eBay sucks...back up for sale!
If you can’t get $200 on eBay, you’re definitely not going to rob anyone here for that price.
$140 shipped?
175 shipped. i'm looking for a pair of these.
I demoed the TECH TALK JONG! pro model this spring and their performance was unparalleled which is good because I ski in a wedge most of the time - bendtheski, 2011
not the case. Was supposed to get 220 on eBay but the guy never sent payment. PM's being sent now
Pretty bindings.
I just did not think anyone here would buy anything from someone with 8 posts.
are the 8 posts all gear swap?
Own your fail. ~Jer~
I'd buy from him. After he posts some pics of his gf's tits.
No need to be leary with paypal. Make sure you pay for goods & services, not friends and family.
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Bindings are sold. Not that it matters at this point but for all the doubters, I'm more of a newschoolers guy thats all. No gf tit pics this time, sorry gents
If people are still looking for new FKS bindings, here are some 180s in Boise. https://boise.craigslist.org/spo/d/r...368956252.html I am not affiliated with the seller, I just cruise CL too much.
I think I beat you too it
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