Ok, looks like we got ta start over.......
Ok, looks like we got ta start over.......
Wait. Did betelguese delete the moment thread? Lame
Total bullshit. Lotta good info and stoke deleted away.
Appears so. We should keep that discussion in the shit that annoys you thread and out of here so as the new thread doesn’t turn to shit.
Can we delete this thread and have this one be the "official": https://www.tetongravity.com/forums/...KIS-Discussion
I would be stoked if I could have control over it...
@Melee I think the wrong thread got deleted
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Why don't you go practice fallin' down? I'll be there in a minute.
Crisis averted......
best i can do..... deletions is what got us into this mess in the first place.
happy to do my part in provoking the resurrection...
you’re welcome.
Nuke it
I thought melee wanted this thread deleted and to keep the one he started open so no one but him could delete??
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Why don't you go practice fallin' down? I'll be there in a minute.
Has the original thread been resurrected? I can't find it, but keep getting updates for new posts. Why was that thread deleted? Had so much good info
It’s vanished again. Does anybody know what got Betel all upset this time? It was such a good thread, so much good info there. If my wife doesn’t end up liking her soft snow skis, looking at Moment as the next to try for her...
Betelduce dumped all of his threads
At this point, any thread started by Betel/Aever dude that is intended as a reference thread should be replaced right away by someone who isn't as prone to going full bozo.
Didn't they name a super goat stiffness after him?
Deleting threads is bad form For a maggot with such honorary distinction
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They did, after he bitched and moaned about skis not being burly enough to handle his “tower of power”. Buys said Aever flex - gets out on them a couple times - says they’re the shit - then sells soon after cause they “can’t handle bumps”
I tried being friendly.. And part of me will miss the spectacle