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Thread: Bryce Canyon Camping

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Bryce Canyon Camping

    Hey -

    I'm hauling the young family down to Bryce Canyon NP for a couple days of day hiking and car camping over the upcoming long weekend.

    Does anyone know what the scoop is with the NPS campgrounds? Am I going to be shit out of luck rolling up at 9 AM on Saturday and getting a tent site? If so, what should my backup plan be? We are car camping with a large-footprint tent. Proximity to the park is good, potable water on site is better, the opportunity for a hot shower is best. There are two children in diapers, so I'm just trying to mitigate the suck and enjoy some mellow day hikes, not maximize the gnar.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    On another tangent.
    IIRC Rt 12 before and after the Bryce turn has several options. The western stretch was interesting and maybe Red Canyon would be worth stopping at first.
    Best regards, Terry
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpinord View Post
    IIRC Rt 12 before and after the Bryce turn has several options. The western stretch was interesting and maybe Red Canyon would be worth stopping at first.
    Thanks. Looks like USFS has options at Red Canyon, though also on a first-come basis

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ventura Highway in the Sunshine
    I haven't been there in years, but there are some good hiking options 9especially with rugrats) from the bottom up in Bryce Cyn. Nearly everybody hikes top down and it can be a shit show. Can't remember if there are campgrounds there, or just picnic areas.

    I agree it is a constitutional right for Americans to be assholes...its just too bad that so many take the opportunity...

  5. #5
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    There is a hosted NFS campground on the west side of Tropic Reservoir, about 10 miles from the entrance to Bryce. It's called Kings Creek; it has water and flush toilet bathrooms, maybe showers. Its been ages since I used it but I remember it was nicely shaded with plentiful firewood and there were jeep roads and single track trails leading out of it that led to some zones similar to what Bryce has. There are a couple canyons leading down to the reservoir that have small versions of Bryce's rock formations but a big difference is they aren't in a park so you are free to hike and bike around in them. Don't have to stick to a mandatory trail and definitely no tourists around over there.
    Last edited by neckdeep; 09-01-2017 at 11:41 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    outer spokanistan
    bump ....

    we are planning a trip to SO.UT. mid-April.
    Zion, Bryce, GSENM?

    main goal is hiking and backpacking.
    any significant differences that would favor one over the other two?
    I see some designated camping in Zion is already full with another res. window opening tomorrow morning. GSENM no res. required.

    never been so any useful info appreciated

    "we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up"
    mike tyson

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    On another tangent.
    Quote Originally Posted by romeo tango View Post
    bump ....

    we are planning a trip to SO.UT. mid-April.
    Zion, Bryce, GSENM?

    main goal is hiking and backpacking.
    any significant differences that would favor one over the other two?
    I see some designated camping in Zion is already full with another res. window opening tomorrow morning. GSENM no res. required.

    never been so any useful info appreciated.
    It's all good, but Zion can be nuts if you want to get away a bit. Good backpacking and hiking....but.....

    GSENM is vast and offers LOTS of options. You can camp there and do a day trip to hike through Bryce.
    Best regards, Terry
    (Direct Contact is best vs PMs)
    Ski, Snowboard & Tools, Wax and Wares
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    my opinion is if your planning a backpacking trip GSENM. I would look at the waterpocket fold for longer trips. shorter trip something around Hall's Creek. Death Hollow is still on my list but April maybe still snow. Not sure about April for Dark Canyon float out to Hite. But if anyone is interested could use someone to shuttle with. I will not go back to Zion again till there is another government shutdown. Bryce is the only pace I have been that I think should not be a National Park.
    I was amazed to see this at Bryce.
    Last edited by BFD; 01-02-2025 at 06:33 PM.
    off your knees Louie

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Greater Drictor Wydaho
    FYI Zion is so overcrowded that you have to do a lottery to get a permit to hike Angel's Landing. That's just sad.

  10. #10
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    Zion can be nuts at any time now, I guess. IME the camping in Zion NP is pretty crowded together. The campgrounds in Zion are in the valley and at Bryce NP are up on the rim, so in mid-April it could be warm in Zion and cold on the rim at Bryce (but perhaps less crowded?) If you want a designated CG that might be a little less overrun, could look at Kodachrome Basin state park.

  11. #11
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    If you want to backpack and conclude that zion/bryce and the like are gonna be busier than you want, check out the Hayduke trail. I just spent a few days over new year's checking out sections through the needles. Blown away and definitely going back for more in the spring.

  12. #12
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    Jupiterhikes just documented his entire through hike of it.
    Is it radix panax notoginseng? - splat
    This is like hanging yourself but the rope breaks. - DTM
    Dude Listen to mtm. He's a marriage counselor at burning man. - subtle plague

  13. #13
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    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by romeo tango View Post
    bump ....

    we are planning a trip to SO.UT. mid-April.
    Zion, Bryce, GSENM?

    main goal is hiking and backpacking.
    any significant differences that would favor one over the other two?
    I see some designated camping in Zion is already full with another res. window opening tomorrow morning. GSENM no res. required.

    never been so any useful info appreciated

    still a bit too early for high-desert season, your recreational options will be very limited. - tail end of seasonal road and trail and campground/site closures, unpredictable weather, snow (above avg snowpack), lingering snow/mud (below avg snowpack), frigid af canyon creek water/ice, etc... high dez would be areas Bryce np, Cedar Breaks nm, Zion/Kolob np,

    however, it'll be prime time for low-desert season action. plenty of options - GNESNM (HITRR), Paria-Vermillion Cliff Wilderness, San Rafael - Eastern Reef, Trachyte Creek zone/North Wash, Robbers Roost Country

    as far as backpacking goes, whats your group's ability level? any kids, all adults? time frame, you want overnighters or multi-day tripping? technical or non-technical?
    style matters...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    outer spokanistan
    thanks for the feedback everyone, it was helpful

    we don't have much flexibility for dates. arriving April 22 for 10 days. we will keep an eye on the weather. splitting the camping between Kodachrome Basin and Petrified Forest SP. run day trips and overnights from there. I'm more interested in hiking slot canyons, any backpacking will be short loops or out-and-back, 2-3 nights, leaving that to the GF

    thanks again, maybe see you out there?

    "we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up"
    mike tyson

  15. #15
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    Apr 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by romeo tango View Post
    thanks for the feedback everyone, it was helpful

    we don't have much flexibility for dates. arriving April 22 for 10 days. we will keep an eye on the weather. splitting the camping between Kodachrome Basin and Petrified Forest SP. run day trips and overnights from there. I'm more interested in hiking slot canyons, any backpacking will be short loops or out-and-back, 2-3 nights, leaving that to the GF

    thanks again, maybe see you out there?

    Most stuff around there will be dry in April/May and the weather should be great, your timing is good.

  16. #16
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    Apr 2004
    Not an expert on the area. I thought Bull Valley gorge was a good shorter hike. You could probably ride a bike there from kodachrome.
    off your knees Louie

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    outer spokanistan
    thanks BFD, that looks good.
    "we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up"
    mike tyson

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Little Wildhorse Canyon and Goblin Valley are pretty coolMight be a bit of a drive but I feel like I'm always enduring long times in the car regardless when driving around UT or parks in general.If I had 10 days, seems worth it to go a few hours to see the San Rafael Swell, it's super cool

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