google: murder hornets usa
Just what we need now - I guess they are in NY already.
Sleep tight.
google: murder hornets usa
Just what we need now - I guess they are in NY already.
Sleep tight.
Why are you making me do the work? Its your thread
Big ass wasps from Asia, gnarly looking, stings are horrifically painful, can rip through bee suits, they munch through beehives like Garfield eating lasagne, about a dozen people in Japan have been killed by them.
Don't worry, we found a solution - more murder hornets!
caution: video contains graphic scenes of hornet-on-hornet violence.
Do face masks protect against murder hornets?
They just make em mad and even more murderier.
Correction, they have killed 50 people per year ( historically)
I got bitten by a giant mystery bee in sisters, OR this past summer. Been stung by hornets wasps and yellow jackets over the years. Nothing hurt like this, and it gave me an almost immediate red line going up my leg like a blood infection. Doc said bee stings can do that. I ended up guessing it was a horse fly due to the size and darker coloration and the pain. Now we have definitive proof it was a murder hornet!
Coulda been a tarantula hawk. I've heard those things hurt like a sunuvabitch.
A what ?
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"Zee damn fat skis are ruining zee piste !" -Oscar Schevlin
"Hike up your skirt and grow a dick you fucking crybaby" -what Bunion said to Harry at the top of The Headwaters
The article is in the NY Times. Nasty little fuckers. So far it looks like they're still only in Washington and Southwestern BC.
Demon Crown is a good read that mixes a lot of wasp factual information with some slightly fictional stretches into a good tale. They are already scary enough without having a giant murder version.
Gravity Junkie
Well, guys. Looks like we officially have our WTF event for May of 2020! Dammit. Asian Giant Hornets are the LAST thing we need to be dealing with right now. Haha. Or is calling them "Asian" not PC either.
Mark my words. SJWs gonna be to the entomologists like "Come on people. That is NOT cool. Fat shaming them AND calling them Asian? I'm taking this to Twitter!"
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A tarantula hawk is a spider wasp (Pompilidae) that preys on tarantulas. I had heard about "murder hornets" while in Japan, I never heard of a tarantula hawk until this thread.
"It's hard to describe the pain - I've never felt anything anywhere near the level these things dish out - but if I had to, I'd say it was like having all your blood suddenly turn to hydrofluoric acid acid while being electrocuted. But after the 5 minutes of hell was over, it hardly hurt at all - now it's just slightly red and tender."
Sounds like a murder hornet bite would be more pleasant.
Just picked up some garden transplants from a neighbor, get them in the ground, water, and up comes a yellowjacket. Definitely not a paper wasp. Fucking great.
Spray those plants with Marathon. End of bugs
Never in U.S. history has the public chosen leadership this malevolent. The moral clarity of their decision is crystalline, particularly knowing how Trump will regard his slim margin as a “mandate” to do his worst. We’ve learned something about America that we didn’t know, or perhaps didn’t believe, and it’ll forever color our individual judgments of who and what we are.