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Thread: The 300g Touring Binding Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The 300g Touring Binding Thread

    G3 Zed - new. Possible tower issues.
    Marker Alpinist - possible tower issues
    Salomon MTN
    ATK Raider 2
    Dynafit TLT Speed
    Dynafit Speed Turn 2.0 - 340g but rock solid

    Do you ski any of these?
    Last edited by margotron; 12-01-2018 at 12:00 PM.

  2. #2
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    Tahoe>Missoula>Fort Collins
    I have a question about the marker alpinist. Blister says the heel tower tilts when in ski mode. Can anyone confirm?
    Last edited by margotron; 12-01-2018 at 12:33 AM.

  3. #3
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    TLT Speed is 350g, not that 50g matters much

  4. #4
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    The 300g Touring Binding Thread

    I have the ATK Raider 12 2.0 and it’s 350 g. The ATK RT2 is 290 g.
    I’m not sure I’d really consider another binding for BC skiing right now.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by margotron View Post
    I have a question about the marker alpinist. Blister days the heel tower tilts when in ski mode. Can anyone confirm?
    I’d read this on Blister and was concerned by it too. I’ve got three days on my alpinists, as does my girlfriend on hers, and I haven’t noticed it on either in the field. If I have some time I might see if I can recreate it on a workbench.

    FWIW I also have 5 or 6 days on some g3 Zeds (half of them inbounds) and they haven’t exploded yet either.

  7. #7
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    FWIW, I've got 100+ days on 340g Speed Turn 2.0s, which have are now improved with a lighter top plate that's easier to change modes with a pole

  8. #8
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    Radical toes and kruezpiste SCTT heels. Amazing combo, but of course no frills.

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  9. #9
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    I've skied the Salomon MTN/Atomic Backland pin binding a decent amount. I ski the Maestrale 2.0 and Dynafit TLT6 on skis from 95 to 109 waist. Average skier. Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself here but I really dig it. Light, simple, reliable (I haven't heard many reports of failures out there), mellow heel/toe delta, and good retention. 3 riser heights (which are easy to operate) and BSL adjustment. It's got the features I need and not much else. But I only use it to tour and I prioritize weight, simplicity, and reliability over elasticity on my touring setups. When the snow is super firm I tend to slow down.

    Speed Turn is a proven classic, affordable, and you get the adjustable RV. Some users might find the fixed U spring of the MTN a no-go. I don't worry about the heel top plate exploding like the Speed Radical. I've broken 2 Speed Rad heels before the recall thing which kinda turned me off on them. I prefer the heel risers and delta on the MTN to those of the Turn. Of course you can put a shim under the toe to lower the delta on the Turn.

    I haven't actually used the bindings below, but I'll still spew my opinions.

    The newer TLT Speed and Speedfit don't stand out in any way to me. About the same weight as the MTN. Climbing risers are a bit lower. Less BSL adjustment. You can change the horizontal release but vertical release is still fixed. I'd rather just use the Superlight 2.0 and shed some more weight.

    Zed looks like a nice choice if it proves reliable, although it's only 100g lighter than the Ion LT. I've skied the Ion LT and like it. Highest climbing riser on the Zed is a little lower than that of the MTN.

    Alpinist has a short max riser height, which kinda sucks IMO when you're following a steep track. I know it pays to set a mellow track, but often I'm following someone else's track and they get can steep. It also seems like a PITA to rotate the housing between the medium and high riser. Essentially you get a flat mode and the high riser, which is equivalent to many bindings' medium riser. Maybe it's just my body mechanics but I loathe following a steep track with low risers. TLT6s make it better but not great.

    This article on is good in regards to riser heights:

    I've never used an ATK binding. They look nice but hard to find. The BD rebranded Helio bindings look sweet, especially the Helio 200. Nice feature set at a great weight, but it is $699 retail.
    Last edited by whatsupdoc; 11-30-2018 at 09:56 PM.

  10. #10
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    ATK freerider is the shit. Get one with the spacer. Eihter the 14 or buy a separate spacer for the 12. Really, really good binding. Beats my speed rads on all accounts.

  11. #11
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    i have the new tlt speed on a pair of 88mm dynafit tours - i dont ask much of them.
    i ski them somewhat gently with tlt6 mountains and its a super fun setup if you dont push.

    Other setups use more substantial bindings, g3, tectron, st rotation, I find they all do the job they are intended
    for. I don't love the tectrons yet and I think the G3 products are great value.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeezerSteve View Post
    FWIW, I've got 100+ days on 340g Speed Turn 2.0s, which have are now improved with a lighter top plate that's easier to change modes with a pole
    This. Slight heavier but proven and simple.
    It sucks to suck.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatsupdoc View Post
    I've skied the Salomon MTN/Atomic Backland pin binding a decent amount. I ski the Maestrale 2.0 and Dynafit TLT6 on skis from 95 to 109 waist. Average skier. Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself here but I really dig it. Light, simple, reliable (I haven't heard many reports of failures out there), mellow heel/toe delta, and good retention. 3 riser heights (which are easy to operate) and BSL adjustment. It's got the features I need and not much else. But I only use it to tour and I prioritize weight, simplicity, and reliability over elasticity on my touring setups. When the snow is super firm I tend to slow down.

    Speed Turn is a proven classic, affordable, and you get the adjustable RV. Some users might find the fixed U spring of the MTN a no-go. I don't worry about the heel top plate exploding like the Speed Radical. I've broken 2 Speed Rad heels before the recall thing which kinda turned me off on them. I prefer the heel risers and delta on the MTN to those of the Turn. Of course you can put a shim under the toe to lower the delta on the Turn.
    This matches my experience exactly; I've gone to the MTN/Backland Tour on all my light skis. 298 grams with screws, 8.5mm ramp, super simple in concept and operation, 30mm of heel adjustment, no top plate held on by tiny screws. Haven't used any of the others personally.

  14. #14
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    At this weight class as others have said, Speed Turn / MTN are the clear winners to me anyway.

    Down a weight class, a lot of options... the Plum Oazo at 200g looks absolutely perfect to me (4-10 RV, flat mode, 2 race-flap-style risers, 20mm track, etc) but I'll wait a year before trying it...

  15. #15
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    Oizo is 4/10 lateral but fixed 8 vertical and they don't make other "U" pieces for other values.
    ATK SRL Release is lighter, adjustable laterally and they make different "U" (4/6/8/10). But only one riser.
    If you want to go a bit heavier the new ATK Crest looks nice (10 DIN, 280g INCLUDING stoppers + heel elasticity, 30mm track). But 1st year product.
    Or the ATK Haute Route, same weight as the Oazo including the pate, adjustable laterally and vertically (DIN 10).

    Not sure about US availability though.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatsupdoc View Post
    Of course you can put a shim under the toe to lower the delta on the Turn.
    I've shimmed 10+ pairs of Turn 2.0 toes with DIY shims made from 3/8" HDPE sheet and use 21.5mm screws (available from Slidewright), works great

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by riff View Post
    Radical toes and kruezpiste SCTT heels. Amazing combo, but of course no frills.

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    Heel looks like our weighs 2 nickels. Nice

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeezerSteve View Post
    I've shimmed 10+ pairs of Turn 2.0 toes with DIY shims made from 3/8" HDPE sheet and use 21.5mm screws (available from Slidewright), works great
    Same but because Geezer has taught me well

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  19. #19
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    I would pick Sally MTN or Speed Turn 2.0 (with retrofitted top plate). IME, Speed Turns develop slop around 200+ days. And you have to* shim the toes, which adds weight. But they're a pretty tried and true design excepting that.

    If you don't need bsl adjustment (or if you cycle through skis faster than boots), drop a weight class to something that won't develop play. SSL 2.0 (can even go to and get SSL heels + Speed Rad toe if you want a burlier toe -- some reports of SSL 2.0 toes cracking near the screws) or BD Helio 145 (rebranded ATK SLR release [Edit: ATK Trofeo] ).

    *obviously it's not a strict requirement, but almost everyone I know prefers toes shimmed
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by riff View Post
    Radical toes and kruezpiste SCTT heels. Amazing combo, but of course no frills.

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    good combo for sure

  21. #21
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    I'm just being picky but the BD 145 looks like a Trofeo not a SLR Release ;-) The lateral adjustment is via a change of spring, on the slr release it's adjustable without changing anything (with a screwdriver).

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuntmanbo View Post
    I'm just being picky but the BD 145 looks like a Trofeo not a SLR Release ;-) The lateral adjustment is via a change of spring, on the slr release it's adjustable without changing anything (with a screwdriver).
    Ah, you're correct. I guess I just wished it was an SLR release -- lighter and more functional.
    "Alpine rock and steep, deep powder are what I seek, and I will always find solace there." - Bean Bowers


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by auvgeek View Post
    IME, Speed Turns develop slop around 200+ days.
    What kind of slop? Piston bushings are $2 each from and take 2 minutes to replace. IME, slop between the 2-hole heel pin flange usually results from poor maintenance, specifically failure to occasionally snug top plate screws. If play does develop there, it can be fixed with a duck tape shim.

  24. #24
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    MTN are the best tech binders I've ever used and ive been on tech bindings for over 10 years

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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeedashbo View Post
    MTN are the best tech binders I've ever used and ive been on tech bindings for over 10 years

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    Yes, i don't get the S
    hift idea.

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