I still call it The Jake.
The bear tried, but the wolf was too nimble.
Otters (or muscrats?) in the yard? That's pretty cool.
It's not THAT terrible.
I live in New Rochelle right by the water.
Our co-op has a private beach which comes very handy every Summer.
I would love to move to Colorado, but my boyfriend's job's tying us down here.
Any change happens to his job, we are packing and heading out.
I think both my job (day and freelance) will keep me anywhere I go.
I might be the breadwinner for a while until he finds what he wants to do outside the city.
Some wildlife in Yellowstone from a couple of years back.
NW_Skier and a feathered friend St White Pass
Look close he's hiding because it's hunting season .
"When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
"I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
"THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
"I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno
^^ woah derr, mr meese
"When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
"I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
"THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
"I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno
the wurds
"When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
"I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
"THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
"I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno
Carlyle rools.
"When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
"I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
"THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
"I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno
No photos since I was driving with the family in mammoth. "Look kids, a bear!" Car in front of us drives into bear, bear rolls down the street like a bowling ball, gets up, shakes, cruises off apparently unhurt... that was a close one.
Just ring the fucking bell, you pansy.
Glad the bear lived.
Another animal I've never seen in person before.
lots of good stuff here
here's a moose that was living in our neighborhood
came around the corner on a dog walk and boom he was right across the creek from us
they recently relocated him though- he had lived here for a couple yrs but this fall started getting aggro with people's swingsets and hammocks
skid luxury
Can't say as how I blame him - hammocks are death traps.