Acquaintance of mine who used to own/run an LBS now runs an eBay bike business, presume mostly w NOS or other unique items. His IG routinely is hilarious on this point w people not reading the listing and being dicks about it.
Another LBS got dinged at 1-star when presumably he called said shop and asked if they could work on some kind of Amazon Emile and he said no.
PS - collarbone ortho surgery consult, they want to hold off on surgery surprisingly. Reevaluate next week and have second opinion scheduled tomorrow.
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I was reading a great bike shop review last night - Guy goes to bike shop, asks for help putting on trunk bike carrier be bought somewhere else. Employee helps guy out, guy uses rack for a few weeks and notices it dented his trunk and leaves nasty review for bike shop about rack, owner fires back:
YOU damaged YOUR car with YOUR rack? sounds frustrating....yeesh. May be something you should consult with the retailer that sold you the rack? No? Or, you could get all "disgruntled English teacher" on us and write a review to showcase your talent.
Remember, always take out your frustrations on a small business. That's the answer.
You just need to ride your bike more. Try it! It's fun and healthy! Plus, a great way to work off some stress...... Or, you could go around and leave bad reviews on local bike shops Google pages. Yes, we saw where you've now done this to others in town, several others.
When life gives you haters, make haterade.
I’d tell your Doc you want the surgery, or tell that to the next Doc. Fuck waiting for it to heal in pain. Shit feels so much better after surgery, heals faster, anatomically aligned, etc. Do it. Sorry about your c-bone, that shit sucks.
Between you and SoVTJoey nearly cutting his thumb off, VT Mags are havin a rough run.
Last edited by beaterdit; 09-09-2024 at 09:46 PM.
There's nothing better than sliding down snow, flying through the air
IMO yes. Done both, the first was minimally displaced and they wanted to take the conservative approach. Until I sneezed and it overlapped itself. The second one was obliterated and needed surgery ASAP. Both felt better after surgery and immediately had more function. Healed up fast with no movement. I feel like it’s especially an advantage as we get older and heal slower. I’ve never healed one without surgery but I’ve seen the results and have a few friends with poor alignment or big lumps that wish they got it fixed.
There's nothing better than sliding down snow, flying through the air
I was riding mellow at five weeks after my first, full on at seven weeks after my 2nd, much worse break. I was stoked because that was a Squamish trip I had planned.
There's nothing better than sliding down snow, flying through the air
Surgery scheduled to plate it on Friday. My Dr is sports medical director for Phillies MLB, so certainly has the resume. The surgery just seems like a much more stable and straightforward recovery path vs variables of maybe it heals on its own.
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Leaky chain lube bottles. Dumonde Lite arrived with ~1/5 of the contents spilled into the packaging. Guess I'll have to find a pin or something to plug it up.
Current order from Germany is going through LAX! That place seems like a black hole for customs. My last order that went through LA sat for about 6 weeks. I’ve had great luck with stuff going through Detroit and east coast locations.
1977 was 47 years ago yet we keep on studying. And if there are all ready 2700 miles of roads, by very definition the area does not meet Wilderness standards.No lands in the Gallatin Range are permanently protected from development, roads, mining, logging, power lines. To continue to provide clean air and water, homes for wildlife, scenic beauty, quiet, and solitude they need protection by the only permanent and effective method, federal Wilderness designation.
In 1977, the 155,000 acre HPBH Wilderness Study Area (WSA) was created by Congress along the Gallatin Range from Hyalite Reservoir to Yellowstone National Park, in the hopes that it would soon become formal Wilderness. Unfortunately, legislators did not follow through and the USFS failed to manage the land as intended.
Recently, the Gallatin Forest Partnership proposed the Greater Yellowstone Conservation and Recreation Act (GYCRA). Do not be fooled by this proposal. It is essentially a mountain biking promotion act. Mountain bikes, being machines, are not allowed in Wilderness Areas. GYCRA proposes only 102,000 acres of Wilderness in the Gallatin Range including only 85,587 acres of the 155,000 acre WSA. It sets aside 126,000 acres for mountain biking and mechanized recreation. This hardly qualifies as protection for wild lands.
About 48,000 acres of the Gallatin Range are already laced with over 2,700 miles of roads, the distance from Bozeman to Oaxaca, Mexico. GYCRA fails to protect areas important for wildlife. The Buffalo Horn-Porcupine region is prime habitat for elk, grizzly bears, wolves, bighorn sheep and wolverines. The West Pine region offers a very important wildlife migration corridor.
The GYCRA is a selfish, short-sighted, arrogant proposal that ignores history and capitalizes on the failures of the Forest Service to manage recreation on these lands in accordance with the WSA law.
I remember the Gallatin Range before mountain bikes and dirt bikes arrived and still cherish the memory of quiet, solitude, little-used trails, and abundant wildlife. These can be restored with a better Wilderness proposal.
Noreen Breeding
I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
Not to be that guy, but part of the Gallatin Range is in YNP.No lands in the Gallatin Range are permanently protected
I’d love to have a discussion about Wilderness with one of these folks and point out that the whole concept fundamentally depends on indigenous erasure. Uncommon Ground came out nearly 30 years ago, but I doubt many of these serious thinkers have read it.
Most of these are really oldsters who are pissed that anyone would dare compromise and they will hang on to WSA protections until they are buried. It is long past time to put a end by date on WSAs, reach a consensus and move the fuck on.
I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
I’ve run into our dear friend Noreen out on the trails years ago. Bitch be crazy.
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Not to be THAT GUY, but this seems particularly unlikely given the buffalo soldiers of 1897:
Post surgery, Dr said it was a pretty bad break but should be all sorted. Follow up 9/24. In the meantime opted for a nerve block so I can stay off heavy stuff, currently can’t feel a damn thing. Glad I didn’t screw around and got it fixed day 7 post crash. Will get on PT seriously, plus trainer and leg blasters when cleared.
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I had the two plates removed removed from my right one because one was directly on top and bothered me. The Plate on the left is on the front and more tucked in, doesn't bother me. One of the many advantages of getting it fixed is you have a semi-functional limb with decent ROM right off the bat with no sling or brace. Once the nerve block wears off hahaha! I couldn't feel anything for like 36 hours!
Happy healing guys!
Jeezus the photo uploader still sucks.
There's nothing better than sliding down snow, flying through the air
Not a rant here, but cool as fuck.
And very interesting experiment.
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident