Hello and welcome to our new segment titled, "This Week in Canada".
This week in Canada, Police remove angry beaver that stopped traffic in Barrie, Ont.
Hello and welcome to our new segment titled, "This Week in Canada".
This week in Canada, Police remove angry beaver that stopped traffic in Barrie, Ont.
I hope those cops weren't too hard on the beaver.
This Week in Canada...
Free Meatloaf in Toronto, Ontario.
This has potential, but will likely fall far short of the gold standard of Today in Florida...
I still call it The Jake.
Angry Beaver....soooo much potential with that title.
how about the BC election ? The green party will almost certainly be holding the balance of power
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Well it's not Canada but the Massachusetts State Police llassoed a llama on the highway this week. Kinda surprised they didn't just shoot it. You know, to save it.
Who would of thought the Green Party would have this much power with only 3 seats.
Andrew Weaver is impressive.
Hope he does a good job and makes a difference. Go Green
Meanwhile in America.
Note the surprise dandelion toward the end.
This Week in Canada,
In eastern Ontario Fred and Pebbles Flintstone put lien on 75 year old woman's van.
i don't think the greens hold that much power anywhere in NA so looking at the voting pattern this is unprecedented , I thot greens were splitting the NDP ( left ish) vote but GF the recovering journalist claims the greens stole those votes from the liberals (right wing/conservative, yeah i know its backwards ) in any case it gona take 2 more weeks to count all the absenteee ballots and its gona be pretty fucking interesting
IMO the big problem with Christy is that she quit showing the good cleavage in the last few years
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
I had to do some research on this christy clark cleavage for the sake of US - BC (not regular Canada) relations. I think relations will be just great!
Bunny Don't Surf
Have you seen a one armed man around here?
All I want to know is what's happening in Letterkenny ON but for some reason that's difficult to accomplish.
"Did the Greens split the vote with the NDP? Or did they cost the Liberals a majority? We crunched the numbers"
Interesting analysis ^^ they are saying disaffected conservatives voted Green
as for why Christy Clark has been covering up her tits ...who can say?
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
This Week in Canada,...
Child accidentally dials 911 and busts his parents grow op.
And right before legalisation too...
Those are some sexy hotwheels
I wonder if she has a Hungry Beaver