Welcome... Back!
The last two winters have been good and exceptional, respectively. The drought years are a fading memory. This year is still unknown. But weather is always up in the air (ha!). So, we need to be there for each other. If it's not snowing, someone is having fun somewhere or wants to blast resort management after waiting hours in traffic for a mountain that is rained out. We are all subject to powerful men's choices but we have the power of many if we only band together. So lift each other up. Post that hilarious vid of your buddy crashing, but buy him a beer afterwards. If it is snowing, we all deepen our enjoyment by building excitement and sharing joy afterward. So let's face whatever this winter has for us as a community. Bring on the snowflakes!
Get good karma:
Keep Squaw True Development affects us all. Help shape it in accordance with local values, not bureaucrats and investors from out of the area.
Tahoe Backcountry Alliance Collective action so that the Powers That Be can hear backcountry users speaking up about winter access.
One Reno Mount Rose Anti-colonial kickstarter working to keep Mt Rose ski area local and responsive to skiers. Volunteers needed!
Support Mag Projects First:
Unofficial Alpine ~gone2alpine~
About Lake Tahoe ~powdork~
powdork.com ~powdork~
Match Stick Productions ~huckasoreass~
Liftopia ~Evmo~
Powdiction ~321~
Snow Bunny Ski Freak ~Jim S~
Slay The Gnar ~Skier666~
Powder Happy ~Ottime~
The Gnoll Credo A novel by Spats ~Spats~
Patch Skiing ~Vets~
Food/Treat Map One stop shopping! ~Consigliere~
Arcade Apparel ~Alkasquawlik~
PM Gear ~splat~
CA East Side BC Thread ~213~
Eastern Sierras ~DrPete
Sonora Pass Thread ~mikey b
Just like last year, if you have suggestions, links, find bugs, or random thoughts let it flow. Hopefully this can become a useful tool that will only get better next year!
08/09 Tahoe Thread
09/10 Tahoe Thread
10/11 Tahoe Thread
11/12 Tahoe Thread
13/14 Tahoe Thread
14/15 Thread
15/16 Thread
16/17 Thread
*** Those who are interested can pour over the maps below, or you can get the NOAA Radio version of the weather forecast while you pinch your morning loaf! *** ~guermo~
Thanks Guys!