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Thread: The Official 19/20 Tahoe Ski Snowboard Thread. Plus bonus Bootfitting Recs!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    The Official 19/20 Tahoe Ski Snowboard Thread. Plus bonus Bootfitting Recs!

    For now this is a cut and paste from the 15/16 Season. i'll get things brought to the present in a minute (the long kind of minute).
    Welcome... Again

    Support Mag Projects First:
    I got rid of some broken outdated links, and and added Ottime's. Let me know if there's others.
    Unofficial Alpine ~gone2alpine~
    Match Stick Productions ~huckasoreass~
    Liftopia ~Evmo~
    Powdiction ~321~
    Snow Bunny Ski Freak ~Jim S~
    Slay The Gnar ~Skier666~
    Powder Happy ~Ottime~
    The Gnoll Credo A novel by Spats ~Spats~
    Patch Skiing ~Vets~
    Food/Treat Map One stop shopping! ~Consigliere~
    About Lake Tahoe ~powdork~ ~powdork~
    Arcade Apparel ~Alkasquawlik~

    Eastside Conditions Thread. Go to the beginning of this year's posts

    CA East Side BC Thread ~213~
    Eastern Sierra ~DrPete

    Just like last year, if you have suggestions, links, find bugs, or random thoughts let it flow. Hopefully this can become a useful tool that will only get better next year!

    08/09 Tahoe Thread
    09/10 Tahoe Thread
    10/11 Tahoe Thread
    11/12 Tahoe Thread
    13/14 Tahoe Thread
    14/15 Thread
    16/17 Thread
    17/18 Thread
    18/19 Thread

    WebCam Quick Links:
    Tahoetopiea You Pick 'ems
    Truckee I-80 You Pick 'ems

    California DOT
    Nevada DOT - Highway Controls Summary 511 or 877-687-6237 (877-NVROADS)

    California Highway Patrol - Traffic Incident Page (select area - Truckee, Sacramento, Bishop, etc.)
    Last edited by powdork; 09-19-2019 at 12:46 PM. - new and improved, with 20% more dork.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    SNOTEL Data: ~ja_surf~
    Carson Pass
    Echo Peak
    Fallen Leaf Lake
    Squaw Granite Chief
    Mt. Rose


    Sierra Avalanche Center - Know before you go

    NWS - Area Forecast Discussion (Reno)

    NWS - Area Forecast Discussion (Sacramento)

    NRCS National Resources Conservation Service - National Weather & Climate Center - California SNOTEL Sites

    Mammoth Forecast from the Dweeb

    Different way to access the snotel data
    Squaw Valley SQWC1 8200 ft

    Carson Pass CXSC1 8500 ft

    CDEC sites ~mmcpheet~
    We're mostly in the American River section

    Some Backcountry Info
    Sierra Avalanche Center - Know before you go. Also consider donating or attending one of their many events.
    When the "Forecasts" tab is open, click "Snow Level Forecasts." Really cool charts that show whether the snow level is likely to dip below the passes (or lifts or trailheads) in the near future. ~LightRanger~
    Last edited by powdork; 09-19-2019 at 11:59 AM. - new and improved, with 20% more dork.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    University of Washington Maps


    Last edited by powdork; 09-19-2019 at 11:47 AM. - new and improved, with 20% more dork.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Seemed like this belongs here more than in the previous thread - new and improved, with 20% more dork.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Woo snow!

    Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Alpine Meadows, CA
    Now we're talking! This will be my first year as a full time resident of Tahoe. Not really my first year being nearly full time in Tahoe, but the first year I don't have a residence anywhere else (aka Bay Area). We're moving to our house in Alpine Meadows full time starting in November. I can't wait!
    I'm a cougar, not a MILF! I have to protect my rep! - bklyn

    In any case, if you're ever really in this situation make sure you at least bargain in a couple of fluffers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinecure View Post
    Now we're talking! This will be my first year as a full time resident of Tahoe. Not really my first year being nearly full time in Tahoe, but the first year I don't have a residence anywhere else (aka Bay Area). We're moving to our house in Alpine Meadows full time starting in November. I can't wait!
    That's a season jinx if I've ever seen one...

    (Welcome back!)
    Quote Originally Posted by powder11 View Post
    if you have to resort to taking advice from the nitwits on this forum, then you're doomed.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    All the links are dead from back when I was SCUTSKI. Which was... until 2009 or 2010. Fuck man. Pushing a decade and a half around this place.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ernest_Hemingway View Post
    I realize there is not much hope for a bullfighting forum. I understand that most of you would prefer to discuss the ingredients of jacket fabrics than the ingredients of a brave man. I know nothing of the former. But the latter is made of courage, and skill, and grace in the presence of the possibility of death. If someone could make a jacket of those three things it would no doubt be the most popular and prized item in all of your closets.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    A little to the left
    Quote Originally Posted by LightRanger View Post
    Pushing a decade and a half around this place.
    This place, or this place and the other place, and the other place before that?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Fixed (or mostly removed) all the broken links. Let me know if you want something up there.

    And since we scoff at the idea of jinxes these days
    Ensembles show another TROUGH for Friday into next weekend. The
    timing and depth are yet to be determined, but it is a solid signal
    for 8-10 days out. Another cooling trend with gusty winds ahead of
    the FRONT and more showers along and behind the FRONT. Of note, some
    ensemble members are quite cold with this TROUGH, colder than
    anything seen so far this fall. Stay tuned. X
    There was even mention of snow to valley floors.

    edit to add - 'so far this fall' ???
    Last edited by powdork; 09-19-2019 at 12:48 PM. - new and improved, with 20% more dork.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Truckee & Nor Cal
    4 days until Fall. I like it. Fuck jinxes.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by powdork View Post
    Fixed (or mostly removed) all the broken links. Let me know if you want something up there.
    Cool. There are a lot of new weather graphics out these days, but not sure how many of them we can hotlink to autoupdate.

    Quote Originally Posted by powdork View Post
    And since we scoff at the idea of jinxes these days

    There was even mention of snow to valley floors.

    edit to add - 'so far this fall' ???
    I, for one, would like to see another October 2004. CPC for October is meh though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ernest_Hemingway View Post
    I realize there is not much hope for a bullfighting forum. I understand that most of you would prefer to discuss the ingredients of jacket fabrics than the ingredients of a brave man. I know nothing of the former. But the latter is made of courage, and skill, and grace in the presence of the possibility of death. If someone could make a jacket of those three things it would no doubt be the most popular and prized item in all of your closets.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Well since its right in the title I'll be the first looser to ask. Looking for bootfitter recs in the area. Just graduated college on the east coast, moved out to the bay (I know I know...), and want to get out of my stupid torture device race boots into something reasonable now that I'm old and washed up and not competing anymore. Inbounds only as I already have a good pair of dedicated touring boots. Willing to drive anywhere around Tahoe but I will mainly being skiing squaw/alpine.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Over under on the unr ski swap this weekend? Generally looking for alpine hard goods for my long limbed skinny early teen.

    We usually score well at the Truckee swap, tahoe Nordic swap, and that consignment shop in TC.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Truckee & Nor Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by davjr96 View Post
    Well since its right in the title I'll be the first looser to ask. Looking for bootfitter recs in the area. Just graduated college on the east coast, moved out to the bay (I know I know...), and want to get out of my stupid torture device race boots into something reasonable now that I'm old and washed up and not competing anymore. Inbounds only as I already have a good pair of dedicated touring boots. Willing to drive anywhere around Tahoe but I will mainly being skiing squaw/alpine.
    Tahoe Sports Hub, Blue Zone, Start Haus - have had good experiences at all three between myself / friends / family.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Living in CO now but still going to have to keep on eye here for when I come back and visit.
    TLDR; Ski faster. Quit breathing. Don't crash.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Da Norf Lake
    Nice PD!

    It was time. Even though this precip still goes on last year's account. But there's a ski swap this weekend (technically on equinox so in fall '19 at least) and we are definitely looking ahead more than back. Movies are not too far off... Start Haus labor day sale should be the new thread time. It's all about starting the "did we jinx it?" roller coaster at the right time so we go through the pit of despair in late October and are on the upswing by December, just in time for at least lift-serve.

    Also, this next week or two may be fun, but fall looks like total crap at the mo:

    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Even sometimes when I'm snowboarding I'm like "Hey I'm snowboarding! Because I suck dick, I'm snowboarding!" --Dan Savage

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by davjr96 View Post
    Well since its right in the title I'll be the first looser to ask. Looking for bootfitter recs in the area. Just graduated college on the east coast, moved out to the bay (I know I know...), and want to get out of my stupid torture device race boots into something reasonable now that I'm old and washed up and not competing anymore. Inbounds only as I already have a good pair of dedicated touring boots. Willing to drive anywhere around Tahoe but I will mainly being skiing squaw/alpine.
    Quote Originally Posted by TahoeJ View Post
    Tahoe Sports Hub, Blue Zone, Start Haus - have had good experiences at all three between myself / friends / family.
    If you want to stay in starving college student or ski bum mode, Start Haus has a hella lot experience softening and stretching race boots. So it'd be worth asking them what they can do to your current boots.

    If you want new boots as part of your new life as a well paid member of the Bay Area workforce, as you know, that'll be dictated more by which shop carries which brands, and your personal preferences. I'll try and be unbiased and add:
    Elite Feet
    Granite Chief
    Olympic Bootworks

    Since you'll be a general public customer, not a teenager ski team member that they'd have a stake in fitting, probably the most important thing is to not be shy, and talk some smack.

    "I just moved out from Vermont, New Hampshire, wherever. In case you hadn't noticed, that's why I'm wearing a Boston Red Sox cap. I used to race Slalom, GS, Super G, and Downhill. I want my new boots to fit like my race boots... Only with a 130 flex instead of a 160 flex. And a little more room here and here.

    I only carpool with SnoPals to reduce my carbon footprint and save the world from global warming. And of course to wow hot Bay Area women with my ex-racer skills."
    Last edited by Bozo T. Clown; 09-19-2019 at 07:44 PM. Reason: political correctness

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    KT / Headwall
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinecure View Post
    Now we're talking! This will be my first year as a full time resident of Tahoe. Not really my first year being nearly full time in Tahoe, but the first year I don't have a residence anywhere else (aka Bay Area). We're moving to our house in Alpine Meadows full time starting in November. I can't wait!
    Congrats, brah!

    (you may remember me from such winters as 2012 and 2013)
    Still waiting...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    In rain shadow of the Sierra CC,NV
    Quote Originally Posted by jahroy View Post
    (you may remember me from such winters as 2012 and 2013)
    Rraastaa ffarr iii...seen?

    Sent from my SM-G950U1 using TGR Forums mobile app

    ...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by davjr96 View Post
    Well since its right in the title I'll be the first looser to ask. Looking for bootfitter recs in the area. Just graduated college on the east coast, moved out to the bay (I know I know...), and want to get out of my stupid torture device race boots into something reasonable now that I'm old and washed up and not competing anymore. Inbounds only as I already have a good pair of dedicated touring boots. Willing to drive anywhere around Tahoe but I will mainly being skiing squaw/alpine.
    Check in with Benny. He has an entire thread on boot buying stoke.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    P-tex, CA
    New boot guy as of last season - Fasa at the Moment Skis factory store came from Salt Lake and knows his stuff. They have all the gear for tweaking boots etc.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    A little to the left
    re bootfitters:

    Any recent experiences with Cal-ski-co in Berkeley - I see old mixed reviews...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Alpine Meadows, CA
    +1 for Elite Feet at Squaw Creek.

    Cal ski co seems to be one of the only Bay Area places that gets some positive feedback, but I prefer to do stuff in Tahoe in case I want something tweeked right after skiing.
    I'm a cougar, not a MILF! I have to protect my rep! - bklyn

    In any case, if you're ever really in this situation make sure you at least bargain in a couple of fluffers.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Meiss Meadows
    Oh, how I hate finding new boots, but it has to happen this year.

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