Most everything seems to be visible on google maps. Just go somewhere and observe the next valley and go there the next day. Only thing to keep in mind I suppose is that anything facing the sea regardless of aspect is generally wind scoured.
Mostly ran into guided groups when I was there two years ago and those were few and far between.
Posting from FB so these will disappear in a few days (lazy).
Top of Kirkjufjall looking east. Easy ascent with chutes on valley walls or off the north side of the east shoulder
Karlsardalur Valley
Mulakolla toured out the door in Ólafsfjörður but this area is a cat ski op, wasnt operating in March when we were there.
Nice objective out of Ólafsfjörður, Kistufjall I think
Pferjvall I think out of the town of Kleifar (near Ólafsfjörður)
Fjardara area (tunnel)
My friends
Hornstrandir is cool too I guess
