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Thread: Etiquette for our new dysfunctional normal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Etiquette for our new dysfunctional normal


    Been out riding the local trails for the past couple weeks - now that things are finally drying out.

    The trails are starting to get busier and interactions with other riders more frequent.
    Usually I am happy to see my fellow trail riders. I still am, but also a little
    freaked, when we pass on narrow trails, huffing and puffing, with little room for someone to get by.

    What used to be common sense right-of-way - to allow the uphill rider to pedal on by is no longer
    a good practice, now that we have serious health concerns about distancing.
    The uphill rider is usually breathing much heavier than the downhill rider, and, he is going MUCH slower.

    Which brings me to my point. As long as we have transmission concerns, it seems
    common sense to reverse our usual practice and let the uphill riders stay mounted, and go by quickly.
    It lessens the time spent in close proximity substantially. It lessens the time the
    downhill rider is subjected to the slow uphill speed and heavy breathing of the climbing rider.
    Hopefully we will be in this situation for just this season and can go back to normal once there is
    a vaccine.

    Please share this with your crew and stay healthy.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Live Free or Die
    I think a more reasonable approach is just everyone yield and evaluate what makes sense. We barely manage to follow the guidelines under normal circumstances, now there's more people, new users on the trail, better to just stop and talk it out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    United States of Aburdistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Iwantmy2dollars View Post

    Please share this with your crew and stay healthy.

    This will be a logistical log-jam as some people change the rules, while others have no clue why. It won't work. If you are that afraid an uphill rider is puffing on you, stay home?

    As geomorph said 'yield and evaluate what makes sense'

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    the ham
    One way trails.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    In the swamp
    Wear neck gaiters or bandanas and pull them on when you approach another trail user. Pull off trail 6’ if possible.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Striker View Post
    One way trails.
    Yes. This will be awesome.

    And unfortunately a bunch of wealthy rich white people will then whine they picked the wrong direction.....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    Pull off trail 6’ if possible.
    This has gotten interesting with the poison ivy going fucking nuts at the local spot.
    Remind me. We'll send him a red cap and a Speedo.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Striker View Post
    One way trails.
    Would solve so. many. problems.

  9. #9
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    Aug 2019
    Not really practical with how quickly we intersect with not much time to react.

  10. #10
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    Aug 2019
    yeah, I realize that it will initially create some confusion but if we take time to explain then most normal people understand and will act accordingly next time.
    When I pull over now going uphill, most of the riders going down stop like they are accustomed to doing. I take that moment to explain and most
    are appreciative and think its a reasonable approach. Only takes a minute and there are reasons to do this that far exceed the inconvenience of
    having to re-start going up on most hills.

    One ways are a good idea too for the current moment.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2015

    Etiquette for our new dysfunctional normal

    Quote Originally Posted by bagtagley View Post
    This has gotten interesting with the poison ivy going fucking nuts at the local spot.
    I am covered in scratches and a some poison ivy from doing that. Maybe I took a couple tumbles too. Feel like my appearance is putting out the distancing vibe

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    Would solve so. many. problems.
    Yes. so much less conflict, although it doesn't solve hiker vs. biker completely.

  13. #13
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    Aug 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by snowaddict91 View Post
    Yes. so much less conflict, although it doesn't solve hiker vs. biker completely.
    Patience and a smile are the best tools we got. Most people around here know we are sharing designated trails and
    usually step aside so we can pass. Slowing down and showing some common courtesy goes a long way to making
    everyones experience a better one

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Iwantmy2dollars View Post
    yeah, I realize that it will initially create some confusion but if we take time to explain then most normal people understand and will act accordingly next time.
    When I pull over now going uphill, most of the riders going down stop like they are accustomed to doing. I take that moment to explain and most
    are appreciative and think its a reasonable approach. Only takes a minute and there are reasons to do this that far exceed the inconvenience of
    having to re-start going up on most hills.

    One ways are a good idea too for the current moment.
    So stopping to talk to someone about how we need to not be near others for safety huh. Seems reasonable.

    I’d say if this whole pandemic is causing you this much stress, maybe park your bicycle at home and go play elsewhere. Or stay home.

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums

  15. #15
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    A bunch of local trails here have gone one-way. Signage at the trail heads, and lots of notification on the local Trail FB page.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    In the swamp
    What about stopping at the side of the trail, pull mask or gaiter on, and let the other pass, while you turn to face the other way. I’d think that would take care of any possible transmission, even if you’re like 3’ apart?

  17. #17
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Striker View Post
    One way trails.
    just make all of them downhill only for all users

    can't access them, but no more crowding

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    People can't figure this shit out when they're NOT terrified their gonna get the 'Rona from some random puff by a passing rider, can't imagine the confusion that would ensue if we changed stuff up now, especially with the enormous increase in riders out there, a lot of them new and clueless. I think we're maybe putting too much thought into this. Wash your hands and don't touch your face.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeepHelmet View Post
    People can't figure this shit out when they're NOT terrified their gonna get the 'Rona from some random puff by a passing rider, can't imagine the confusion that would ensue if we changed stuff up now, especially with the enormous increase in riders out there, a lot of them new and clueless. I think we're maybe putting too much thought into this. Wash your hands and don't touch your face.
    How about just try it and see how it goes. Don't understand all the hostility for trying not to get sick.
    And its everyones concern. No one knows why some people get really ill and some show no signs.
    There are some accomplished athletes that have had the crap knocked out of them from this.
    The problem is that you can be spreading (or catching) this from people that look and feel 100% OK.
    Some will get sick and others won't but they are shedding the virus in their wake.

    This isnt rocket science and if someone makes a mistake and you are forced to stop going down
    its what you would have normally done. If you pull off when you see them coming down and let them
    roll by its to both parties advantage. Is there a downside? Confusion? It won't be confusing for long if
    people understand why. Get some perspective. Your riding your bike. For fun. Why expose ourselves to
    the chance of getting sick any more than necessary

  20. #20
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    Not going to happen. Ride a popular trail system and is already a cluster of people not following rules. I’m in the wear buff/bandana and pull over camp for the foreseeable future.

    Ok the one way trails also not a fan as there are soo many trail systems that doesn’t work for, mostly bc they are rolly so not the fire road climb and bomb s/t that bigger western mountains may see. Plus selfishly I like riding trails in both directions if only for the variety.

    Either way enjoy and if you can go off peak or to lower used trail systems.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  21. #21
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    if you're scared, stay home.
    Hello darkness my old friend

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iwantmy2dollars View Post
    How about just try it and see how it goes. Don't understand all the hostility for trying not to get sick.
    And its everyones concern. No one knows why some people get really ill and some show no signs.
    There are some accomplished athletes that have had the crap knocked out of them from this.
    The problem is that you can be spreading (or catching) this from people that look and feel 100% OK.
    Some will get sick and others won't but they are shedding the virus in their wake.

    This isnt rocket science and if someone makes a mistake and you are forced to stop going down
    its what you would have normally done. If you pull off when you see them coming down and let them
    roll by its to both parties advantage. Is there a downside? Confusion? It won't be confusing for long if
    people understand why. Get some perspective. Your riding your bike. For fun. Why expose ourselves to
    the chance of getting sick any more than necessary
    Sorry if it came off as hostile, didn't mean it that way.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iwantmy2dollars View Post
    Patience and a smile are the best tools we got. Most people around here know we are sharing designated trails and
    usually step aside so we can pass. Slowing down and showing some common courtesy goes a long way to making
    everyones experience a better one
    Totally. We just have a few trails around here that its easy to descend really fast on that are still two way. Even riding well within your abilities, it can be hard to stop in time when you come around a blind turn and someone is climbing up with a few off leash dogs. No one is perfect, but I think most people around here (Wasatch) do a pretty good job.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    the most beautiful place in the whole wide world
    Quote Originally Posted by Iwantmy2dollars View Post
    Patience and a smile are the best tools we got. Most people around here know we are sharing designated trails and
    usually step aside so we can pass. Slowing down and showing some common courtesy goes a long way to making
    everyones experience a better one
    I think this is much better guidance than your first post suggesting adjustments to long understood (but still rarely followed in some places) guidance. Add common sense too. if the trail is really crowded, don't add to the problem. simple.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Although I know it's not really an effective Covid-19 mask, I guess I'll start wearing a neck gaiter when the local MTB trails open. At least people will feel better about seeing me wear it.

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