Ran into a cougar this afternoon...
Bear in neighbors yard, wagon is his dog food bowl. Cat on power line in my pasture.
I still call it The Jake.
Came up behind this guy last week
Great Blue Heron from a couple of weekends ago.
Heron On Raft22 by Tim_NEK, on Flickr
Another heron from last fall:
Heron with Breakfast by Tim_NEK, on Flickr
Mating Black Bears in my back yard at dusk.
Two Bears by Tim_NEK, on Flickr
Big Bear by Tim_NEK, on Flickr
Running deer in the field behind my house from two winters ago. They are out there almost every evening just as the light gets to low to get a decent photo.
Aim for the chopping block. If you aim for the wood, you will have nothing. Aim past the wood, aim through the wood.
Belted Kingfishers need sponsors too?
A few from my "yard" over the last few weeks...
The Sheriff is near!
We get a lot of moose in our neighborhood from late April through Oct. The rut is starting now, and as soon as the snow flies, they'll all move to their winter grounds. It was a decent year for moose (a few less than the last couple of years). Unfortunately, we've lost at least 10+ due to vehicle strikes on the interstate this year.
Here's our latest sighting... Mom and baby in our front yard.
Wingspan of about 6 feet when it flew above me in a forest. Was not expecting something that big to fly near me, mainly because the forest canopy was thick. I was worrying more about the bear my dog just got done chasing at the time and flinched pretty good. Great Grey Owl.
A few from the local environs:
Lunch is served...
Saw this Grizzly sow and her two cubs on Togwotee pass in July on the way through.
These guys are always entertaining.
After my lame attempt at humor, I actually spotted a coyote last night traipsing across a fairway of the local muni. Too fleet afoot for my Iphone pic, but a pretty impressive sighting for these parts. Pro-tip: soak your Pro-V's in wolf urine before you play to prevent varmints from absconding with your balls.
It looks cold. You should have rescued it.
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.