I have been following the original CAST threads for a bit now and considering a setup for my new gear next winter. It seemed like it might be an ideal solution for my needs... then a pair of STH2 CAST plates came up on my local buy and sell board and I almost pulled the pin - wait, what's going on, they're not making them anymore, no parts available, hrrmmm???
Now I have seen the Instagram teaser for their new design, and I am more excited. It seems different enough that we should start a new thread, so here goes, let's see if this gets any traction!
I like what I see in that teaser, my only question is that it appears that there is no positive mechanism to lock the alpine toe into place. No problem while skiing, but what happens if you drop a ski? What keeps the toe piece from falling off? It sounds from their website that there is some sort of lock, perhaps it's just not in that prototype.
Would also love to know if there are plans for bindings other than Look/Rossi?
Features as listed at their website home page as of today:
[edit]adding "Pivot Freetour" to make it easier to search[/edit]-The heel piece has integrated climbing bails at 8 and 12.5 degrees with a flat mode.
-A step down, auto-lock brake retainer for tour mode, activated using a single switch.
-Both the tech toe and the alpine pivot toe auto-lock onto four shoulder bolts. The tech toe has a secondary lock mechanism when stepped into with a boot. This secondary lock creates zero play and reduces stress on the primary lock while touring, increasing hardware longevity.
-The tech and alpine toes are released with a low profile slider switch.
-All of the performance and safety of the LOOK Pivot bindings. We offer both an alpine ISO 5355 standard AFD and a WTR AFD that are easily interchanged without tools using a quick clip mechanism.
-Ski crampon clip integrated into the tech toe.