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Thread: The New Roolz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    The New Roolz

    Welcome to the TGR Forums. These forums have been around for over a decade and, prior to that, many OG posters gathered on Powder Magazine forums. They've been built on stoke - principally Trip Reports and photos of ski, bike and other trips to awesome places. There's also injury rehab advice, unbiased local conditions reporting, and completely random conversations about everything from home brewing beer to politics and building your own back deck. Post stoke, or offer up some sweet deals on gear, and it will be smooth sailing.

    Still, the TGR Forums are a bit more like the Wild West, and out here, folks tend to have their own language - the closest ascribed dialect is known as “sarcasm” - so you might want to have a thick skin. "JONG" is a term you may hear often around here and is just TGR Forum slang for when a newbie makes a newbie mistake, like posting a thread in the wrong place. Just a head’s up - don't take it personally...

    If this is your first time using an online forum, this is a good video to get you going (from a different forum, but you get the idea:

    1) Do not flame anyone's race, faith or sexual preferences
    2) No threats against other members
    3) Don't post someone else's email address, phone number, or physical address (or otherwise out their real identity)! We will delete it immediately and count it as a strike (more on that later)

    For violation of the rules, you will (usually) get three strikes before being banned completely:
    Strike 1: You’ll get a Private Message from a moderator with a warning after deleting the offending post
    Strike 2: A mod will ban you from posting in the forums for one week
    Strike 3: If, after being messaged by a moderator and then banned for a week, you still can’t get your act together, you’ll be banned from the forums completely.

    And we must mention a few special circumstances:
    -Accounts started for the purpose of posting predominantly in Political Asshattery will be banned. The PoliAss forum is for existing members to discuss politics, not for aliases/users to simply stir up shit and hide their identities while doing so.
    -Any new account that looks to the mod team to be an alias with an axe to grind, or that is just an asshole, will be banned. This and other situations may be banned immediately, with none of the 'strikes' afforded other posters.
    - Do not join the forums and immediately post advertisements to your outside company. You’ll quickly be banned. You can, of course, sell your own personal gear whenever you'd like to in the Gear Swap.
    - Don't threaten the president! If the Secret Service comes calling, we will give them all the information we can find about you. If we can figure out the Secret Service's email address, we might just send them all that info before they even ask.
    - We rely on the moderators for their judgment, whether everyone agrees with it or not.
    - The moderators always have the ability/right to ban someone with no warning if they feel it's the right thing to do

    Meet the Moderators:
    We have a few moderators on here (Art Shirk, ex-powderbroker, Danno (emeritus), BobMc, abraham, splat (emeritus), babybear (emeritus), and Flowing Alpy (AWOL)) who selflessly donate their time to guard the gates of forum stoke. They'll do their best to answer your housekeeping or editing questions if you ask them nicely through a Private Message.

    Keep in mind that our moderators have discretion over how to handle any situation pertaining to the above rules and strikes. Aside from these basic rules, here’s a few pointers to have the best initial experience possible:
    -Post your thread in the right place. There's a thread about that here. If you’re thinking about creating your first post (sell a pair of skis you have, look for feedback on equipment or a trip, etc.), research that topic beforehand. Chances are someone’s posted about it before.
    -Yes, we understand your opinion matters and you might or might not have strong convictions for your beliefs but, please, try to be more than just the insulting douchebag who has little to offer beyond condescending put downs. Humor, wit and intelligence carry the dialogue much further than repetitious childish remarks designed to simply irritate. Failure to adhere this most basic principle of forum interaction could land you a strike, if continued ad nauseam. That would leave you only two more strikes before it’s hasta la bye-bye. If your only intent in interacting on TGR is to stir shit, you will be escorted out of the forums and the gates will be locked.
    -While users have the ability to delete threads that they started, some threads take on a life of their own and become part of the community. Attempting to delete those threads as part of some hissy fit or "I'm out of here" statement could get you out of here faster than you expected.
    -If you are commenting on a thread about an avalanche incident in the Slide Zone, realize that while constructive criticism is not taboo in that specific part of the forums, post knowing that those who have lost loved ones may read your thoughts.

    Also please see our Terms of Use , Privacy Policy, and our FAQ for any additional.

    Thanks for joining the TGR Forums - keep the stoke alive!
    Last edited by Mod Team; 08-03-2023 at 11:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Hey look, we're becoming like AlpineZone!
    Quote Originally Posted by powder11 View Post
    if you have to resort to taking advice from the nitwits on this forum, then you're doomed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    A LSD Steakhouse somewhere in the Wasatch
    may i please have my posts from the last rules thread back
    they were not in violation of your silly rules
    censorship sucks
    and this place was built on a cornerstone of limited moderation
    not 3 cybernanny strikes and your out
    "When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
    "I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
    "THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
    "I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    What/who brought this on?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Move upside and let the man go through...

  6. #6
    Hugh Conway Guest
    I PM'd you and you never responded. Maybe because you had a nice front page piece coming out? Please delete all of my posts, and my login.

    This shit's stupid, childish, and will make TGR even more of a cliquish dump than it is. The bar none ghayest dumbest boards have strikes and demerits. TGR was fine when their fucking former employer and moderator posted my e-mail; everyone just jerked off over it. This shit's crap.

    -fuck all y'all

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I just hope no one posts "We Built This City".

    No personal attacks? Who defines a personal attack? There's loads of tasteless repartee, some of it really classless, but c'mon, that's awfully arbitrary.
    Merde De Glace On the Freak When Ski
    >>>200 cm Black Bamboo Sidewalled DPS Lotus 120 : Best Skis Ever <<<

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Wait, commonlaw does something other than complain about toxic poop spills?

  9. #9
    Hugh Conway Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Highmen View Post
    that's awfully arbitrary.
    that's the fucking point. it's arbitrary rules so they can weed out the "malfactors" that they don't want around because they believe - based on the ear's of all those core bro's and canvasing the "stoke producers" that that'll turn this place around. Because what'll be great is if it's just self-promotional circle jerkers spewing about how awesome they are because they got to huff hoji's farts on a skintrack and kiss the bindings.

    Same reason you dump "new rules" on a Friday evening, like you do bad news.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by abraham View Post
    Wait, commonlaw does something other than complain about toxic poop spills?
    I also advocate for sink-peeing whenever possible.

    It will business as usual around here. The only difference is you might get more notice before your bestiality obsessed, transsexual midget hating alias is nuked. Discretion always existed. There's no Gestapo.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    If this "discretion" is the better part of "valor", I'm pitying valor.
    Merde De Glace On the Freak When Ski
    >>>200 cm Black Bamboo Sidewalled DPS Lotus 120 : Best Skis Ever <<<

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    PS: wrong forum, JONG.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Highmen View Post
    I just hope no one posts "We Built This City".

    No personal attacks? Who defines a personal attack? There's loads of tasteless repartee, some of it really classless, but c'mon, that's awfully arbitrary.
    Fuck you you fucking fuck.
    Is it radix panax notoginseng? - splat
    This is like hanging yourself but the rope breaks. - DTM
    Dude Listen to mtm. He's a marriage counselor at burning man. - subtle plague

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by MakersTeleMark View Post
    Fuck you you fucking fuck.
    OK, the Starship wasn't all that bad. My apologies.
    Merde De Glace On the Freak When Ski
    >>>200 cm Black Bamboo Sidewalled DPS Lotus 120 : Best Skis Ever <<<

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Highmen View Post
    OK, the Starship wasn't all that bad. My apologies.
    I think under the new roolz we're supposed to kiss.
    Is it radix panax notoginseng? - splat
    This is like hanging yourself but the rope breaks. - DTM
    Dude Listen to mtm. He's a marriage counselor at burning man. - subtle plague

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Planning an exit
    Quote Originally Posted by MakersTeleMark View Post
    Fuck you you fucking fuck.
    Fuck you. You're a fucking snake charmer (religion) honky cracker (race). I bet you like sleeping with women you heterosexual (sexual preference) fuck.

    While you're banning me with your dumb ass rules go ahead and delete my account.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by concretejungle View Post
    Fuck you. You're a fucking snake charmer (religion) honky cracker (race). I bet you like sleeping with women you heterosexual (sexual preference) fuck.

    While you're banning me with your dumb ass rules go ahead and delete my account.
    And ship the account back to him at:

    Concrete Jungle
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, D.C. 20500

    You can also call him at (202) 456-1111, or email at
    Quote Originally Posted by powder11 View Post
    if you have to resort to taking advice from the nitwits on this forum, then you're doomed.

  18. #18
    Hugh Conway Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by commonlaw View Post
    I also advocate for sink-peeing whenever possible.

    It will business as usual around here. The only difference is you might get more notice before your bestiality obsessed, transsexual midget hating alias is nuked. Discretion always existed. There's no Gestapo.
    could you give yourself a strike for contemptuous behavior?

    of course it's not business as usual, which is why the rules changed. people - especially the constant self-promotional spewers - are pissed that some people are tired of their constant self-promotional spew. that isn't like it was, why would the audience be the same.

    just hire greg and be done with it. than keep all the paid-to-post spewers.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    because they got to huff hoji's farts on a skintrack and kiss the bindings.
    Thats fucking funny…

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hugh's right. It's a conspiracy.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by commonlaw View Post
    Hugh's right. It's a conspiracy.
    Careful. You might have to one strike yourself for that kind of talk.
    Quote Originally Posted by Downbound Train View Post
    And there will come a day when our ancestors look back...........

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Nigga. Please.
    Did the last unsatisfied fat soccer mom you took to your mom's basement call you a fascist? -irul&ublo
    Don't Taze me bro.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Planning an exit
    Quote Originally Posted by HansJob View Post
    Nigga. Please.
    Fuck off cracker.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    A LSD Steakhouse somewhere in the Wasatch
    cut from a similar jib if not somehow related
    ifin ya all exerted the same energies on the newz tgrz
    throwin down 4 a summit
    you wouldn't need to fix the homo mountaineers forum
    "When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
    "I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
    "THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
    "I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Splat's Garage
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Conway View Post
    I PM'd you and you never responded. Maybe because you had a nice front page piece coming out? Please delete all of my posts, and my login.

    This shit's stupid, childish, and will make TGR even more of a cliquish dump than it is. The bar none ghayest dumbest boards have strikes and demerits. TGR was fine when their fucking former employer and moderator posted my e-mail; everyone just jerked off over it. This shit's crap.

    -fuck all y'all
    Fuck you too! Fuck the Cock too. Dunfee can suck my ballz!!!

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