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Thread: Maybe Moving to SLC area??

  1. #51
    Join Date
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    United States of Aburdistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Bromontana View Post
    Google says 37mins now from billies to Snowbeard. I used to have a condo in the same building. Because its on 700E, an 8 lane semi-divided road, the mileage isnt all that relevant.

    I live 37 blocks closer and it still takes me 6 mins less (31mins) to Snowbeard, roads I use just aren't as good.

    Kind of like Sandy, it can take 20 minutes just to sit through lights in Sandy going north or south in traffic. 700 east in the north end of the valley doesn't play games like that. 50mph on 700e, 75mph on 215, 50mph on 211. Bada bing.

    The point on LCC red snake fuckfest is valid, a big reason why I avoid LCC resorts and touring on pow days.

    If you expect these commute times on sunny saturdays after fresh snow make sure to bring some aspirin. Unless you're talking BCC, which is still tolerable.
    He said Alta, you are plugging in Snowbird....whatever I don't want to split hairs anymore but in his words "pretty reasonable" is when my bullshit meter went off. You aren't going anywhere as fast as you say when you hit red lights on 700e, get stuck behind one slow guy going 30-40 up LCC, hit a speedtrap at China Wall, etc. etc.

    say 45 minutes with no snow, no traffic and call it good. 35 minutes is reasonable when the star align.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    below the Broads Fork Twins
    Fair enough, not a big emotional attachment here. The fact I live so much closer but face a very similar commute just reinforces a quirk of this valley. The right roads and yer money.

    But yeah, I like to get up the hill about 10am or noon. Way late and properly stoned. Don't have any appetite to participate in the rat race. Not why I moved here.

    How long to go from slc to alta?

    Closer than any other major city + A quality hill. Minutiae all resides well below the main point of accessibility.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Sandy, Utah
    according to googles stupid maps website. I live 18.5 miles from Altas parking lot. I am in Sandy. I take wasatch blvd typically (googles preferred route as well). Google thinks it takes 49min door to door. Unless its a deep ass day, and I dont leave til after 8 (with 830 expected rd opening) it never takes me that long. I typically leave on a normal non pow average day at about 840. Arrive in atlas lot typically around 9:05-9:10. Time to boot up, walk in and maybe take a leak and hop on a lift. I will say one idiot going exactly the speed limit on Wasatch can cost me a few min overall some days, but still nowhere near 49min (avg day). Note to anyone travelling Wasatch from 1700E area on the regular. There are a couple traps on that road. I'd stick to no more than 5-7mph over.

  4. #54
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by muted View Post
    He said Alta, you are plugging in Snowbird....whatever I don't want to split hairs anymore but in his words "pretty reasonable" is when my bullshit meter went off. You aren't going anywhere as fast as you say when you hit red lights on 700e, get stuck behind one slow guy going 30-40 up LCC, hit a speedtrap at China Wall, etc. etc.

    say 45 minutes with no snow, no traffic and call it good. 35 minutes is reasonable when the star align.
    Fair enough. I probably should have said "it normally takes me 35 minutes door to door when I go ski" which more often than not is a trailhead not all the way up at Alta/Solitude, and is normally either very early in the morning on a weekday when there is no traffic whatsoever or non-peak traffic times (10am or something) on the weekend. Like Bromontana I assiduously avoid the rat race.

  5. #55
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    Apr 2006
    ^^^today in LA on the 405. We were going 3-4 miles an hour for 30 minutes. Basically a parking lot. So you utards have nothing on this
    Name:  ImageUploadedByTGR Forums1467342492.150055.jpg
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    I need to go to Utah.
    Yeah, Utah. It's wedged in between Wyoming and Nevada. You've seen pictures of it, right?

    So after 15 years we finally made it to Utah.....

    Thanks BCSAR and POWMOW Ski Patrol for rescues

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  6. #56
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    Sandy by the front
    We ski Alta 100+ days per year, 13 miles door to door, takes 20 minutes on a normal day. Travel time on a powder day is not so much travel time but sitting in line waiting for the road to open. Of course if the UPD would uniformly enforce the the 4 X 4 / chains requirement things would go better. (frustrating to pass a Prius stuck half way up the canyon) Yes, LCC can be a PIA during the holidays and weekend powder days. Honestly, last season I would say we had the red snake about four or five days. On powder days it is far worse in the morning with everyone trying to get first turns. Often by early afternoon plenty of folks have left for the day. Yes, LCC can be a a tough slog down but in the final analysis I spend 20 minutes driving home 95% of the time. Hopefully next season I have to spend more time in the snarl which means more POW days.

  7. #57
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    Sandy, Utah
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdude2468 View Post
    We ski Alta 100+ days per year, 13 miles door to door, takes 20 minutes on a normal day. Travel time on a powder day is not so much travel time but sitting in line waiting for the road to open. Of course if the UPD would uniformly enforce the the 4 X 4 / chains requirement things would go better. (frustrating to pass a Prius stuck half way up the canyon) Yes, LCC can be a PIA during the holidays and weekend powder days. Honestly, last season I would say we had the red snake about four or five days. On powder days it is far worse in the morning with everyone trying to get first turns. Often by early afternoon plenty of folks have left for the day. Yes, LCC can be a a tough slog down but in the final analysis I spend 20 minutes driving home 95% of the time. Hopefully next season I have to spend more time in the snarl which means more POW days.
    We must live really close ha.... 14 miles from me according to googlez.....i never clocked it myself....cant be far off.

  8. #58
    Join Date
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    United States of Aburdistan
    Quote Originally Posted by whyturn View Post
    ^^^today in LA on the 405. We were going 3-4 miles an hour for 30 minutes. Basically a parking lot. So you utards have nothing on this
    Name:  ImageUploadedByTGR Forums1467342492.150055.jpg
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    We have nothing on LA traffic, true. But I've seen traffic backed up 6 miles from the mouth of LLC, and that's another 10 miles to Alta from there. We've had a few days in a row this season where it has taken 2-3 hours to get down from Alta, to the base of LLC. So "3-4 miles an hour for 30 minutes" is pretty fast comparably. Only LA peeps come here and think "At least it's not LA!!!".

    I am psyched to hear they are charging for parking this season, I hope it helps.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    A LSD Steakhouse somewhere in the Wasatch
    i figure by skiing the bigger better canyon
    i ski at least 8 hours a season that the lemmins spend conga lining
    thats 20 days i could have spent sitting in line instead of skiing
    "When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
    "I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
    "THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
    "I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno

  10. #60
    Join Date
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    Sandy by the front
    Quote Originally Posted by Skidog View Post
    We must live really close ha.... 14 miles from me according to googlez.....i never clocked it myself....cant be far off.
    I can walk to Del Taco on 1300 East, open 24 hrs. Love walking through the drive up after hours.

  11. #61
    Join Date
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    Sandy by the front
    It is not going to help, bus service sucks. Lets see what the details are

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Getting closer to the big move Look forward to putting faces to names and some MTB and pow
    I need to go to Utah.
    Yeah, Utah. It's wedged in between Wyoming and Nevada. You've seen pictures of it, right?

    So after 15 years we finally made it to Utah.....

    Thanks BCSAR and POWMOW Ski Patrol for rescues

    8, 17, 13, 18, 16, 18, 20, 19, 16, 24, 32, 35

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  13. #63
    Join Date
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    Sandy, Utah
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdude2468 View Post
    I can walk to Del Taco on 1300 East, open 24 hrs. Love walking through the drive up after hours.
    we are close. I am at 1300E and 11400S roughly.

  14. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    So I am here in SLC for 48 hours on sight see, interview and hopefully lock down rental. If your around send a PM.
    I need to go to Utah.
    Yeah, Utah. It's wedged in between Wyoming and Nevada. You've seen pictures of it, right?

    So after 15 years we finally made it to Utah.....

    Thanks BCSAR and POWMOW Ski Patrol for rescues

    8, 17, 13, 18, 16, 18, 20, 19, 16, 24, 32, 35

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  15. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The bottom of LCC
    Not sure what you're looking for in terms of rental but I've got a pretty big basement that I'm about to list. I think we are about 10 miles from the bottom of LCC, pretty close to the mouth of the canyon. You can't walk to del taco but you could walk over to dibs house so bonus points for that.

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Classic. Looking for stand alone home with yard 2000 sq ft 4 bed
    But always wanted to meet dibs
    I need to go to Utah.
    Yeah, Utah. It's wedged in between Wyoming and Nevada. You've seen pictures of it, right?

    So after 15 years we finally made it to Utah.....

    Thanks BCSAR and POWMOW Ski Patrol for rescues

    8, 17, 13, 18, 16, 18, 20, 19, 16, 24, 32, 35

    2021/2022 (13/15)

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the shadow of the wasatch
    Quote Originally Posted by Skidog View Post
    we are close. I am at 1300E and 11400S roughly.
    We are closer 1000E and 11400S roughly. I can see Alta High from my house.

    WhyTurn good luck on the hunt !
    Bunny Don't Surf

    Have you seen a one armed man around here?

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Found one in Layton. At snowbasin Now.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Click image for larger version. 

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    30 minutes from house. Ring winter on
    I need to go to Utah.
    Yeah, Utah. It's wedged in between Wyoming and Nevada. You've seen pictures of it, right?

    So after 15 years we finally made it to Utah.....

    Thanks BCSAR and POWMOW Ski Patrol for rescues

    8, 17, 13, 18, 16, 18, 20, 19, 16, 24, 32, 35

    2021/2022 (13/15)

  19. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Sweet! Check out Antelope Island, it's rad (I think at least) to run / trail run / bike / etc

  20. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    A LSD Steakhouse somewhere in the Wasatch
    youre welcome to join our crew for neil young lawn seats tonight out at usanna
    preparty 4:20 at the crib
    pmed ya digits
    "When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
    "I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
    "THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
    "I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    BLUF: who wouldn't want to live within 45 minutes of 11,000' mountains with 500" of snow?
    I'll weigh in. At time this thread was started, wife and I were on our way to UT. Settled in about 15 February and never looked back. We live in Sugarhouse, which might be about as awesome as I can imagine. Access to Sugarhouse center means brewery, pizza, movie theater and the beloved Deseret Bookstore (oops). Not very Mormony around here. Super good access to Wasatch and Park City. We're torn about whether to stay here or buy a house in Sandy, Cottonwood Heights, etc. Want a newer, bigger house. That's not easy in the Sugarhouse Neigbhorhood. BUt the prevalence of heretics is very compelling.

    There are LOTS of normal people here. And lots of apostates who are looking to become normal.

    For context, we thought about moving to Seattle. A visit in July affirmed our decision. SLC was the better option due to weather, traffic and access to the fun stuff for which we moved in the first place.
    I demoed the TECH TALK JONG! pro model this spring and their performance was unparalleled which is good because I ski in a wedge most of the time - bendtheski, 2011

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Moved into Layton house last night. It's so quiet here vs our old place in LA. Still working on best solution for bugs by back door. Should be an hour from cottonwoods and basin/pow mow. Looking forward to the winter and local days. Down the street from sils and a smiths. Also a temple on corner but there just people too.
    I need to go to Utah.
    Yeah, Utah. It's wedged in between Wyoming and Nevada. You've seen pictures of it, right?

    So after 15 years we finally made it to Utah.....

    Thanks BCSAR and POWMOW Ski Patrol for rescues

    8, 17, 13, 18, 16, 18, 20, 19, 16, 24, 32, 35

    2021/2022 (13/15)

  23. #73
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in the brew room
    Quote Originally Posted by Skirotica View Post
    BLUF: who wouldn't want to live within 45 minutes of 11,000' mountains with 500" of snow?
    I'll weigh in. At time this thread was started, wife and I were on our way to UT. Settled in about 15 February and never looked back. We live in Sugarhouse, which might be about as awesome as I can imagine. Access to Sugarhouse center means brewery, pizza, movie theater and the beloved Deseret Bookstore (oops). Not very Mormony around here. Super good access to Wasatch and Park City. We're torn about whether to stay here or buy a house in Sandy, Cottonwood Heights, etc. Want a newer, bigger house. That's not easy in the Sugarhouse Neigbhorhood. BUt the prevalence of heretics is very compelling.

    There are LOTS of normal people here. And lots of apostates who are looking to become normal.

    For context, we thought about moving to Seattle. A visit in July affirmed our decision. SLC was the better option due to weather, traffic and access to the fun stuff for which we moved in the first place.
    house for sale on our cul de sac (sandy). always looking for like minded neighbors

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by criscam View Post
    house for sale on our cul de sac (sandy). always looking for like minded neighbors
    We're shopping. What's the street?
    I demoed the TECH TALK JONG! pro model this spring and their performance was unparalleled which is good because I ski in a wedge most of the time - bendtheski, 2011

  25. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    in the brew room
    Quote Originally Posted by Skirotica View Post
    We're shopping. What's the street?
    Carrington Ct

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