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Thread: Is the Moment Bibby Tour the right ski for me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Is the Moment Bibby Tour the right ski for me?

    Hi all,

    Thanks in advance for reading. I'm trying to move to Seattle and want to get a touring setup. My current wider skis are 181 Kartel 108s and 184 Benchetlers; I'm 5'9 150lbs. I was just on a trip back home in AK and got to rip first tracks in 20-30' of wet snow one day on my Benchetlers and one day on my Kartels. Even though my Benchetlers are plenty long for someone my height, I was really surprised to actually like the Kartels more in these conditions. I believe that this is due to their stiffer flex - the Benchetlers felt a bit unstable in the nose in the wet snow.

    So I'm looking for a 110-116ish waist chargier twin tip touring ski. I know the Bibby is relatively stiff, which I think I'd appreciate in wetter PNW snow. I'm a little worried the turning radius will be a little long for tree skiing, since my Kartels are like 20m, but then again, I can weave those Kartels through tight AF Vermont trees, so PNW trees will feel like an alpine bowl. I'm not particularly interested in any of ON3P's touring options as they are all pretty heavy and directional. I do plan on landing switch a lot, and I spend all summer mountain running so I'm confident with my fitness and thus not looking for an uber light setup either.

    Would the 184 Moment Bibby Tour fit my profile? I will probably pair it with Shift bindings and Hawk Ultra XTD 120 boots. Are there any alternatives that I should consider?


    PS: I did searchbar a lot. All of the posts I found on the Bibby Tour were from almost a decade ago, and I can't help but feel that the market has changed since then.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Is the Moment Bibby Tour the right ski for me?

    Haven’t spent time on the Bibby Tour but I have spent a ton of time skiing the regular Bibby in both 184 and 190 in the PNW. Super easy to ski. I don’t find them burdensome at all in tight trees as they have a fair amount of tip and tail rocker. They will be more directional than your bentchetlers but it is definitely not an overly demanding ski.

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  3. #3
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    tahoe de chingao
    Ask around your local thread to see if you can get on someone's 190's. People talk up how chargy these skis are (and they are a ton of fun to ski fast in shit conditions), but they really are super manageable. I very seriously thought about buying bibby tour's this year - will have to wait a year - and I definitely wouldn't have gone shorter than 190 even for touring. The 190 is less thank 2kg iirc. FWIW I'm 5'10 and a strong 185

  4. #4
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    Is the Moment Bibby Tour the right ski for me?

    I bet you’d like the bibby tour. Or the standard bibby.

    Another competitor in that weight class is the black crows anima freebird, but I haven’t skied it. I think there’s a 182.

    On3P Billy Goat - My choice, but it’s heavy

    Steeple 116 184 would be great, but still heavy-ish.

    I’m biased toward a 182 or 187 praxis GPO (182 is similar length to a 184 bibby tour) but it’s a bit more directional than the other skis - not always bad when touring, but you should know it’s not a jib stick.

    Spendy, but the lithic cash definitely ticks the boxes.
    Last edited by SupreChicken; 03-23-2018 at 05:52 PM. Reason: Terrible first answer
    wait!!!! waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait...Wait!
    Zoolander wasn't a documentary?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Since I guess it's no longer a secret (or was it ever), Moment will be doing Moment Bibby Tour 108 this summer. On paper it's an absolute killer for me

  6. #6
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    i just came here to mention you shouldn't get hung up at all on turn radius with a pow ski. it will only have an effect on hardpack. in pow, there are numerous other factors which will have a bigger bearing on tight space performance than sidecut radius.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by HukuTa_KydecHuk View Post
    Since I guess it's no longer a secret (or was it ever), Moment will be doing Moment Bibby Tour 108 this summer. On paper it's an absolute killer for me
    Where did you hear / see this? I stopped by the moment factory last week to check out deathwish tours. I told the dude I was looking for a similar ski to the Bibby but more narrow waist for touring. No mention of this ski.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deranged Trout View Post
    Where did you hear / see this? I stopped by the moment factory last week to check out deathwish tours. I told the dude I was looking for a similar ski to the Bibby but more narrow waist for touring. No mention of this ski.
    The dude abides.....

  9. #9
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    Ugh. Sounds rad. Wish I had dough to buy skis at MSRP. Guess I'll wait till following year

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deranged Trout View Post
    Where did you hear / see this? I stopped by the moment factory last week to check out deathwish tours. I told the dude I was looking for a similar ski to the Bibby but more narrow waist for touring. No mention of this ski.
    I was discussing custom Bibbys by mail with guys from Moment as I wanted that dimension ski for a long time and they told me that with very high probability it will be a new ski in 18/19 line up. Just couple of hours ago they confirmed that ski on NS, check out Moment Bibbys 2018 thread

  11. #11
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    Thanks for the replies, all! Super helpful. Great to know that the Bibby/Bibby Tour should be turny enough for trees. I will have to check out the Bibby Tour 108's too. Anyone know of a place that still has the 184 Bibby Tour in stock? Seems like they're sold out everywhere . Might see how much a custom pair would be with white topsheets...

    The 2019 Bent Chetlers popped up on my radar too - they are like 1700g @120mm waist which is pretty ridiculous. Has anyone gotten to ski these yet?

  12. #12
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    tahoe de chingao
    Quote Originally Posted by skimanguydude View Post
    Might see how much a custom pair would be with white topsheets...
    You should ask about a quantity of 10, as well. Timing should be decent right now for a small group buy

  13. #13
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    Faction CT 4.0 might also be worth a look.
    "Alpine rock and steep, deep powder are what I seek, and I will always find solace there." - Bean Bowers


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sruffian View Post
    You should ask about a quantity of 10, as well. Timing should be decent right now for a small group buy
    I can give Moment a call. Is anyone interested? The Deathwish Tour top sheet is what I'm thinkin'

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by skimanguydude View Post
    I can give Moment a call. Is anyone interested? The Deathwish Tour top sheet is what I'm thinkin'
    I'm in, but what is the point if they will be available this august? They are not building them until end of season anyway.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by HukuTa_KydecHuk View Post
    I'm in, but what is the point if they will be available this august? They are not building them until end of season anyway.
    I inquired about this about a month ago and they recommended the Deathwish Tour topsheet. Price I was quoted was the standard custom ski price which was too expensive for me, but I'd for sure be in for a 184 Bibby Tour with a light topsheet at a more reasonable price.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by auvgeek View Post
    Faction CT 4.0 might also be worth a look.
    It's light no doubt. the 188 is 2000g on the nose.

  18. #18
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    Hi all,

    I called Moment and they said we'd need 12-15 pairs for a price decrease. I'm not sure what the price decrease would be. But, a whiter top sheet would run an extra $250 for one pair. I'm in no way convinced there is enough interest for 12-15 pairs unless they came mounted with Shift bindings, so I'm giving up on this.

    I'm not sure why companies like Moment and ON3P don't make their touring skis have lighter topsheets. In my mind, most people don't care too much about the topsheets, but for touring, some people have a strong preference towards white. You can still make a pretty white ski (19' Bent Chetlers, lookin at you), so why be stubborn about the graphic design? It's such an easy way for those companies to capture some more business, it's not like you have to redesign the ski.

  19. #19
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    I like white tops for touring but IMO, for every nerd you gain with white tops for snow shedding, you lose sales to a different nerd who's worried about losing his gear when he beaters.

  20. #20
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    I'd absolutely onboard for a pre-sale on a ~108 waist bibby tour. I couldn't care less what the top sheet looks like.

    If they are going to produce this ski for their lineup in 18/19, I'd assume ~$799 for the ski if you buy direct from Moment in November. What's the pre-order savings with delivery in August of 2018.......10% off?

  21. #21
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    Dec 2007
    The 108 sounds interesting. The meridian non tour is an awesome ski and my daily driver. If I wanted a ski in that dimension I think I would just get the meridian tours. With that being said I just got my hands on some Bibby Tours!

  22. #22
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    I’m also on board for pre-sale of a 190cm ~108 waist Bibby tour. I’d prefer a light-colored top sheet, but I could cope with whatever.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by walker View Post
    I’m also on board for pre-sale of a 190cm ~108 waist Bibby tour. I’d prefer a light-colored top sheet, but I could cope with whatever.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melee View Post
    I have a pair of zero G 108’s still in plastic that I bought over the summer on evo but I’m drooling over this announcement. I love my bibbys and I think I need to jump on this train the almost flat tail on the G’s is the only thing that I will miss. They will be mounted with Tectons as a travel ski hoping for big coulior’s and non stop trees

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellofin View Post
    I have a pair of zero G 108’s still in plastic that I bought over the summer on evo but I’m drooling over this announcement. I love my bibbys and I think I need to jump on this train the almost flat tail on the G’s is the only thing that I will miss. They will be mounted with Tectons as a travel ski hoping for big coulior’s and non stop trees
    Yeah, the 0G 108 is an amazing ski but has very minimal tail rocker and honestly not much tip rocker either. They're workable in pow at speed on open faces but not really that fun in deep, dense pow, yo-yo'ing trees, etc.

    Tectons on the Wildcat Tour 108 (or 187 MVP) would be a sweet setup if you're into tail rocker or want something more soft-snow specific. I own the 0G 108 (with SSL 2.0) and I've been thinking about getting rid of them and picking up one a Wildcat Tour or MVP with Tecton. Frankly, I don't ski enough to justify it, but I could see owning both for sure.

    Melee: Just FYI, I think the weights on the website might be off. The copy says the Wildcat 108 tour is "almost a pound lighter" than the Wildcat 118 tour but the weight specs (updated yesterday) indicate the 118 is actually lighter. Just thought you'd want to know.
    "Alpine rock and steep, deep powder are what I seek, and I will always find solace there." - Bean Bowers


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