Last edited by XXX-er; 09-04-2024 at 01:40 PM.
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
not really a rant I guess, but rode the park city P2P last weekend. Definitely a hard long day on the bike, but was stoked to get it in 10 hours. I bet I could do 9 if I really raced it but just took more of an adventure ride approach.
Wow some of you guys bring a lot of stuff with you on your vacations
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Sorry, wrong thread.
Fuck yellow jackets! They get super active late summer into fall around here. 2nd time I’ve stirred the bastards up and gotten stung in past few weeks while doing trail work.
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Well one-upped my own rant with washing out front tire at a little local bike park on a warm up lap w my kids. So dusty washed out front wheel on my low tread DJ tire and snapped my collarbone. Looking like surgery for repair and going to miss prime MTB season around here. Fuck
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Dude! Got a pic of the break? At least you have time to recover for ski season.
I haven’t seen pictures yet, they didn’t show me in ER.
Can easily feel the displacement and knew I did it almost immediately. Fortunately so far OTC pain control now.
Going to live vicariously through my daughters NICA racing this fall and get some walks/hikes in while she rides.
Should be good to go by thanksgiving maybe? Ski season will be fine, guess I’ll start my leg blasters early and basement trainer rides.
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Is it just me, or are people getting so fucking stupid they don't know how to sell shit anymore. My son has been looking around for a gravel bike the last few week, the first one were going to look at the guy was out of town for a few weeks.... The next bike was at the bike shop for a few days, the next one the guy's brother had the bike and he could get it with a few days notice.. Along with the normal ghosting going on... If your going to sell you shit don't put the ad up until it's in your hands, and don't put up a fucking ad the day before you go on vacation....Fucking idiots.
When life gives you haters, make haterade.
I've had a couple of great transactions recently via FB marketplace, which appears to have mostly replaced Craigslist. But plenty of people just don't reply at all or forgot that they even advertised something. People in general seem to be more socially inept than ever.
ride bikes, climb, ski, travel, cook, work to fund former, repeat.
I think back in the day when it cost money for advertising people were more careful but when its free who cares but yeah sellers that are hard to get to, poor descriptions of product yadayada I can barely resist the urge to give them shit but what would be the point
a local seller of stuff is a mom who is always around so she sells things for people on FB and takes a commission, i've bought stuff from her twice and she is really good to deal with
Last edited by XXX-er; 09-09-2024 at 09:27 AM.
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
On the flip side, I hate dealing with people that are looking to buy stuff that I've posted on line.
No, I'm not going to drive 30 minutes to meet up with someone so they can decide whether or not they want to buy this item for $25. And if I do agree to meet them somewhere, they better fucking show up on time. And if I posted an item for free, that means I want to get rid of it with minimal hassle, not spend an inordinate amount of time coordinating with someone to pick it up. It's sitting in my driveway; come get it.
I'm trying to keep worthwhile stuff out of the landfill, but dealing with people is barely worth it.
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A-fucking-men. I cannot believe the amount of effort it takes to literally give away quality parts/gear. When my wife was trying to get rid of baby stuff after our kid outgrew it, she said the flakiness/no-show factor went down when she started charging a tiny amount of money for stuff. Her theory was if it's free, people assume it's got no value, but as soon as you put even a small dollar amount on it, their perceived value is higher, so they're more likely to show up and claim their stuff.
^we’ve done that w junk we put curbside. With a free sign, it just sits. Change the sign to $5 or $10 and it’s gone by morning.
Shit's equally bad on the other side too. So many people think their junk is a goldmine...your used baby gear that's probably been vomited and pooped on is not worth 80% of retail value.
You make a reasonable offer (that's still above the price you see the same item listed for in nearby towns) on an item that's been sitting for a while and already shows a price cut.
"I'll give you $100 cash, can pick up today..."
You'll get the notification that they've read your message...and then silence. Not even a counter offer or a "no, the price is firm"
Then you look back a week later and they still haven't sold that shit. You look at their profile and they are clearly just dumping stuff that their kid has outgrown and they don't want to store anymore... Do you want to get rid of your crap or not?
Or try to get any info about the product...
"what version is it? Will it work with X?"
"I bought it 2 years ago"
I appreciate you don't want to do my legwork for me...but I can't tell which model it is from your shit pictures and telling me you bought it 2 years ago doesn't help if the manufacturer is still selling multiple versions today...can you at least tell me what YOU used it with so I can try to figure it out?
My kid just sold his clean medium carbon FSI Cannondale hardtail with Deore/XT he outgrew on it. He had it listed for $999, He was expecting to get ~$750 for it. Modern bike, all thru axles, modern geo, etc. 24lbs with fat Maxxis tires and pedals on it.
His favorite interaction after it had been up a few days:
"Will you take $500 for it?"
"I can do $800"
"That's too much, I know what bikes are worth. I'm overpaying at $500 but I need a bike"
He sold it a few days later for $800...
When life gives you haters, make haterade.
I do that to lowballers all the time, fuck those people. If the person want to come and look at my stuff and see what condition it is, then haggle, that's fine. I'm not debating anyone over texts or responding to people I think are lowballing dozens of people until they get what they want. Also, "cash today" is no incentive to take a low offer, I'm not a meth head.
Honestly I often don't care if it sells, and I'd rather donate my stuff than give annoying people a deal. Sometimes I sell items for less than the first lowball offer to someone who doesn't suck.
Obviously we both know the exact value of everything we buy/sell, so the above would never apply to you, ha. Just had to vent since you brought it up. I'm definetly not selling used baby stuff, I can say that.
In my opinion, offering you $100 for a item you have listed for $120 (and which usually sells for $80 or less if I were willing to drive further) is not a lowball, that's reasonable haggling(see sfotex's story).
Sure, if someone says "I'll give you $20 for it" maybe you can feel free to ignore them, but seems rant-worthy to just ignore someone who is making a good faith effort to buy your stuff...I might even still buy it if you say "no, price is firm at $120".
As for cash least when I'm selling crap, you picking it up today means I can remove the listing and not have to respond to more random people who will flake out or no-show)...that's a HUGE benefit for me. The cash component may not matter (although...not like I'm going to take a personal check), but you picking that shit up today does me a favor.
FWIW, said $120 baby shit is still for sale today at $120 having been listed for 2+ months now. Seller finally responded 10 days later and said "In talks, I'll let you know"...but at this point I've already met my needs for the much lower price of $50...
(Amusingly, seller is also the same seller from the "I bought it 2 years ago" wife messaged her about the same item and got the useless response. Who wife might have even paid the $120 if she'd gotten confirmation it was the right model)
I know people have other priorities than responding to messages...but this is the rant thread.
Also, that's why I still sell a lot of smaller things on ebay: I can set a 7 or 10 day auction and I know that at the end of that period, I can put it in a box and it will be gone.
If you're about to spend $500 on something and the description includes a word you don't understand, I don't know, maybe something like "superboost".
Don't you think you might want to ask what that word means before you purchase said item?!
2024 bikes still being spec’d with Reverb droppers (not axs)!