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Thread: WTB Salomon Heel?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Idaho Falls, ID

    Arrow WTB Salomon Heel?!

    Does anyone have a spare Salomon heel I can buy?

    Took some skis I got on the cheap in to have the bindings remounted (dude I got em from wore like a 26 and I wear a 28.5) since my boots were super close but wouldn’t fit. I didn’t realize but the heels were mismatched. One had a DIN of 12, the other 14, so they wouldn’t remount them. Any help? Also, if nobody has a spare heel for me to buy, should I just attempt remounting myself? Never done that. Thanks, guys.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by Mista_Bob View Post
    should I just attempt remounting myself?
    Do this. But like, don’t kill yourself skiing on worn out clamps, if they’ve gone bad.

    Check out the binding template thread and the “mount your own bindings” thread. Practice a little on a board and you’ll be fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Which salomons? I might have a spare heel to send you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Idaho Falls, ID
    Quote Originally Posted by abraham View Post
    Which salomons? I might have a spare heel to send you
    Salomon Z12’s is the front and one heel. The other heel is a 14 DIN, not sure which model. They look almost identical aside from that.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucknau View Post
    Do this. But like, don’t kill yourself skiing on worn out clamps, if they’ve gone bad.

    Check out the binding template thread and the “mount your own bindings” thread. Practice a little on a board and you’ll be fine.
    Yeah, I looked through that thread. Doesn’t seem terribly hard to move the heel mount a little back BUT I’ve never done it and don’t want to jack it up.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2006
    I have 9xx series heels but that won't help you with the shop. You'd have to mount yourself anyway.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by abraham View Post
    I have 9xx series heels but that won't help you with the shop. You'd have to mount yourself anyway.
    Yeah, if I can’t track a Z12 heel down, I’ll have to attempt mounting it (or find a dude). Thanks for checking the model!

  8. #8
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mista_Bob View Post
    Yeah, I looked through that thread. Doesn’t seem terribly hard to move the heel mount a little back BUT I’ve never done it and don’t want to jack it up.
    If anything you'd probably want to move the toes forward to keep your boot center on the line, assuming that's how it was mounted initially. See if the shop will just drill some new toe holes for you 1cm forward or so and then take back home the skis and screw down the toepieces yourself? Although I'm guessing the shop won't do that either if they're being sticklers for the heels being mismatched. Why not just go to another shop?

    Consider this your calling to mount your own fucking skis.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2004
    Don't understand the shop's issue with the heel mismatch, if they're both set to 8 and both test okay at 8, who cares?

    Is there even a Z12 specific heel? Aren't all those heels just plain STH?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    The Fish
    Sounds like price dictated the ski purchase and judging by the bindings they probably are not anything to wild. Just move the heels back 1.5cm and adjust the forward pressure correctly and give them a go. You already have the template 1.5 cm away from where you need them. Buy a drill bit and caliper and you're set.... If you don't already own a drill then you probably shouldn't do this project.
    a positive attitude will not solve all of your problems, but it may annoy enough people to make it worth the effort

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eluder View Post
    Sounds like price dictated the ski purchase and judging by the bindings they probably are not anything to wild. Just move the heels back 1.5cm and adjust the forward pressure correctly and give them a go. You already have the template 1.5 cm away from where you need them. Buy a drill bit and caliper and you're set.... If you don't already own a drill then you probably shouldn't do this project.
    I already have all the tools, I’d need, sure. Skis are nothing fancy, just some good condition Line Prophet 115’s that I’ve wanted to try riding for awhile, and at the same price with (mismatched heels) bindings as filling up my truck with gas I couldn’t resist.
    Last edited by Mista_Bob; 11-12-2019 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Typo

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRR11 View Post
    If anything you'd probably want to move the toes forward to keep your boot center on the line, assuming that's how it was mounted initially. See if the shop will just drill some new toe holes for you 1cm forward or so and then take back home the skis and screw down the toepieces yourself? Although I'm guessing the shop won't do that either if they're being sticklers for the heels being mismatched. Why not just go to another shop?

    Consider this your calling to mount your own fucking skis.
    Yeah, I need to see where the recommended line is and where they were originally mounted. I don’t want to be too far back, in which case, like you said, I’d have to move toe and heel both. Which is fine, just her prospect of drilling into my own skis is weird.

  13. #13
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    If you have a reference set of holes to align the paper template with it really isn't that hard. You can set up the template using the holes you're reusing and then measure with a ruler to make sure the other end is centered.

    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mista_Bob View Post
    Yeah, I need to see where the recommended line is and where they were originally mounted. I don’t want to be too far back, in which case, like you said, I’d have to move toe and heel both. Which is fine, just her prospect of drilling into my own skis is weird.
    If you are already close to making the current mount work and have a two sizes larger boot, you should be able to get away with only redrilling the toes and leaving the heels where they are currently, and just slide the heels way back on the track. Drilling new holes for the heels should not be necessary (likewise for new toe holes if you redrill the heels further back).

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRR11 View Post
    If you are already close to making the current mount work and have a two sizes larger boot, you should be able to get away with only redrilling the toes and leaving the heels where they are currently, and just slide the heels way back on the track. Drilling new holes for the heels should not be necessary (likewise for new toe holes if you redrill the heels further back).
    Good points. I was hoping to just find a spare heel and not have to worry about mounting myself. I need to inspect the recommended line and see if remounting toe is better than remounting heel, and/or remounting both so I’m not off-balance too far (but 2 boot sizes shouldn’t be too bad). I was just hoping to track down a heel and make it easy.

  16. #16
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mista_Bob View Post
    ...I was hoping to just find a spare heel and not have to worry about mounting myself...
    If that's what you really want, some shops who are unwilling to mount for you MIGHT be willing to ONLY plug old holes & drill new holes for you. That way, you pay shop for a full-price mount job, but they don't attach bindings into the holes they drilled. Then you just bring your skis home from the shop and then YOU screw your non-indemnified bindings into the holes (easier than you doing all the plugging & drilling holes in perfectly measured positions).

    That way, the shop drilled for an indemnified binding model, but YOU screwed in a non-indemnified binding, so hopefully you can't really sue the shop when you get hurt later.

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  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Montrose, CO
    Where are you located? If you want to remount there may be a local mag who can help you mount your own fucking skis (see the thread).

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowaddict91 View Post
    Where are you located? If you want to remount there may be a local mag who can help you mount your own fucking skis (see the thread).
    I read through a bunch of the thread - looks pretty straightforward. Just weirds me out. Whatever. I’m in Idaho Falls if anybody wants to help a dude. Pay you in money, whiskey, and IPA’s. Targhee opens soon, so I may just balls out go for it.

  19. #19
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    I got a Z12 heel. Pm me your address and I can send it out Friday.

    But yeah, I’ve plugged and poked many many skis for people to screw in themselves, and I’ve mounted mismatched binders (from the same manufacturer) and made notation on the form.

    FWIW, it does not explicitly state anywhere in the salomon tech manual that the binding parts must be matching, although its safe to assume that they are expected to. It does explicitly state that mixing parts from other manufacturers is not recommended and will void your warranty. Whether an individual shop considers your specific case to be legit is really up to them, since they are opening themselves up to potential liability.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZomblibulaX View Post
    I got a Z12 heel. Pm me your address and I can send it out Friday.

    But yeah, I’ve plugged and poked many many skis for people to screw in themselves, and I’ve mounted mismatched binders (from the same manufacturer) and made notation on the form.

    FWIW, it does not explicitly state anywhere in the salomon tech manual that the binding parts must be matching, although its safe to assume that they are expected to. It does explicitly state that mixing parts from other manufacturers is not recommended and will void your warranty. Whether an individual shop considers your specific case to be legit is really up to them, since they are opening themselves up to potential liability.
    PM incoming! Even though I may still do it myself.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Idaho Falls, ID
    Quote Originally Posted by ZomblibulaX View Post
    I got a Z12 heel. Pm me your address and I can send it out Friday.

    But yeah, I’ve plugged and poked many many skis for people to screw in themselves, and I’ve mounted mismatched binders (from the same manufacturer) and made notation on the form.

    FWIW, it does not explicitly state anywhere in the salomon tech manual that the binding parts must be matching, although its safe to assume that they are expected to. It does explicitly state that mixing parts from other manufacturers is not recommended and will void your warranty. Whether an individual shop considers your specific case to be legit is really up to them, since they are opening themselves up to potential liability.
    Shoutout to ZomblibulaX on the hook up! You guys kick ass.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    My vote is to just mount yourself. I mean "mount your own f'ing skis." Also I second the above poster about moving the toes forward, as this is likely to keep your boot midsole mounted at the factory rec (I assume that is what you're going for).

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