Sweet! Can't decide if I want to ski or ride bikes tomorrow, any idea when they close NF-9? Looks like nice skiing up there.
I see BRUTAH got a new hat.
But still has the same stache.
You guys should road trip out here in a few weeks.
Can I contribute my NW montana pics here?
When were you up at T pass?
I was there this past Monday and it looked nothing like your photos (obviously).. but I did find good skiing above Revett Lake.
Road closes around thanksgiving weekend.
It's snowin' boys!
Just bought some skis, gonna drill em tomorrow, doa little lift served at Schwitzer Sunday. Supposed to dump Sunday morning
Schweitzer was great, yesterday. We skied Saturday and it was okay for being my first day on snow. However, it got a little boring. Then the snow started to fall.... 11" new between Saturday night and Sunday. Headwall, Near Stiles and the traverse over to Snagline were excellent. We skied the triple for a few runs to start with then migrated over.
Saw this note from Tom Eddy on Facebook so be careful if you're going up this week:
For anyone thinking about hiking Schweitzer on Monday, please be aware that we received 11" of snow that started out light and ended with some warming sitting on 1 meter + of some weak, unconsolidated snow. This means heavy slab over deep weak layer = potential for large avalanches. Please do not ski in areas not previously open this season. Please make sure you have the right equipment- beacon, shovel, probe, partner, brain. The parts of the mountain not opened yet are backcountry conditions. We have not looked at them let alone mitigated any hazard. Use your brains, it's a long season.
North Spokane Costco has discount tickets for Red, $99 for two includes discounts on lodging as well.
Schweitzer skied much better than I expected yesterday. Coverage is decent. There definitely is a crust off piste but it is highly skiable if you stay on the steeps and better yet in the already chopped up stuff. Groomers are good and not hard pack icy... beware of some surprise rollers and dips.
It's still frigid and 45 minutes of this doesn't help.
^^^ Oh man, that sucks. Great Escape?
Or...The Great Mistake as we tend to refer to it.
Wow. Stayed home with a cold in my head yesterday and kinda glad I didn't push my luck now that I see that.
On the Red note, if anybody's looking for a couple days of AST 1 course this weekend, Big Red Cats probably still has at least two spots open for a couple hundred bucks; Friday and Sunday class, and Red opens Saturday. Not affiliated in any way, just giving them a shout out because they were gracious enough to give my wife and myself a rain check for that class for an extreme hardship (no, not the head cold). That and it seems like a good deal after scouring the options; $209 Canadian with a cat ride seems like it might be good for keeping the group moving together.
Anyone going to Silver this Thursday. Headed up there myself. Should be good with the new snow and more on the way.
BTW $10 tix at Schweitzer on Friday, $20 on Saturday.
Hearing the backside opens tomorrow?
if anyone is interested in some exercise tomorrow morning let me know. looking for a morning skin, hopefully in a little fresh
Yeah, looks like the forecast changed. Oh well, should still be soft. I'm wearing TNF all black,"anti skittle", get up. 187 PM Gear Fats. Ugly gold frame smiths, no helmet. I am probably only skiing till 12 or so.
That will be a fuckin zoo, been there done that.BTW $10 tix at Schweitzer on Friday, $20 on Saturday.