty/variable conditions. Some incredible lines and gnarly crashes. Goguen was on an absolute heater before the crash at the end of the run. Rafford made it look so easy.

    I thought Hadley crushed it in the booth and also appreciated the absence of “silky smooth” etc.

  24. #2149
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    "He pointed the skis where he wanted to go"

    Are the other competitors not doing this? It's a great idea.

  25. #2150
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by muted reborn View Post
    "He pointed the skis where he wanted to go"

    Are the other competitors not doing this? It's a great idea.
    FWT judges hate this one weird trick.

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