I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
I could have used an airhorn for those fucking Catholics
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
I have one of those 110db air horns, good idea!
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
It's absolutely insane you're allowed to fly these without a pilot's license from basically anywhere. Hopefully the FAA steps in to require pilot licensing and restrict TO/landing to airports. The ultralight regs these guys are exploiting were never intended to permit this kind of bullshit.
I had to google it but that is indeed insane that no licensing is required. Bizarre. It feels like an airborne version of the titan submarine for the not quite billionaire class
“rEgUlAtiOnS aRe fOr sNoWfLaKeS, mUh fReEdOmS!!!”
Forum Cross Pollinator, gratuitously strident
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!
I guess it's time for the yearly pedal swap.
Last edited by VTskibum; 09-26-2024 at 06:50 AM.
Well...rants worked
You Spoke, We Listened
Bronson C Carbon frame only available
We recently launched the Bronson with a feature that made a small but vocal group lose their frickin minds. We announced that at launch the Bronson CC frames (that’s 2 of 5 available kits) would come without derailleur cable ports and routing. Why? Because at the highest end there’s only wireless kits available so the ports were superfluous and added weight. But frame only buyers felt they were being excluded from the CC goodness because that would reduce their options for cable operated drivetrains. Well, we listened and we will be selling C Carbon frames aftermarket now, and these have the full cable routing for derailleurs. So if you like having the sickest frame and a cable operated drivetrain, you can get one
I would simply never buy the 4000 dollar bicycle frame from a huge mass manufacturer anyways so as to not have this problem.
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And the new Hightower. And I think the new Epic. But yeah, SC and Spesh
How much weight does one internal tube weigh? There’s still two tubes there for dropper and brake!
If they really wanted to save weight, they would ditch the storage compartment. I’m yelling at clouds. We know they only did it because SRAM and marketing.
I have one bike that came all axs. The shifting adjustment annoys me, but I'll get used to it. Just me being old and grumpy not being able to micro adjust on the fly...and the battery. But I will say the axs dropper is the balz. I dig that. It just works. And man I was probably the biggest complainer of the reverb several years ago.
It’s not the weight savings. It was one last thing to buy, manage, QC, etc… at the expense of loosing a handful of frame only sales….
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Best Skier on the Mountain
1992 - 2012
Squaw Valley, USA