Wow that looks fun man! What a view.
Nice. Petes is an awesome climb. I still remember that step out onto the face after the traverse. Right between the 2nd and 3rd pics. Looking back over your shoulder and only seeing cascade lake below. Quite the exposure.
Nice! I finally tried a 10a at Rumney this weekend. Ended up leading through all the moves with only a few falls, just was too burned up to do a red point burn.
Really psyched on it as the line involved some hidden finger pocket beta that took a bit to suss out.
Haven't been posting much here because climbing has taken a second - or third - priority to being a dad, fly fishing, and hiking with the family. Got out to city of rocks for what must have been my third trip of the summer - I was just stoked to be able to still onsite 10a on gear, even if that is a super low bar.
some pics - one of me, and then my buddies, on various climbs over the weekend. good times!
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climbing with your mates,
in a beautiful spot with beautiful weather,
who needs a bar?
"we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up"
mike tyson
Didn't do any climbing but Yosemite sure is amazing. We did hike up El Cap from the valley floor and I went down to the rim and crawled on my belly to get a shot over the edge. I only climbed once in Yosemite BITD, which I kind of regret, but it sure is cool to hike around and look at all the legendary formations.
Im in brione for the autumn holidays. Best Rock in ticino. Which makes it top 5 Rock of any bouldering the World. Such fun Problems.
Checkibg out Team ABC 7C here. Best slopers I've touched outside of font.
Pic is by my professional 7 year old photog daughter so please don't complain. [emoji6]
Three Finger drag for the win [emoji3]
No this is not an intermediate.. you place your right heel with that and Rock up the arrette with the right hand.
It's a war of the mind and we're armed to the teeth.
She's got a great future ahead of her! And she didn't get squished trying to spot Dad.
Is it radix panax notoginseng? - splat
This is like hanging yourself but the rope breaks. - DTM
Dude Listen to mtm. He's a marriage counselor at burning man. - subtle plague
Finally did my last FA at my Punk rock bloc called Boy Sets fire.
Here I Fall at the move into the stand start.
This is the left exit stand start called Hot Water music. Did the sit a week ago. Today I did the right exit.
It's a war of the mind and we're armed to the teeth.
nice exit moves on HWM!
"we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up"
mike tyson
Looks great, love the many dimensions of a good broken chimney or dihedral.
Yeah that looks like a fun puzzle to figure out. Cool.
yeah, the trail of bolts helps a bit with that on this one, especially if it starts feeling like solid 11 instead of a warmup.
hope that the bonus days continue until it turns into real winter, been really nice out lately if it’s not going to be snowy
j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi
I thought this was fascinating, and
seeing TC, SH and Vince made me feel old ....
"we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up"
mike tyson
This is a cool story of climbers working with wildlife officers to rescue an elk near Lake City, CO: