bout 3 or 4 years ago were sittin at an lz in kaslo waiting to fly into a hut and the caa forecasters are there too
we start talking and they ask
whats up with your avvy center? They sure like to blog ,talk and video themselves and make the reports as much about them as the snowpack eh
We call em the uec as in utah ego center
I tell them its an american social media stardom thing and i much perfer thier style of forecasts
We have 1 forecaster who manages a no nonsense just the facts mam forecasts
and the rest really really love too overhype danger and embrace the social media stardom #monstersinthebasement and gobbly gook #deathbuzzwords
the worst are the jv juinor fart sniffers observers who cant summit an ob without telling about their risk tolerances, years of experiance and expertise
#avvyhunter cant hang here the meanyheads hurt his special snowflake feelings and no one gives a fuck that your a b leauge pro expert
"When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
"I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
"THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
"I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno