Anyone try it? I won't be buying but it looks like cool tech. They should add a shock feature for tailgunners though.
Anyone try it? I won't be buying but it looks like cool tech. They should add a shock feature for tailgunners though.
Sounds cool, but I could probably achieve the same feedback by recording audio of myself saying "get the fuck out of the backseat" every thirty seconds and get the same effect.
That’s actually pretty cool tech if it’s done properly.
Doubt it’s worth it for a decent skier, unless you’re the alpine zone type.
I could see buying one for my 12 yo. Back seat tailgunner. Might help him to have a bot whispering in his ear to get forward.
Same as the cost of one lesson these days.
Pugski website prolly has more info
Kill all the telemarkers
But they’ll put us in jail if we kill all the telemarkers
Telemarketers! Kill the telemarketers!
Oh we can do that. We don’t even need a reason
Well, if you can't use foot feedback or know your skiing posture instinctively, might be for you. Made for the skier demographic that's clogging roads and over-populating the cafeterias. The fucking Peleton of footbeds is here! Shouldn't it call you out though if you're skiing recklessly or jong-like? Does it know any filthy jokes?
I think if you’re the type of person running a ski lesson from your phone on a POW day, this system is probably for you.
Once again, not buying. But if there was a free demo tent on a groomer day, I’d take a couple laps with them. Curious if anyone tried them and if I should I skip a demo if there ever is one and head to the bar?
It is actually quite amusing watching the 'carve time' increasing as the turn is skidded.
I didnt try it, but a similar Forward Ski system was being marketed to race teams for the last 10yrs or so.. More or less a pressure sensor in the boot with feedback to an ear piece to encourage staying in the front of the boot. Doesnt really translate to pow skiing imo.
Move upside and let the man go through...
So. The wife got these to me as a gift, a comment on my 'runaway dump truck' form (that incidentally gets me down the mountain faster than her). On the one hand, dumb! But on the other I'm tempted by the novelty and need for external validation. Anyone with beta on whether they gave any useful feedback?
What ya wanna know? is my Carv coaching biz.
Ok. Like I'm obviously not into banging gates but I'll use a low tide day to work on setting a good edge.
1) What exactly is the objective of the device? What is the ideal that it is supposed to be pushing you towards?
2) I don't have a "carv'ing"-appropriate ski in my quiver. Does that impact functionality?
3) What happens when you venture off piste? Will it yell at you, freak out, turn off or all of the above?
it’s a mr. meseeks type of device… if nothing else, it definitely will help you take two strokes off your swing.
1) The device is designed to standardize instructions & offer legit tips & ideas for the progressing skier. The algorithm was written by a buddy- Eric Lipton, PSIA dev team. So if ya google you can see him ski & that’s what the aim is sorta. It’s a ribbon style, high transition series of turns that scores higher. Paradoxically- It dings lo transition, racy fall line turns.
2) if ya wanna use it like Strava (I don’t suggest this), 12m SL skis on a 23 degree pitch FTW. I say the groom is > than the ski, so that’s there too. It’s best to compare yourself against yourself. I use it to say - “it’s muffin & coffee break time” or this shit is too much for me this early.
3) Off piste, ya get all the metrics- but not the high scores, so again intra rated effects are still valid. It’s great for telling ya that one turn is stronger or that you fatigue out after 10 runs & need to scale it back.
It’s kinda taken off & is a life of its own. Last season, > 150 SkiIQ / Grim Rippers were pulling $400/ hour teaching. I’m a destination rehab / hi performance coach, so I jumped in on this too, but found most clients just were happier if I deposited em at the bar & plugged their trackers into my boots & took 2 runs to move em up the leaderboard.
No problem! The app likes ski instructor turns that use a tall up & down motion. If you keep ur hip LOW - it penalizes the score. Also in really technical SL, the skis start the new turn ahead of the finish of the old & you get demerits for not a full parallel competition. Also if you perform cross under SL or mogul style turns, you score less.
When I see (or hear the chairlift audio) that my performance plummeted, it’s time for a break.
I've seen the ads for this, and as someone who didn't grow up skiing and never raced I am curious. I've never taken a formal lesson, I probably should. But I like the idea that I could get some feedback when lapping solo on firmer days.
You think it's worth it for that purpose?
If you like tech n data yes. There are 2 main downsides to Carv as I see it.
A) it is a behavioral change app & it commands a lot of attention; I would find myself focused on Carv & not the skiing. You can game the system & there is a lot of spam / noise that comes w the data.
B) it really only likes one turn…. You may not ski this way & that’s Okay!
I played around with one for a bit. It's interesting information, but as others noted, it only understands one type of turns.
If you ski off piste, it tells you that you suck. If you arc carves on a 15m or so ski, you score big points.
It also takes up a LOT of room inside your boots and is 1mm higher at the heel than the forefoot which messes with your fore/aft balance if you are the type that pays attention to that angle stuff.
The advice it gives is good and accurate, but you also find yourself trying to ski to please it and collect higher scores.