Originally Posted by
shit that annoys...
- people who ask if they can ask a question.
To take this just one step further, I work with someone who slowly and emphatically, with a Jersey accent, says, "Leeeet me ask you a queeeeestioooon.... IIiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn your opiniiiiiiiooooooon..."
Drives me fucking nuts. As if what someone is going to say in response to your question is not their own fucking opinion you fucking pin-headed skank. She really is dumb as a brick. I got into a long discussion with her one day, and she literally didn't make one point, just rambled.
I heard her arguing with someone the other day, typical Jersey style, and all she did was call names. Didn't make any points, just "If you are going to be this small minded and arrogant, I feel sorry for you and everyone who knows you should be ashamed of what a complete asshole you are." Only to be followed by a storm out of the room, door slam, then came back out to make similar statements when she thought of something else to say, again making no points, just name calling.
"One season per year, the gods open the skies, and releases a white, fluffy, pillow on top of the most forbidding mountain landscapes, allowing people to travel over them with ease and relative abandonment of concern for safety. It's incredible."