Kinda surprised that this thread hasn't been started on its own (I know folks post about Amazon recs on the Netflix Instaview thread, but why?)
Recently signed up for the free trial at Amazon. I wasn't particularly thrilled by their catalog at first, but once I started digging I began to find some gems. They have a pretty solid selection of spaghetti westerns and classic kung fu films, for example.
On the Spaghetti Western tip I'd give thumbs up to:
A strange, surreal, post-Summer of Love spaghetti western directed by noted Italian gore meister Lucio Fulci. This film is unlike any other spaghetti western you're likely to see (save for the exception of Alejandro Jodorowsky's Mexican head trip El Topo). There is bouncy, hippy-styled theme music, lots of gore, a crazy villain, revenge, redemption, cannibalism...the list goes on.
(the trailer does contain some spoilers, so watch at your own discretion)