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Thread: Iceland in April

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Iceland in April

    Heading to the Troll Penninsula for 10 days in April. Very psyched. One of the group was there last year. Easily accessible terrain, plenty of options for aspect and pitch.

    I have been doing my research- We have an Air BNB west of the Karlsardalur valley. Looks like we might get cool terrain from the house.

    Marc Chauvin was kind enough to post routes which I have on a caltopo map

    Anybody have any other beta to share?

    Marc's video.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Central OR

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I was there last March for 3 weeks til beg of April. Had about 3 good weather days to ski in that 3 week period, the rest of the time there was a fierce gale blowing (50-80 kmh) and everything was wind scoured and icy. Would love to do it again with a good weather window though. Wish you luck!

  4. #4
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    Mar 2010
    Most everything seems to be visible on google maps. Just go somewhere and observe the next valley and go there the next day. Only thing to keep in mind I suppose is that anything facing the sea regardless of aspect is generally wind scoured.

    Mostly ran into guided groups when I was there two years ago and those were few and far between.

    Posting from FB so these will disappear in a few days (lazy).


    Top of Kirkjufjall looking east. Easy ascent with chutes on valley walls or off the north side of the east shoulder

    Karlsardalur Valley

    Mulakolla toured out the door in Ólafsfjörður but this area is a cat ski op, wasnt operating in March when we were there.

    Nice objective out of Ólafsfjörður, Kistufjall I think

    Pferjvall I think out of the town of Kleifar (near Ólafsfjörður)

    Fjardara area (tunnel)

    My friends

    Hornstrandir is cool too I guess

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Skier of the Hood View Post
    Most everything seems to be visible on google maps. Just go somewhere and observe the next valley and go there the next day. Only thing to keep in mind I suppose is that anything facing the sea regardless of aspect is generally wind scoured.

    Mostly ran into guided groups when I was there two years ago and those were few and far between.

    Posting from FB so these will disappear in a few days (lazy).


    Top of Kirkjufjall looking east. Easy ascent with chutes on valley walls or off the north side of the east shoulder

    Karlsardalur Valley

    Mulakolla toured out the door in Ólafsfjörður but this area is a cat ski op, wasnt operating in March when we were there.

    Nice objective out of Ólafsfjörður, Kistufjall I think

    Pferjvall I think out of the town of Kleifar (near Ólafsfjörður)

    Fjardara area (tunnel)

    My friends

    Hornstrandir is cool too I guess

    Awesome pics- thanks for the stoke. Pretty much the plan is to look for parking, then ski.
    What is that little fox looking guy?

  6. #6
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Alkares View Post
    I was there last March for 3 weeks til beg of April. Had about 3 good weather days to ski in that 3 week period, the rest of the time there was a fierce gale blowing (50-80 kmh) and everything was wind scoured and icy. Would love to do it again with a good weather window though. Wish you luck!
    Most of the guided trips wait till April- maybe that's better odds.
    Also, I put good weather in on my calendar, so that might help.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2009
    I went in early May a few years ago, we did a combo of Westfjords and Troll. Article and video here.

    Your best bet is just to drive around, see it, ski it. There's great skiing everywhere.
    Don't forget to max out your duty free allowance for booze at the airport.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2011
    Went for 10 days in early April in 2016. Rented a van/camper and toured around the Troll and West Fjords. Everything will be so condition dependent and agree with Skiar above...just drive around, see it and ski it. We had amazing conditions. Dry pow (16") with minimal wind on first night that setup the trip nicely. A couple things that come to mind:

    1. Be mindful of Easter and get groceries and shit in Reykjavik if you can. I remember lots of stores closed over that 10 day holiday.
    2. Cool little ski area with fun side country outside of Akureyri that offers skiing by the hour. Grab an hour lift, ski a few laps then go tour. A good first day/intro to the snowpack.
    3. The "Aquatic Center" or whatever the fuck in Dalvik is dope. We were dirt bagging it so the showers and pools were a treat.
    4. New snow always seems to have a perfect bed surface. Deep slab avalanches didn't seem to be a concern as much as storm slabs and windloaded slopes. That said, it seemed like the wind blew from every fucking direction loading lots of different slopes.
    5. You CalTopo map had lots of the same zones we skied...the skiing is endless. Is you can see it.
    6. Cheap SIM cards ($70 for 20GB) at the airport provide you with good cell service throughout the county. I'd strongly recommend this if you're travelling as road conditions during storms are no joke and their transportation webpage has excellent, real-time road conditions/closures. Not to mention excellent SAR.

    Have Fun!

  9. #9
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    we went in late may 2019 , based in cabin at olafsfjord , was a low tide snow year but still had the most amazing trip , skiing from the road with very short transfers from the accommodation , exception was the day of hitching a lift on a whale watching boat over to a beach and touring on some amazing remote terrain

  10. #10
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    off your knees Louie

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    All great- thanks you guys.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I enjoy this thread. you've given us a good new trip idea too
    Quote Originally Posted by HHTELE View Post
    What is that little fox looking guy?
    I would like to know this too.
    looks like some stranger things evil raccoon
    skid luxury

  13. #13
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    Looks like it could be a good trip if you get good weather. I had been thinking about one of the sailboat based trip in Iceland, but could see getting stuck on the boat in bad weather for a week. I'm going to download your gpx files, might be useful someday :-)

    Make sure to buy beer and sim cards in the airport at duty free when you land. Prices are like half.

    Look forward to seeing your trip report, have fun!

  14. #14
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    Sep 2016
    The animal in the picture is a blue morph Arctic Fox.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Got it.
    • Look for good skiing, then ski it.
    • Buy duty free.
    • Eat hot dogs
    • Be on the lookout for the Blue Morph Arctic Fox.

    This all sounds manageable.

  16. #16
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    here and there
    Wow, that place looks incredible.
    watch out for snakes

  17. #17
    Vets's Avatar
    Vets is offline Orange Mocha Frappuccino!
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    Here is a link to
    TR - Arctic Heli Skiing in Iceland, March/April 2016
    I skied 3 heli days, 1 day touring, and 2 resort days. I love Iceland and look forward to returning. Have a great time!

  18. #18
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    Jan 2020

    Iceland Trip

    Hi, guys I plan a trip to ice land many time to visit ice land but failed. I see all pics you share all are amazing and beautiful. please suggest me which month is best to visit.

  19. #19
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    Mar 2006
    This is wicked! Planning my trip right now, looks like Apr7-22. Sounds like a huge snow year.

    Thanks for all the info.

    I have a million questions but ill only ask 1 for now;
    Is 4x4 necessary for rental vehicle? Or is it all paved and easy like Norway? Renting in Reykjavik and planning on circumnavigating the island. Troll is our destination but been known to venture elsewhere on these trips.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by brannen View Post
    This is wicked! Planning my trip right now, looks like Apr7-22. Sounds like a huge snow year.

    Thanks for all the info.

    I have a million questions but ill only ask 1 for now;
    Is 4x4 necessary for rental vehicle? Or is it all paved and easy like Norway? Renting in Reykjavik and planning on circumnavigating the island. Troll is our destination but been known to venture elsewhere on these trips.

    Check with the car rental company to see what kind of tires the put on their rentals.
    I recall renting a front wheel drive vehicle that had studded snow tires on it. It worked very well on the roads I travelled.

  21. #21
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    Check with the car rental company to see what kind of tires the put on their rentals.
    I recall renting a front wheel drive vehicle that had studded snow tires on it. It worked very well on the roads I travelled
    Sweet, thanks.

  22. #22
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    Anyone independently book any huts? Easy/hard?

  23. #23
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Skier of the Hood View Post
    Most everything seems to be visible on google maps. Just go somewhere and observe the next valley and go there the next day. Only thing to keep in mind I suppose is that anything facing the sea regardless of aspect is generally wind scoured.

    Mostly ran into guided groups when I was there two years ago and those were few and far between.

    Posting from FB so these will disappear in a few days (lazy).


    Top of Kirkjufjall looking east. Easy ascent with chutes on valley walls or off the north side of the east shoulder

    Karlsardalur Valley

    Mulakolla toured out the door in Ólafsfjörður but this area is a cat ski op, wasnt operating in March when we were there.

    Nice objective out of Ólafsfjörður, Kistufjall I think

    Pferjvall I think out of the town of Kleifar (near Ólafsfjörður)

    Fjardara area (tunnel)

    My friends

    Hornstrandir is cool too I guess

    wait, you skied Hornstrandir? How did you get there, heli? I've been on literally every road in the West Fjords as far as you can go. I was going to take a flight up to Hornstrandir but was there too late in the season and they stopped the week before I got there. I know in summer you can take ferries, or a very, very long hike.

  24. #24
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    The guys who run the sailboat ski tours also have a ferry I think, if the weather is good they might take you? Other option is to ferry to the end of the sheltered fjord to the south and tour over the highlands. But probably best to make friends with a local family that owns one of the cabins up there over camping (which would suck hard if a big storm rolled in).

  25. #25
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Skier of the Hood View Post
    The guys who run the sailboat ski tours also have a ferry I think, if the weather is good they might take you? Other option is to ferry to the end of the sheltered fjord to the south and tour over the highlands. But probably best to make friends with a local family that owns one of the cabins up there over camping (which would suck hard if a big storm rolled in).

    I'm not going any time soon. I've been to Iceland 3 times and spent 3 months there total, not doing much international travel right now. I was just curious how you personally got up to Hornstrandir to ski.

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