I'm not saying that it doesn't affect the experience, but you all have way too high of expectations for people making 35k a year.
I'm not saying that it doesn't affect the experience, but you all have way too high of expectations for people making 35k a year.
a positive attitude will not solve all of your problems, but it may annoy enough people to make it worth the effort
Formerly Rludes025
Playing devil's advocate: your friend could have taken 30 seconds to check the suspension settings before riding the bike, especially if he was considering buying it. Coming from someone who sets up a lot of demo bikes each year, I wouldn't assume the person who set your bike up did things exactly as you want.![]()
That’s been a big problem with wife getting bikes in Italy. This year I brought a bar/stem/gripss from her trail bike. Made a massive difference.
That shops and demo trucks should keep different length bars: 100% agree. Stock bars are cheap. Even cheaper relative to bike price.
That it takes 3 min to swap bars? 100% disagree. Maybe on a single speed with coaster brakes. But I did the swap 5 times in 2 weeks on 3 different bikes. Which means 10 separate stem/bar swaps because I had to put their shit back on when I was done. I can assure you that the average hack wrench takes more like 30-45 min. Brakes, shifter, dropper, computer. Wires tangled. Four different wrenches needed.
And …… FUCK headset routed cables. That made things harder and eliminated my ability to add/remove spacers. Fuck that.
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However many are in a shit ton.
With any luck they would have shifters and brakes that you have to remove the grips to get off, and glue on grips.
I am such an insensitive bastard that I can just ride whatever in whatever size and guess-ti-mate
Like I rode shop bro's L 5.5 and thot it felt long so I bought the medium and perfect eh
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
I will have you know i AM the anti-christ on a full power E-bike and i actualy bleed the whole brake, so while I can see taking bars/ pedals/ seat for a bike I will ride for a week, on a demo I can just hallucinate a properly sized riding experiance, but considering the huge $$$$$ shop bro is makingthey he her should really try to adjust what he can but also the end loser can always ask ?
Last edited by XXX-er; 11-01-2024 at 12:42 PM.
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Time it, and report back? Maybe I’ll do the same. I’m sure we’ll meet somewhere in the middle since all memories are an exaggerated version of how awesome or terrible we think our performance was.
Just make sure when you do it, it’s outside without a stand, it’s 90F and humid as fuck, the brakes, shifter, dropper lever are different from what you usually run. Know that you’re delaying the days ride, or rushing to return the bike before the shop closes, or late to meet a friend for dinner, or your wife is standing impatiently next to you wondering why it’s taking so long and asking if she can help.
And make sure you count on getting the lever position wrong.
I’m doing pedal swaps at the same time. How long does it take you to flip flop pedals between 2 bikes? Assume the demo bike has plastic flats with a different Allen size than your pedals. But it might also have no Allen option and requires a pedal wrench. I’m talking about the time from laying the bike down, to digging tools out of your pack (or out of your rental car, or running back up to the hotel room) to pulling off 4 pedals and rethreading all four, and packing up tools again. I can do that pretty quick. But I’m pretty sure you’re going to say 30 sec and I think it’ll take you >5 min.
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However many are in a shit ton.
Hey now, you just described me and because cable actuation has proven to be so unreliable over the past 100 years.While the industry is moving in the direction of more electronics and wireless, XXX-er is holding out for brakes that operate by smoke signals and shifting that is done by banging sticks together.
I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
It's a cold and rainy Saturday so I'll bite.
- put bike in the stand
- remove brake levers, shifters, dropper
- remove handlebar (leave grips on)
- stand around for 10 seconds acting like I'm putting that bar on the bench and grabbing a different one.
- reinstall bar
- reinstall brakes, shifter, dropper
- drop the bike out of the stand and adjust bar roll and lever position with the bike on level ground
Total time: 4 minutes, 23 seconds.
So I was off by a minute or so. I think I could get it down to 3 minutes if it was my job though. Especially if I used a drill to spin out the stem bolts.
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He did pedal it around the parking lot when we picked it up, but he's a fairly new rider and it probably didn't jump out at him. Given that they adjusted the pressures for his weight, I just assumed rebound would be set to something reasonable. Lesson learned to check over a demo a little closer next time.
People that don't clean their bikes before trying to sell them online.
Before i put my bikes online I lick them clean
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
“How many li_ii-ics…to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop”?
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
I only know a couple local stores fairly well. At those stores, the most junior employees are on the rental fleet. I could see that model repeating at shops across America?
They are mountain bikes and get ridden in the dirt but a rant does not have to make any sense as long as it makes sense to you
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
Built up a frame recently with internal brake routing so I had re-attach and bleed the brakes. First thing I do is take out of the pads, put them in a bag and set them aside.
Brakes get bled, pads go back in and of course they're contaminated. I don't even know how it happened.
At least the shop down the street had the right pads in stock.
I’m from the government and I’m here to help. Closing off almost all of the fun trails and in theory to be replaced w official trails, which are all but guaranteed to be horribly dull. Pretty sure this is the death of what was once a great little trail system. Odd how it never impacts what the old blue hair Karen hikers enjoy?! Fun bowl/jump line behind this fence, also per the plan looks like any of the fun blue-ish level trails days are limited.
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Last edited by VTskibum; 11-15-2024 at 09:11 AM.
That sucks. Condolences.
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